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wow guess im going to go against the grain here. the movie wasn't that good to me.

main guy sounds like christian bales batman
pred dogs and falcon? wtf are these guys that crappy of a hunter they need all the extras.
all but black get a whopping 40 secs of screen time
old larry did nothing to drive the story and was completely useless
why were all the traps electrified? I mean seriously an electric rope net? just to look flashy.
too many "quotes" from the original. aka over here and kill me now etc. I like nods and all but it was just delivered wrong.
and finally no suspense at all! Take P2 for example when he jumps off the building, lands in the puddle and goes slowly stomping towards the voodoo leader. The music, the only seeing parts of the pred, the movement that KPH gave to the pred. It gives you chills.
The scene where the pred is after topher, who gets saved by the russian, could have had that kind of suspense but i felt nothing just a lumbering idiot meandering towards ****** venom.

There are good things to the movie and I did enjoy it but I give it 5/10 tops
just got back from seeing it with larry K and my boys...


what a great predator movie ,....all of it .......no complaints what so ever. i'm not gonna sit here and disect it ...

great cast and great story...

i'll see it again and again and again

thanks you RR and Nimrod for making this film

Just got back. I thought it was enjoyable. Probably a solid 7 outta ten. I dug Brodys badass merc character and some of the hunting techniques used. My only big complaint would be the bits that were paint by number. Those scenes that were pulled right off the pages of P1s script. Not sure what to think of the new preds since they didn't do all that much and were almost just for show. I think it's probably a decent reboot for the franchise.
I thought it was great.A few of my complaints like any movie

1.Pred fight was a bit short
2.Preds easily died excluding black
3.the movie ended

I did enjoy the sword fight with falconer everyone started clapping at the end of the fight it was just perfect for us.
Surpisingly... Loved it! LF was a bad casting decision, and quite frankly, you could've left all his scenes on the cutting room floor and the movie wouldn't suffer much... all he'd have to do is sit on a pred to take one out, but overall, other than that, I thought it was very good. Simple. Not overly crammed with needless things. I wasn't sure whether or not I'd like Adrian Brody, but I actually thought he played the lead better than any prior predator lead, including Arnie... Yeah, I know that's blasphemy around here, but just my opinion. Actually liked all the characters except for LF.

Some P1 similarities, but not overly done. Liked the fact that you had to wait a bit to actually see a pred. Thought Mr. Black looked much better on screen than the set photos that were leaked and he was just a plain out balls-to-the-wall bad ass... LOVED when he programmed the ship to blow and just turned his back on it and walked away to get back to business. And thought blinding him with the fire ring was very creatively written.

Only part that I wasn't particularly big on was that they were all cloaked while sitting around their camp.... should've had them uncloaked, sharpening blades or cleaning trophy skulls.

My overall ranking:
1 Predator
2 Predators
4 AVP-r
5 P-2
Predators definitely did the pacing right as far as introducing the human characters first, then slowly introducing the Predators. Just like the original Predator, they kept the Predators hidden, with only a few glimpses of what they were doing or little clues that they were around. It had a subtlety that Alien vs. Predator lacked. I haven't seen Predator 2 or AVPR yet, but the thing that lacked in AVP is that they didn't keep anything in secrecy for long. They made it very obvious that the aliens had a life cycle of eggs, facehuggers, chestbursters, and then adults, and they also made the Predators very obviously visible once they got down to the pyramid. So, I'll give Predators major points for getting the storyline and pacing right.

(Spoilers ahead... like there haven't been others in this thread)

I didn't really understand the P1 Predator being tied up to a tree, initially acting like he was dead. Were the other Predators Bad Bloods? Or were they punishing the P1 for something that went wrong in a hunt? I couldn't really figure that out. Either they're changing the canon and implying that the Predators don't stick together as well as we would have thought, or that there are different races or clans of Predators that don't get along.

Come to think of it, it would have been interesting to explore the characterization of the Predators a little more. Who are those guys, what's their motivation, what are their individual skills within the group, and so on. I might be thinking more on the side of the monsters here, as opposed to appreciating the movie strictly from the humans' point of view, but then I sort of have monster characterization in my blood now. Maybe a little more screen time would have helped. Besides, then I could have gotten more detailed references for costume pieces, armor, biohelmets, and so on. Yes, you can tell I have costuming and propmaking in my blood now as well. These aren't major quibbles with me, though, since I still enjoyed the movie.

