Unlimited Run Deluxe Tron Disc Retrofit Kits

~List updated~

The Rinzler disc prototype:


WOW! That looks AMAZING! Great work SI!

And to Mr.Sinistar... No the toy isn't the EXACT same size as the prop. It is close.
From what I've read, 'wheat king' who worked on the manufacturing of the toy deluxe disc for spinmaster has stated on Tron Sector that the Deluxe Identity Disc "is the exact size of the props used in the Tron Legacy movie." and that the (cheapo flying version) Identity Disc "is larger for flight purposes" and not exact.
i cant wait, going to get two deluxe version at the disney store today to have them ready for this kit and for my TRON project :)
From what I've read, 'wheat king' who worked on the manufacturing of the toy deluxe disc for spinmaster has stated on Tron Sector that the Deluxe Identity Disc "is the exact size of the props used in the Tron Legacy movie." and that the (cheapo flying version) Identity Disc "is larger for flight purposes" and not exact.

The only thing I can base it on is the original prop sold by Profiles in History a few weeks ago. That was 10 inches in diameter. The toy is 9 inches in diameter... It is a little smaller.

It's possible they made different sized discs for the film...
Maybe some of them were different sizes depending on the size of the person's hands. Wouldn't surprise me that sizes would vary if there are more than one or one of them is a prototype that got used. To me the one i have is the most comfortable for my hand.
The guy who made the filming discs IS a member here. They were all one size and BOTH toys are wrong by a little bit.

Just an F.Y.I.

For what soulinertia is doing with these things though, you would be hard pressed to get anything NEAR that cool for anywhere NEAR his prices.

There is a guy here working on a fully accurate and correctly sized disc. But I have a feeling that #1 they may not even be offered, and if they are will be very limited. And #2 they will probably be very expensive.
The guy who made the filming discs IS a member here. They were all one size and BOTH toys are wrong by a little bit.

Yeah, I know he's here, but I wasn't sure if he's even allowed to admit how big they are, much less how they are made... NDA's and all...

But having seen one in person, and if it's confirmed that only one size was made for the movie, the deluxe toy is a little small...

Not a big deal to me though, I like how the toy feels, seems like an acceptable size, and can NOT wait to get the retrofit kit! :cool
Yeah, I know he's here, but I wasn't sure if he's even allowed to admit how big they are, much less how they are made... NDA's and all...

But having seen one in person, and if it's confirmed that only one size was made for the movie, the deluxe toy is a little small...

Not a big deal to me though, I like how the toy feels, seems like an acceptable size, and can NOT wait to get the retrofit kit! :cool

the flying disk toy is accurate in diameter, but the inner ring dimensions are off, the spacing etc