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"Opinions please. Should I mold the sidewalls of my gutted Legscy falcon or should I trim them to size then mold?"

If I was going to mold them, I would trim them top and bottom and resize them to length first.

but thats just me.
Hi @Timmythekid
The radar support is still attached at the base, after cutting to the right thickness they were just pushed/bent out and they were fine :)
@Amish Trooper I don't do any resin molding and such but I would have thought it would make sense to mold and cast one set from the original, cut that copy up til it's right and then mold and cast it for finished pieces.
Thanks, SB - it just looked too much improved to be that simple!

Alright, Hasbro, what's the deal with you, what's your prblem, huh?? Why you gots to put the very few internal supports this thing has under EACH STINKING vent I needs ta cut out, baby? Why you gots to be like that? Ggrrrrrrr,,,,,

Vacformedhero, that looks like you found a really great light source. What you're describing sounds vaguely like the flexible, variable color led setup I've been looking at on fleabay. Looks good!
I can get flexible led strips via work at cost.. Hmmm

Aaaaaaand you just became the new best friend of everyone on the thread :lol

Actually, do you know anything about them? The one I'm looking at is about eleven bucks. 50cm long with 15 variable SMD5050 leds powered by three AA batteries. I have NO idea if that would be bright enough, or if I should look at something else. Any thoughts?
Aaaaaaand you just became the new best friend of everyone on the thread :lol

Actually, do you know anything about them? The one I'm looking at is about eleven bucks. 50cm long with 15 variable SMD5050 leds powered by three AA batteries. I have NO idea if that would be bright enough, or if I should look at something else. Any thoughts?

The brightest led chips by now are the 5630. You can buy led strips with 5630 blue smd chips searching on Internet. Lots of them.

And these are way powerful!!!
Aaaaaaand you just became the new best friend of everyone on the thread :lol

Actually, do you know anything about them? The one I'm looking at is about eleven bucks. 50cm long with 15 variable SMD5050 leds powered by three AA batteries. I have NO idea if that would be bright enough, or if I should look at something else. Any thoughts?
Yeah like Tony said the 5630 are the brightest available. The only drawback I can think of are the ones I get from work are AC. We sell the Sylvania Osram Mosaic flexible LEDS.
"@Amish Trooper
I don't do any resin molding and such but I would have thought it would make sense to mold and cast one set from the original, cut that copy up til it's right and then mold and cast it for finished pieces."

I don't do resin cast for resale either. I have done resin casts for part duplication in the past.

Why I always try and cast off the original part when making the first mold is loss of quality.

2nd generation resin recast is NEVER as clean and detailed as the original part in my opinion. Xeroxing a xerox.:)
Vacformedhero, that looks like you found a really great light source. What you're describing sounds vaguely like the flexible, variable color led setup I've been looking at on fleabay. Looks good!
Nope , this is IKEA dioder system with rigid multi colour with controller , I have a Hotwire that enables multiple colours from one unit , I'll post it soon
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Thanks, SB - it just looked too much improved to be that simple!

Alright, Hasbro, what's the deal with you, what's your prblem, huh?? Why you gots to put the very few internal supports this thing has under EACH STINKING vent I needs ta cut out, baby? Why you gots to be like that? Ggrrrrrrr,,,,,

Vacformedhero, that looks like you found a really great light source. What you're describing sounds vaguely like the flexible, variable color led setup I've been looking at on fleabay. Looks good!

Aaaaaaand you just became the new best friend of everyone on the thread :lol

Actually, do you know anything about them? The one I'm looking at is about eleven bucks. 50cm long with 15 variable SMD5050 leds powered by three AA batteries. I have NO idea if that would be bright enough, or if I should look at something else. Any thoughts?
They are adjustable and powered by 12V so as well as powered later on I'll think about powering from a battery ( maybe motorbike )
They are adjustable and powered by 12V so as well as powered later on I'll think about powering from a battery ( maybe motorbike )

If the LED strips are powered by 12V, are there any drawbacks to powering the strip with an A23 battrery vs 8 AA batteries? I was thinking about using LED strips for the engines as well but would like to make the battery source portable, small, and light. The A23 battery would be perfect.
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If the LED strips are powered by 12V, are there any drawbacks to powering the strip with an A23 battrery vs 8 AA batteries? I was thinking about using LED strips for the engines as well but would like to make the battery source portable, small, and light. The A23 battery would be perfect.
Luke24 I am not sure, I was going to do battery testing near the end , I,ll test the load , this might indicate how long the A23 could sustain light for, great suggestion, wonder has anyone run these types of bright LEDs off of one before,
I just noticed I linked the wrong IKEA product
ill correct the other post
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If the LED strips are powered by 12V, are there any drawbacks to powering the strip with an A23 battrery vs 8 AA batteries? I was thinking about using LED strips for the engines as well but would like to make the battery source portable, small, and light. The A23 battery would be perfect.

I'm no expert, but I would think the disadvantage would be that while an A23 would gve you the voltage you need, they've got really, really, REALLY low mAh ratings compared to AAs. You'd be replacing your batteries constantly.
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Engine Lighting


Ordered a strip of 5630 LED and was thinking to power it off a Yuasa 12V 1.2Ah, but cannot find anywhere to see if it would be OK. A 30cm strip of 5630 LEDs is 7.2w. Have also bought an IR wireless controller to turn it on. The battery is small and will fit in the rear engine area where I have made the panel removable so the battery can be taken out and re-charged.

Will the Yuasa be ok? At the end of the day the engine lights will not be on for ages anyway, just to demo and maybe enough to fly the Falcon around the room for 5 mins :lol when no one is watching!

We will all be doing it wont we?

Any tech help for this electrical ludite would be much appreciated
Engine Lighting


Ordered a strip of 5630 LED and was thinking to power it off a Yuasa 12V 1.2Ah, but cannot find anywhere to see if it would be OK. A 30cm strip of 5630 LEDs is 7.2w. Have also bought an IR wireless controller to turn it on. The battery is small and will fit in the rear engine area where I have made the panel removable so the battery can be taken out and re-charged.

Will the Yuasa be ok? At the end of the day the engine lights will not be on for ages anyway, just to demo and maybe enough to fly the Falcon around the room for 5 mins :lol when no one is watching!

We will all be doing it wont we?

Any tech help for this electrical ludite would be much appreciated

I'm not a tech but for the small led stripe snuggled into the Falcon it would be way enough. If someone can check it it would be great.
I saw them and they look good, but are not accurate to any of the ILM models. If you want to build something cool go for it. if you want to build something that looks much closer to the 32" filming miniature hang in there and wait for the resin kit from FZ6 and mslzz. That kit is based off reference pics from my MR Falcon and measurements I took with a micrometer that FZ6 scaled for the Hasbro... should definitely look the part :)

Jedi Dade
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