The sword/wristblade duel between the Yakuza guy and the Predator was something I wasn't expecting, but I thought it was cool. And yes, there were a lot of references to the original Predator movie and little bits that were lifted, but I kind of think they were added as cues to us fans who live and breathe Predator. As far as the humans go, I thought they had an interesting dynamic -- either they were going to band together with each other and assure the survival of the group, or they were going to split off, do their own thing, and leave the others to live or die on their own. Maybe that's the same with the Predators in the movie -- they may or may not have been working together.

I enjoyed the movie and thought it told the story very well -- and maybe left you wanting a little more. The end of the movie makes a sequel really obvious. I'll give Predators two wristblades up.
WARNING – there will be profanity in this post due to how strongly I feel about the movie.

First let me say that seeing all the leaked photos, reading every single article I could and seeing every leaked video gave me a very good impression of what the movie would be like before seeing it. I am somewhat regretting that, but at the same time it was cool to know what was coming long before it happened.

I thot the beginning was well played out. We have character development and some nice scenery to look at as well. I enjoyed all the human characters...except Nolan. Why oh why choose chunky Fishburne who can’t play a crazy person worth ****? He should either have been going over the top bat-**** crazy, or he should have been more of a recluse and secretive. For him to be talking to himself just felt bland and uninspired. Morpheus, how could you let yourself go like that?!

Skip ahead to the Classic Predator on the totem...OMG...I thought that was friggin awesome!!! I actually thought that was the best part of the movie! When he went nuts trying to get off I was like, “**** YEAH! Get loose and release that pent up aggression!” Hearing him roar...well I was loving every second of it. LOVE IT! And THEN, to top it off, we get to see Classic released by Royce and then grab Royce by the neck just like the original one did with Arnie...that was wicked. My only gripe is that we didn’t get a closeup focusing on his eyes. I have a strong feeling those were actors eyes and not animatronic eyes, and that’s what I miss...REAL human eyes behind the mask. They overdid the eyes in AVP and went animatronic in AVPR. Go back to P1 and P2 people! We WANT to see human eyes behind that mask. It makes the Pred MUCH more believable. But alas, we just get a fleeting glimpse of the Classic Pred’s eyes. Second complaint: when the Classic put his Bio mask back on, the lower mandibles were still sticking out! Only for a brief moment, but still noticeable to guys like me and you. Third complaint: the Classic’s inner mouth was gaping open the whole time...it never closed. With the original P1, the inner mouth was covered when the mandibles were closed, but he wasn’t a slack-jawed Pred like the Classic was in Predators. The outer mandibles were articulated, but not to the same degree as Stan Winstons original Pred. That’s what I was hoping for, but I guess nothing will ever rival the original Predator and how cool Stan Winston and Kevin Peter hall made it. Nothing will ever be as good as the original Predator 1 and Predator2 movies. Ahhh well...gonna have to watch P1 now to calm myself down and appreciate it again

Now, as for the Hells Angels Predators...**** me they were awesome. AWESOME. They were covered in 100% pure awesome sauce. Even though I think Kevin Peter Hall is the ultimate Predator, I think Ian Whyte did a better job with the movements and gestures that are what make the Predator so unique. I didn’t see enough of that in this movie. Kevin Peter Hall AND Ian Whyte made this creature fascinating to watch...I really miss that and fear we will never see it properly on the big screen again.

Let’s look a bit at Falconer /Plow/Birdface and the Flusher/Handler/Tusky Predators. They didn’t have enough screen time and died too quickly and easily. I didn’t like the sounds that the Falconer made...it reminded me of a the spitting dinosaur in Jurassic Park...it was just not guttural enough to make me quiver. Tusky...well he’s just not seen enough. Oh well, we still got to see Mr Black/Underbite. He was awesome. I liked seeing the lasers and canon work in tandem with each other...even though they couldn’t hit ****, it was still something that I’ve been dying to see.

But what I don’t get is why Mr Black didn’t just take his Bio when Royce was lighting the fires. That fuzzy heat vision was messing him up – it took a beating and wasn’t working properly. Why not just take it off??!

