The Wrestling Thread

There is a Wrestlemania Anthology and a Royal Rumble Anthology. I bought used ones on Ebay years ago. I watch from the 80's up to the early 90's. I've never even taken the DVD's of the newer Wrestlemania's and Royal Rumbles out the cases.

More love from Japan, because if you don't know who Kenta Kobashi is, you can't call yourself a wrestling fan.

Also wanted to give credit to not only the two wrestlers who got me back into wrestling, but also the match as well, in this great tribute video someone made.

And I completely forgot to mention the Joshi (Women's) wrestling when I was listing my favs. I know the western wrestling has the whole Diva thing, but... they're just so bad at what they do.

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Not that you'll really be able to see me...but if you see this shirt in the crowd at mania, you'll know who it is ;)
That video is great. On a different note, I was in Philly at the Rumble. The feeling in the crown when Bryan got eliminated was nuts. (just about) Everyone in that place was pissed, and at that second, we KNEW the outcome, even though it was obvious going into it. I think WWE's best bet would have been to keep Bryan out of the Rumble, keep him off tv until after the Rumble, and then bring him back, that way he wouldn't have been in contention, and people wouldn't have gotten their hopes up. I like Roman, I really do. But I honestly don't think he's ready yet. But in his defense, how will we know if he IS ready if he isn't given a shot. With the reactions he and Brock are getting, it may be a good idea to make Brock the babyface and Roman the heel going into Mania. People want to cheer Lesnar anyway, its hard to boo a guy who is legit. He doesn't need to cheat, he says he will beat some one, and then he does. Then later down the road, transition Reigns back to being a face.

Some NSFW language, but I thought those of you in here would get a kick out of this
Last night might have been the worst go home show I have watched in years. Seriously, wtf was that ending!? Brock and Roman having a tug of war over the belt. Come on. Vince please retire.....

I would love to see Lesnar against Tonga Fifita, aka, Haku (while the latter was in his prime) in a brawl. My money would be on Tonga.
Lesnar signed a three year deal with WWE last night! Thank baby *****, we may be spared the torture of watching Reigns with the title before he is truly ready.
Oh I would never net against Haku based on all the stories I've heard. Glad to hear Brock re-signed. He's been a good champion.
Lesnar signed a three year deal with WWE last night! Thank baby *****, we may be spared the torture of watching Reigns with the title before he is truly ready.

I'm not holding my breath. At least the option is there now, and most people want Lesnar to retain, but I think Vince McMahon is still stubbornly set on pushing Reigns. I'd be pleasantly surprised to see anyone but Reigns leave WM as champ.
If they're really set on putting the belt on reigns, they better turn him heel. The mania crowd, and certainly the raw crowd the next day, are going to cheer Lesnar and boo Reigns.
I think they painted them selves into a corner making Lesnar champ. The WWE has no one that can challenge him and I don't see them getting anyone for a long time. I certainly don't think they really have anyone on the roster right now that could do it, they need to bring in some new talent.
I think they painted them selves into a corner making Lesnar champ. The WWE has no one that can challenge him and I don't see them getting anyone for a long time. I certainly don't think they really have anyone on the roster right now that could do it, they need to bring in some new talent.

My buddy and I were talking about this the other day. Nobody on the roster is at that level other than Hunter and Cena, there really isn't anyone else on the roster that could believably beat Lesnar unless it's a screwjob finish, i.e. Rollins cashing in.

I do feel though IMO, one of a few things will happen at or after Mania, one of a few different things could happen. Reigns could turn heel, align with Paul and take out Brock that way. Brock or Reigns wins and Rollins cashes in. The one I think makes the most sense though is having Lesnar beat Reigns and then you have one year to take a swing at the "Reigns Reclamation Project" and build him up the way he needs to be and take on Lesnar next year at Mania.

I wouldn't be surprised if they keep the title on Lesnar until Mania next year just to spite Punk and his modern day title record.

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If they're really set on putting the belt on reigns, they better turn him heel. The mania crowd, and certainly the raw crowd the next day, are going to cheer Lesnar and boo Reigns.

I am actually giddy at the thought of how merciless the crowd will be towards Reigns on both nights! Not even Reigns' fault but the crowd is booing and spewing hate at him because he is basically Vince's avatar now to the crowd.
I'm not holding my breath. At least the option is there now, and most people want Lesnar to retain, but I think Vince McMahon is still stubbornly set on pushing Reigns. I'd be pleasantly surprised to see anyone but Reigns leave WM as champ.

This is basically the first Mania in decades that I am not looking forward to. But Lesnar resigning has made me feel just a little sliver of hope that Mania won't end in some sort of Vince muscle fetish fantasy with Reigns as the man who slayed the monster standing over Lesnar while his Herbal Essences hair blows around like a faux Fabio for Vince's spank bank.

