Check out these new display cases from- AHHQ


Master Member
Andy from "ANDY'S HOBBY HEADQUARTERS" has a popular you tube channel and has recently started releasing his own military kits.

he now has introduced an acrylic stackable display case system (with hinged front door!)

i thought this might be of interest here not only for model kits but i'm sure suitable for props also

pretty good value and the price goes down the more you order.
here is his video showcasing the new release (pun intended)
That is interesting. I've seen that guy's channel pop up in my suggestions, but never watched them yet. I think he had a massive Sherman (?) tank kit recently.
That is interesting. I've seen that guy's channel pop up in my suggestions, but never watched them yet. I think he had a massive Sherman (?) tank kit recently.

Yes that's right, an easy 8 sherman in 1/16.
I picked one up (Korean war version) and I am currently converting it to an israeli m51 super sherman.

He works in collaboration with the brand Takom ... I'm guessing he puts up the cash to pay for the tooling and chooses the subjects. They do the hard work. Quite a unique partnership in the scale modelling world.

The sherman was the first large scale tank I've bought in many years, I've generally just had tamiya stuff, the detail in andys/takoms stuff is way better than tamiya but to tamiyas defence they are designed to be handled and driven (rc)
I also have one of the 1/16 Sherman and the 1/16 Jeep Kit. I like the products he is putting out because he is thinking what do the modelers want, he reads the comments that people leave on his You Tube Channel.