Alien Vessel - New Build


Active Member
Hey friends!! Now that I have my Alien satellite build complete and video posted, I started my new build last night. For now, it is just the core of the ship but will be about 12" long by about 10" wide when complete and N-scale like the Pathfinder research vessel. This will also be the first official alien species the Pathfinder crew meets in my imaginary universe. I thought I'd also share a pic of a cool piece of equipment I asked my dad if he could make. It is a "rotisserie" that I can have the models mounted to ta be able to rotate it and apply bits and nerdlets without having to lay it on the table. It is definitely more for the smaller ships, which I will primarily be making, and fits my apartment hobby room perfectly. When I eventually move back into a house, I'll get a bigger one made up for the larger ships I have in mind :) .
The ship will end up being about 18 inches long by 10-11 inched wide. Much larger than my original planned 12 inches. It just kind of got away from me, lol. I'm going to run out of room to display my stuff in our apartment.
Repeat after me: "I will hang my models from the ceiling":p

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