[Downloadable] My Kylo Ren's Hilt 3D model

Re: My Kylo Ren's Hilt 3D model

As well as you have the right to post your belief I have mine, so don't freak out and, if you do, don't point at others as being guilty for you taking it personal. Have a good day and relax, it's just a forum, to discuss a prop, from a movie. See the point?

And yes, I like Jar-Jar.

I'm sorry for derailing the thread...

That's funny. I have the exact same sentiment towards you guys. You both seemed to me to be taking this personal and were freaking out over my offhand comment. Regardless, I have no ill will towards you guys so please don't think that. I just don't like it when people focus on things I posted that I consider unimportant instead of the main point I was trying to make.
Re: My Kylo Ren's Hilt 3D model

just my 2 cents no way this is a 3d print a cast of a cleaned up 3d print sure but not a direct print from any i've seen before no striations, no ridges nothing to say 3d print and the seam points hugely towards a cast

all that says is perhaps the saber was printed then cast for the exhibit the plaque says "3d Printed" not "3d Print" :)
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Re: My Kylo Ren's Hilt 3D model

That's a pretty awesome job ! I was going to take a shot at it myself, but I don't think I can do better. Or even as good. PM definitely incoming as I'd love to try to print that, once I get my printer back. That sketchfab site is dope too, I didn't even know there was such a thing.

Sketchfab is so cool and works on Mobile device (love that!) ;)

@levallois, There are a lot of people now making 3D models of this saber, mostly for 3D printing. Out of all of them, I noticed that yours is the only one with the bottom half of the handle, slightly offset from the top half, just like the prop that was on display at Celebration Anaheim 2015. In other words, in at least that one way, your render is more accurate than others when compared to that particular prop...
Tanks for that.

However, I personally believe that, like the drooping side blade emitters, this is a defect on that specific prop and does not represent the way the hero prop will be shown In Episode 7 (I also firmly believe that the prop at Celebration is indeed 3D printed and not a rubber cast as many have suggested, due to all the tiny plastic looking strands coming off of it in the close up photos. Rubber would not have that.). Just something to think about.

That is why I decided to make a "Symetric" and "Straight" Hilt Lightsaber here:

Edit :
I made a "3 parts" model, where you can see the 3 differents pieces for 3D printer.


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Re: My Kylo Ren's Hilt 3D model

Sorry for double posting :

Few rules before sharing my Kylo Ren Lightsaber Hilt to the RPF users :

  1. This (the 3d model) is a free model,
  2. You can
    • use it
    • modify it
    • and print it
  3. You may sell a physical copy of the saber for the exact amount you spent on making it, no benefits allowed on the sale.
  4. Please give credit whenever you share what you did with my model, using my name and/or sketchfab link.

Thanks for reading.

Download link on the folder picture →

Tell me if you want another kind of files, or if you have problems with the models.
Have Fun.


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Re: My Kylo Ren's Hilt 3D model

I found an Error of modeling on the right (left?) side emmiter , so I redo export for all kind of file.
(for the stl files, only Body_top will change)

In one hour it will be over.
Sorry about it.

I have a suggestion, would you like the belt clip apart ?
Re: My Kylo Ren's Hilt 3D model

That is why I decided to make a "Symetric" and "Straight" Hilt Lightsaber here:

Edit :
I made a "3 parts" model, where you can see the 3 differents pieces for 3D printer.

The top pic still shows the offset. I should have been more clear, it's a slight horizontal rotation offset on the vertical axis. The position of the pommel fins is what makes that offset stand out. However since you are making the top half of the handle and the bottom of the handle, separate pieces, one can adjust the rotation as they see fit, upon assembly.
I have dubt (again) concerning the rotation offset on vertical axis (like ou said) but not in the same direction.
I think The Celebration Model is just a copy of a copy (or something like that).It is not so pretty and finished as movie prop.

when looking at the Frist video trailer, the hilt seem to be perpendicular (tangent) to the belt.
Flv video extract Link

So somthing like this :

If the belt clip is not perpendicular,
The problem will be that the emmiter will go against your... buttocks.

May be 30° offset is to much

Edit 2 :

This is awesome!!!...looks great! Here's a link to some video I shot at C7! ... Hope it helps

I stabilized the video.
but, it to difficult to see more details.
Kylo Ren Lightsaber stabilized-backview.avi
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I have dubt (again) concerning the rotation offset on vertical axis (like ou said) but not in the same direction.
I think The Celebration Model is just a copy of a copy (or something like that).It is not so pretty and finished as movie prop.

when looking at the Frist video trailer, the hilt seem to be perpendicular (tangent) to the belt.
Flv video extract Link

So somthing like this :

If the belt clip is not perpendicular,
The problem will be that the emmiter will go against your... buttocks.

May be 30° offset is to much

Edit 2 :

I stabilized the video.
but, it to difficult to see more details.
Kylo Ren Lightsaber stabilized-backview.avi

That first pic in that post of yours is what I believe the actual hero prop should look like. I believe that the offset of the prop shown at Celebration 2015 is just a flaw of some kind.

Your second pic shows an offset that is more offset than the prop from Celebration 2015 is so yeah, I think 30 degrees is too much if going for the Celebration 2015 look.