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I couldn't agree more. Preds died way to easily. The CG of the cloak when Tusky is walking towards Doctor really looked like crap (I was hoping for more P2 pred walking towards voodoo). All in all I thought the first half was well thought out and excellent, and the second half stunk to high heaven.

How can someone even remotely think the end fight scene with Royce and superLAME predator was good? He stood there and got beat on by an ax. This is the super predator for you? CLOAK! MOVE OUT OF THE WAY. FIRE YOUR CANNON LIKE THE P1 DOES WHEN HE CAN'T SEE ARNY. JUST DO SOMETHING INSTEAD OF GETTING YOUR ASS KICKED.

And I'm sorry but if he could see Isabelle enough to impale her with a wristblade, then MAYBE he should have walked over in that general direction so that he could see Royce better? And Royce with mud? The people in the theater with me laughed at him. It was not a good laugh. It was a "GIVE ME A BREAK" laugh. I cringed when I saw it. I was embarrassed for the movie.

Man oh man what a letdown. I just can't believe that people here on the Lair are happy with what we just saw. I can't believe that I enjoyed AVP and AVP-R better than the second half of this. At least AVP-R had a REAL predator. I am seriously heartbroken. The first half was PERFECT. The second half was pathetic.

Do you mean died too quickly or too easily because not much could have survived a claymore going off several inches in front of you and in the final fight the pred had just fought the Classic and been 'blown up' by several grenades and so wouldn't be in top form. Though I agree the fight with Hanzo could have been a little longer though the katana was/is a pretty deadly weapon in the correct hands.
No need to worry about putting spoilers, this is the review thred hehe people know we are discussing the film after they have seen it.

The preds did not move as gracefully as KPH or Ian Whytes Wolf, but they moved a hell of alot better than the inbred brothers of AVP.

To the average Predator fan this will suffice and hold you over, but for a HC Predator fan like me this did not do it. FAIL. I liked it, but fail! Trust me.

lol too too funny, you joined a month ago, ( you are that hardcore you only just found the lair ) you attacked a member as soon as you arrived pretty much, and you have AVP preds as you avatar.

take my hat off to you, thats some funny reply.
While watching the movie I actually thought about whether this movie could become a classic? I think it will be more accepted as all of us see it more and more, However there just wasn't enough star power in it. I mean cmon,when Predator came out I was in high school and Arnie and Carl Weathers were already action stars and packed with muscle. I would rather have casted a former pro wrestler or mma guy as the lead in this flick. Just not enough testosterone IMO.
Well, I've let the flick sink in overnight. Man, I just don't know. I still enjoyed it but it just didn't add much, if anything, to the mythos. It still kinda irks me that they (more or less) retyped bits of the P1 script and filmed it. I think as the new wears off a lot of people are going to start to feel we didn't get what we deserved. I mean, at least the first AVP tried to add something more to the franchise. I think if i were to rate it now it'd be more towards a five. And to place it in the franchise I'd have to go:

We are NEVER going to ALL be happy, some of the members here were probably introduced to the predator franchise by Paul andersons Sodomy film. And thats how they think a predator film should be, all bulked up heavy assed, slow mo leg humping pg rated pish.

Then others will no doubt be all up in arms that it was not steriod filled, which i encounterd when i came out of the cinema, one of my wifes work colleges came out and came over to say hi, hes your typical, look at me kinda guy, he was wearing a boy band tshirt that was obviously 2 sizes too small just to try show off his arms ( pity it didnt hide his gut ) He complained it was not a Arnie film, after a short convo, which i will not go into, i told him to go see Twilight as he'd probably enjoy it more. ( wife was alittle embarressed at my bluntness apparently )

Then theres people who are willing to accept RR tried to take it in another direction while still keeping some elements of the original.

were pretty diverse on what we want, so the all over the place views are only to be expected.

enjoying seeing peoples thoughts and ive already seen someone comment on something i missed.
Oh hey man, the traps were not electric charged. They were cloaked. So when you touch them they become visible. It's the same sound the Predators cloaking device makes once they become visible. Look closer the next time you see the film. You can't actually see the "bear trap" when Edwin runs into it until after he trips it and you can't see the net Edwin and Isabelle get caught in until after they trip it.

Ah that makes more sense cloaking rope... These predators still felt like panzies that needed tricks to do anything.
I in no way endorse the AVP flicks over the originals. Let me make myself very clear on that. lol I grew up on P1 and P2. I just felt the new flick was too much of a rehash. It was defenetly made with love. So much so that they couldn't get past repeating themselves. If AVP had anything over the new flick it was that it kinda of helped expand upon a few ideas that were just laying around for years i.e. they've been here before, the Myian Gods, the temple etc.

Anyway, not raised on AVP but I get what you meant about varying opinions.
one of my wifes work colleges came out and came over to say hi, hes your typical, look at me kinda guy, he was wearing a boy band tshirt that was obviously 2 sizes too small just to try show off his arms ( pity it didnt hide his gut ) He complained it was not a Arnie film, after a short convo, which i will not go into, i told him to go see Twilight as he'd probably enjoy it more. ( wife was alittle embarressed at my bluntness apparently )

Ha ha The worlds full of those guys I bet he did watch twilight hee hee hee
anything[/i] over the new flick it was that it kinda of helped expand upon a few ideas that were just laying around for years i.e. they've been here before, the Myian Gods, the temple etc.

