New account - thought I'd post something since I've come across this very thing and have been poking at this for the past few days. I like the feel of the Pachmayr grips (added weight, texture), as well as adding some "practical" components to the mostly printed plastic build - but I wouldn't describe using 03252 grips as a "shortcut" by any means.
"What went wrong?" I'm not sure about "wrong" so much as "different". I believe the printed grip is indeed upscaled a bit to work better with the 3d printed body. BUT, with a bit of creative cutting, I think I'm much closer to adapting the 03252 Pachmayr grips and the body to work with each other.
On the grip side - these grips are designed to work with a particular pistol frame, where the 3d printed design is mostly flat in those areas. That means cutting out a lot of material to make the inner surfaces of the grip mostly flat. Keep in mind, there's metal in those grips, so there's only so much you can cut before you hit metal. Here's how much I've cut out of mine so far to get my current "starting to get into the ballpark" state:
(Ignore that angle cut in the inside top curve of the left grip, I was... overly aggressive there early on.)
On the 3d pistol body side - First of all, props and respect to these model designs, I used the krismcewan remix (
Babylon-5 PPG Pistol Remixed. by krismcewan) of metaform3d's model (
Babylon-5 PPG Pistol by metaform3d). I'm pretty happy with this model... except for the fact that it's designed for using the 3d designed grip which, again, appears to be upscaled. Since it's designed to work with the matching 3d designed grip, it's missing the curve at the top of the right-hand grip - without this curve, it simply won't work with the Pachmeyr. So... we remove material and make it curvy again (pardon the rough hand dremel work).
Clamp in place, and the now flat interior of the grip lies flat against the 3d body
Get the other side clamped flat and... lo and behold, we have a gap that appears to be in parity with that "fin" of metal in the center of hero props/Nicksdad replicas.
In short, with a little bit of work, it looks 03252 Pachmayr grips can be made to work w/ 3d printed pistol bodies as well.
Fun things to remember:
Rubber resists and flexes during cutting - makes cutting the grips interesting, especially around edges. Take it slow and give yourself time to figure out the feel.
1. Figure out how I'm going to fill the above gap.
2. Fine tuning cuts and figuring out the right "grip angle".