I didn’t think we needed two Pred beheadings...just one used as a final death for Mr Black would have been cool. I wish we could have seen a brutal death for the Classic...something like this would have been wicked:


Up close and personal baby...ah well, I can dream can't I?

Did anyone else notice that they used the same music from the beginning of Predator where the helicopters are coming in and drop off all the beefy guys...that same music was used in this movie and it was tense! I think it was when we see the Classic, but I’m not sure.

Overall, I THOUROUGHLY enjoyed the movie. I loved all the little nods to the original movie and thought everything was well played out. The human characters gelled really well and were fun to watch interacting with each other. The only two issues that the general public will have is seeing the multiple lasers on Brody in the trailer and expecting to see 12+ Preds in the movie, and the fact the anyone who isn’t a hardcore Pred fan won’t understand the Bad Blood/Blood Feud thing going on between the rival Pred clans. It could have been elaborated on a little more, but only to avoid confusion for the viewers. They w over-explained how the humans figured out the planet was a hunting reserve, but they didn’t explain why the Classic was there or why the Preds were fighting each other. I just think something like that should be spelled out because not everyone will get what’s going on.

Was PREDATORS perfect? No, but it sure tried to be. I’m one happy camper and even with the flaws, I still give it 10 out of 10. Ok maybe 9 ½ out of 10...still very cool and worth seeing.
I enjoyed it. Brodies voice got kind of annoying after a while. sounded like his inspiration was Christian Bale in batman. I agree about the two beheadings.

Maybe they left it so ambiguous so they can start a new franchise of sequels.
Well I just got back from seeing the movie.

Well honestly from what I saw, I think they did an amazing job with it, it was good. Story line was ok, they could of done better. But I do know, that this movie is far better then AVP & AVPR by a long shot. From the get go, I think they could of kept out some of the humor. Think they stretched the humor a bit much. But again it was humor, that fit in a way... All the characters I did like but, I hated the Doctor. He to me was out of place with the bunch, don't see how the 'Predators' could see him as a worthy kill.

I also didn't like 'Laurence Fishburne' in this film, He really didn't fit, in my honest opinion. I do fill that they should of added a 'Human type Alien' from another planet to pick up the bunch of characters Instead of 'Laurence Fishburnes character'. Maybe seeing an Alien from that species movie, but more human in a way. I think that part of the movie wouldn't have been awkward in some ways. They did call him a scavenger. Well wouldn't it been better if they had another Alien trying to get the characters Weapons and Equipment to survive? Think another Alien learning how to use the Predators equipment and how to survive around the planet would of had been better choice.

Also when 'Laurence Fishburne' revealed him self, I thought it was funny. If he's going to be stuck on another planet I don't think he be over weight, Think that character would be quite thin, and suffering from not eating. Unless that planet has some high protein animals. lol

Well Down to the P1ish. I didn't like the P1's bio, looked also awkward. Do wish they used some type of a Gort type bio for the P1ish Predator. Yeah the height of the predators were off. They should have been a bit taller...

I loved the Predator theme Music they used. lol Gave the move the Predator fill. Did like how they went back to this. But the movie kept me wanting more, I do hope they do make another. I'm happy with what they released, I want another movie.

The ending sucked, wish we saw more predators at the end.

I will give it a 7 out of 10.

I'm going to see it again next week...

I still do honestly say that the predators from the 1st and 2nd film still look more realistic then the ones from AVP, AVPR, and Predators. For the movies being close to 20 years old they still do hold their place at the top.
I voted for 5 out of 10. I personally think at best this movie deserves a C rating. It was simply average. Film critics will not like it I'm sure. The pre reviews I heard were good, but I think after actually seeing the film critics will give PREDATORS a D to C rating at best.

I saw PREDATORS this morning. I think the film bombed (but I sitll liked it because I'm a fan of the franchise). Anyone else think so?

Comment. Let's talk about it.

Also I hope I'm not spoiling anything with this comment, but these were not "Super Predators." GIVE ME A BREAK!
Also I hope I'm not spoiling anything with this comment, but these were not "Super Predators." GIVE ME A BREAK!

I couldn't agree more. Preds died way to easily. The CG of the cloak when Tusky is walking towards Doctor really looked like crap (I was hoping for more P2 pred walking towards voodoo). All in all I thought the first half was well thought out and excellent, and the second half stunk to high heaven.

