Scratchbuilt Research Vessel WIP - New Member Introduction!


I have been airbrushing some of the main panel a darker shade of gray. I am then planning to do an overall lighter shade of gray over all of it with the hopes of the darker panels adding some depth. With the weathering and decals, I'm hoping it'll add a good look. We'll see
So far so good; glad you're using an airbrush to paint that bad boy: it helps to keep the greeblies's details intact and sharp:cool::cool:(y)(y)
That's thing about airbrushing; it's the masking that's taking a lot of work...but, in the end, the result will be all worthwhile :cool::cool:(y)(y)
Looking good! Fantastic work! I agree with you about the smooth windows - the current texture doesn't read as "this is a window."