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I first got into wrestling in '99 and was hooked. The attitude era was, to me, the best time in wrestling. Yeah, I liked WCW too, yet WWF (as it was at the time) had me hooked.
Wrestling these days is all mostly boring. One notable difference among many between back then and now is that you had guys like Stone Cold, Triple H, The Rock, Undertaker, Kane, Jericho, and Kurt Angle all going for the top belt in the company. (WWF) while in WCW We had Goldberg, Sid Vicious, Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett, Booker T, Scott Steiner, Hulk Hogan, Sting. Even the mid card wrestlers back then mattered because They were made to matter. The whole show mattered. Not just some boring main event like we get these days. Edge and Christian, The Dudley Boys, The Hardy Boys. For the last decade practically, it's been John Cena or Randy Orton, and sometimes Edge. And to be quite honest, I'd say '06 and '07 were probably the best post-attitude era years the WWE had, and John Cena was actually half way watchable then. I'm probably in the minority here when I say I find Daniel Bryan overrated. I'll agree though that Vince needs to step down, as does Triple H and Stephanie. Although if I have to say something good about WWE at all, I will say that I was a fan of Alberto Del Rio when he was still with the business, and Wade Barrett definitely deserved a better push than what he's gotten. Roman Reigns is ok, The Usos are ok as far as tag teams. I may still watch on some occasions just to see how Undertaker and Kane are doing, or when The Rock, Sting or The nWo make an appearance. And speaking of the nWo.. I met Scott Norton several years ago, and he introduced me to NJPW. I've watched several of his matches on youtube with The Great Muta, Masahiro Chono, and several others. I'm impressed enough with NJPW that I'd order some of their DVDs if I could find them. As far as TNA goes, I think it's slowly dying. I did attend TNA Sacrifice 2011 and had a great time, though. On the off chance someone else was there, I was the loudest guy in the audience cheering for Sting. LOL
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That was an OK Mania. Nothing spectacular. Lot of time between matches.

Glad Reigns didn't win, would have preferred Lesnar retain. Rollins cashing in and making it a triple threat and winning on the surface seems like a good outcome. Dig deeper though and you realize that this makes it easier to out the belt on Reigns or back on Cena...

Tag Title Match: 2.5/5 - Kind of a cluster blank at times but I am glad the Brass Ring Club won.

Andre Battle Royale: 2/5 - Full disclosure I hate all battle royales except the Rumble so this isn't a fair rating but Big Show winning? They played up that he never won a battle roayle but....World War 3 '96 anyone?

Side note: Goldust/Stardust and Miz/Mizdow deserved their own matches on the card.

IC Ladder match: 3/5 - Solid yet unspectacular. Seen worse, seen better. Glad Bryan won.

Orton/Rollins: 3.5/5 - The RKO made the match. Good blowoff to a feud that wasn't as hot as it should have been.

Sting/HHH: 3/5 - It was fun and overbooked to the max. Sting should've won but was good for what it was...old guys having fun.

Divas Tag: 3/5 - Could've used more time, seemed like a Raw or Smack down match but rather have that than no diva match or a diva match with celebs.

Rusev/Cena: 3.5/5 - Really good match but why turn Lana face? Cena will drop the strap in a month or two and shovel his way back into the WHC scene.

Rousey Segment: This was fun, too long but fun. Rousey seemed to have a blast.

Taker/Wyatt: 3.5/5 - Taker looked leagues better than last year. Good match but you could tell they took it easier than most Taker Mania matches.

Lesnar/Reigns: 4/5 - The booking was actually really good for this match. Both guys looked great. Lesnar the beast, Reigns the underdog.

Shared my thoughts before and am glad Rollins won but I weep for the future.

(Adam Sessler voice)Overall Mania 31 gets a solid 3 out of 5 (/Adam Sessler voice)
I had a blast! My friend and I went to our first mania at 26 in Phoenix. We went to the ROH show that weekend where Tyler Black was headlining as champion. So it was really cool to see him leave this mania with the WWE title.

Sting looked better than all of his matches in TNA. Really thought he should have gone over. The run ins made no sense from a story line perspective (umm...the Kliq was just on stage together last night....), the crowd was hot for the match. I popped when Hogan came out with the nWo. Before they came out I was expecting Booker to run in (couldn't think of any other WCW guys!)

The last RKO out of the curb stomp was a thing of beauty.

Lesnar is totally a beast. Even from way up high, you can tell he is such a massive human being. Don't know how the commentary came off, but Reigns' facial expressions seemed really weird. Still think he needs a lot of work. Definitely interested to see where they go now with Lesnar.