Anyway, not raised on AVP.

we cant really have it both ways though can we? Most die hard pred heads wanted the new flick to go back to its roots instead of some half-****** cash-grab screenplay, but at the same time we don't want it to be a shot for shot remake. I thought they put a good blend of both. I half expected mr. black to the the axe right in the middle of the forehead vs beheading, but oh well. I still liked it. I agree the mythology part was lacking, as I'd hoped they'd reveal some more of the history and cultre, but it was enough to make me watch another one should they make it.
even though some may not like it in the end we got another predator flick to enjoy and i hope there will be more in the future, RR and Antal did a great job and hopefully they will helm a sequel with a bigger budget and more predator vs predator action
WARNING – there will be profanity in this post due to how strongly I feel about the movie.
That's OK. There was a lot of profanity in the movie as well. That's one thing I noticed -- they dropped a lot of F-bombs in the movie, maybe more than necessary. It's not that I'm easily offended, but it seems like the F-bombs in the original Predator were used sparingly and had more impact.

A few people have commented about how the humans aren't as musclebound and steroid-pumped as the humans in the original Predator. You really couldn't expect them to be musclebound, based on their roles in life. The guys in the original movie were all military special ops guys and really badass, whereas the ones in Predators were predatory in different ways. You wouldn't really expect the Yakuza guy or the gangster to be musclebound in real life, much less the psycho doctor. Plus, having them be musclebound would have been yet another thing copied from the original movie.

Oh, and did anyone mention that Laurence Fishburne has gotten fat?
I watched it last night and I enjoyed it. It was good. There were a few things I did not like.
Mostly it was the look of the new preds. P1 look a like was awesome for his screen time. The new preds just walked heavy and I thought the preds in AVP looked more agile and hunter like than these guys. I mean Falcon jumping the rock or whatever looked like he hurt his knee he came so low from something I could flat foot jump and absorb with armor on lol.

Then I didnt like how Laurence Fishbourne said the bigger ones kill the little ones. It made the classic seem like a bitch if you ask me. This part proabbly made me the most mad.

Two preds died too quickly without really seeing how cool they could have been. Tusky died after smoking the russian threw the chest with plasm caster. I mean really that dude should have been dead right there.

Now the stuff I liked.

I liked all the human characters all were convincing! Yay for real actors and real scripts!

I thought the sword fight was good!

I liked the inmates death lol

I liked the fght between the P1 and BSP just wish the P1 would have killed the BSP and then turned on Royce. To me this would have made the movie for me. I would have proably given it 10/10 had that happened. I coulda lived with everything else. The P1 kill BSP then Royce celebrates thinking the pred is gonna take him home some how. They fight the pred looses after killing the chicklet only leaving Royce for the sequel lol.

I also felt had this film had a few aliens in it then it would have been a better AVP than both the AVP movies. I think they had the formula right for that. Just add the aliens no need to worry about pyramids and acclerated incubation just add the aliens. They coulda been there from old days anything. It could work. Lets hope if they try to reup the AVP franchise they do it this way too.

Overall 8/10
Did anyone think the alien that was chasing Topher was the first pred that they scrapped in the original??? It did cross my mind during the scene.
Hello Fellow Fans,

My Fiance and I went to see the film last night.Overall I was disappointed about the movie.The beginning sucked,I mean the guys just falling out of the sky,wtf.I noticed there were a whole lot of refrences or should I say takes from the orignal Predator film.So for originalty,I give the movie 2 stars.In addition, the whole feud between the Predator clans should have been more described.As for the Predators themselves, I personally think they were cheesy looking, all but the original Predator.I have always been a fan of the P2 and the Wolf Preds.

Now there were a couple scenes I did like.Here they are, the scene were the Japanese guy fights the Falconer Predator,however I saw another reference to the first one there (Billy taking his gear off and preparing to do battle with the Predator with a machete),in this case I was not disappointed.And my second favorite scene was when the Russian guy is getting killed and he let's off the 2 grenades,kind of a reverse of what a Predator would do as a last resort to win.I did like bits of the Predator brawl,but overall it was so so.And finally, I liked how Nolan had the Predators technology,but it seemed like it could have been done better.

Overall, I felt it was a so so movie and will not do the Predator franchise any good.I would really like to see another spin off of how humans have their technology,think it will be in AVP 3.I think this is one that will not be added to the collection.I honestly think the fan film made on here recently was allot better......


One more thought, I to thought that the one creature chasing the medical guy was the first Predator concept as well....
I enjoyed it.
Thought it followed the 1st film really well.
Lots of action.
I didn't like the Mr. Black head.
Best dialog ever..."It's 5:00,I'm gonna rape some fine bitches! Stay away from that guy."
I give it a 9 out of 10.
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