How can someone even remotely think the end fight scene with Royce and superLAME predator was good? He stood there and got beat on by an ax. This is the super predator for you? CLOAK! MOVE OUT OF THE WAY. FIRE YOUR CANNON LIKE THE P1 DOES WHEN HE CAN'T SEE ARNY. JUST DO SOMETHING INSTEAD OF GETTING YOUR ASS KICKED.

And I'm sorry but if he could see Isabelle enough to impale her with a wristblade, then MAYBE he should have walked over in that general direction so that he could see Royce better? And Royce with mud? The people in the theater with me laughed at him. It was not a good laugh. It was a "GIVE ME A BREAK" laugh. I cringed when I saw it. I was embarrassed for the movie.

Man oh man what a letdown. I just can't believe that people here on the Lair are happy with what we just saw. I can't believe that I enjoyed AVP and AVP-R better than the second half of this. At least AVP-R had a REAL predator. I am seriously heartbroken. The first half was PERFECT. The second half was pathetic.
wow guess im going to go against the grain here. the movie wasn't that good to me.

main guy sounds like christian bales batman
pred dogs and falcon? wtf are these guys that crappy of a hunter they need all the extras.
all but black get a whopping 40 secs of screen time
old larry did nothing to drive the story and was completely useless
why were all the traps electrified? I mean seriously an electric rope net? just to look flashy.
too many "quotes" from the original. aka over here and kill me now etc. I like nods and all but it was just delivered wrong.
and finally no suspense at all! Take P2 for example when he jumps off the building, lands in the puddle and goes slowly stomping towards the voodoo leader. The music, the only seeing parts of the pred, the movement that KPH gave to the pred. It gives you chills.
The scene where the pred is after topher, who gets saved by the russian, could have had that kind of suspense but i felt nothing just a lumbering idiot meandering towards ****** venom.

There are good things to the movie and I did enjoy it but I give it 5/10 tops

Oh hey man, the traps were not electric charged. They were cloaked. So when you touch them they become visible. It's the same sound the Predators cloaking device makes once they become visible. Look closer the next time you see the film. You can't actually see the "bear trap" when Edwin runs into it until after he trips it and you can't see the net Edwin and Isabelle get caught in until after they trip it.
Dude I agree. Royce with mud just like Dutch and then he whoever wrote the script and even more so whoever approved this line in the script really F'd up!
I hate hearing Royce say "Common! KILL ME! KILL ME NOW! DO IT! DO IT! I'M HERE KILL ME!" That's Arnold's line damnit!

And before that, "The enemy of my enemy," heard that before? From AVP.

The score was absolutely rediculous too. I thought I was watching a knockoff from Predator. From start to finish all score/theme music from Predator. And at the beginning of the ending credits we hear the famous chopper scene with Dutch's crew. Remindes me of Jesse Ventura. You guys know what song I'm referring too.

No unmasked Tracker/Flusher and Falconer Predator??? What a let down.

Film bombed. To the average Predator fan this will suffice and hold you over, but for a HC Predator fan like me this did not do it. FAIL. I liked it, but fail! Trust me.
I really liked it! The jokes were actually funny, they didn't over-do the references and I thought it had a good pace. LF was a bit meh...

I've had a couple of days to think it over, and even though I can see how things like battles and screen time for the Predators could have gone on a bit longer, I thought they were well executed. Keep a bit of the mystery, leave some questions unanswered and portray how quickly things can go wrong for either the prey or the predator.

The way I see it is - when there's multiple adversaries on both sides, one slip up and that's the end of you. Considering how delicate the balance is of making the Predators look absolutely ruthless and deadly, but then having to kill them, I thought they went about it in a pretty good way. The Predators got a bit too comfortable, as always, and payed for it.

I thought Mr Black's death was pretty well done, considering he'd just got a decent knock by the classic Predator AND somehow survived the blast of about half dozen grenades attached to the doctor - he'd been nicely softened up for Royce to pick apart. All predators looked bad-ass on screen, plenty of twists and gore - but not over the top, so I'm a very happy chap!
in a word the film was Poor at best.

felt rushed.. lack of imagination ... Pred fight scenes were to short.. again died way to easy... i'd actually say that the AVP series was far better... really let down.. i think its time to leave the pred franchise as it is..

best part of the film was the music score..
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