1:1 Wall-E Build - 2014 Halloween Appearance

Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy) - He's Armed!

...Because we've had such a heat wave over the last week the hot glue failed on the eye trim...

I feel your pain! The heat and humidity caused the MF panels to warp over time - VERY FRUSTRATING! Hopefully you'll be able to salvage the head. Try bringing the part(s) inside to get them out of heat. :)

Despite the minor set back - he looks great!
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

Thanks! I built my first "wood working" project when I was 37 and my first prop when I was in 39 -I am in awe at the work you're doing on R2. I wish I had started much, much earlier!

Thanks a lot to you too, I really hope to keep up prop-buildings as a part-time hobby! :)

The Wall-E is a lot bigger than I ever imagined! About how high is he when he's done?
I like the huge and quick progress too! :)

Incredible how different problems can be for us builders, you two have to avoid having your prop(s) outside because of the heat. I have my R2 stored inside because of the cold and rainy weather (rain = moisture in the MDF).
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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

THIS IS AWESOME! any plans to make it some what functional? radio controled? this looks like it was a fun project! kudo's to you my friend!
Thanks for the kind words. No plans to make him functional or RC -if I was going to go that direction I'd need to have used different building materials. Wall-E is turning into a very heavy guy.

I feel your pain! The heat and humidity caused the MF panels to warp over time - VERY FRUSTRATING! Hopefully you'll be able to salvage the head. Try bringing the part(s) inside to get them out of heat. :)

Despite the minor set back - he looks great!
Thanks SK. Fortunately my issue just involves minor trim replacement and repair. I can only image the level of pain those warping panels are causing you. I wish I could offer a solution, I wonder how they deal with these types of issues on the movie set...

Thanks a lot to you too, I really hope to keep up prop-buildings as a part-time hobby! :)

The Wall-E is a lot bigger than I ever imagined! About how high is he when he's done?
I like the huge and quick progress too! :)

Incredible how different problems can be for us builders, you two have to avoid having your prop(s) outside because of the heat. I have my R2 stored inside because of the cold and rainy weather (rain = moisture in the MDF).
Our weather finally broke and we're in the mid-70s (so I don't want to complain too loud). I just bought a box fan for the garage and it's made a huge difference in being able to work for more than 20 minutes at a time.

So far Wall-E's about 3.5' tall. I suspect once the tank treads are on he'll be around four feet. He is definitely a big guy.

So, today's progress...

I modified the neck/head connector so that it can tilt the head up and down. I wish I'd thought to go with this shape initially, it would have saved a lot of effort to modify this part.

Began work on the components that make up the front panel. First the Solar Panel (just a sheet of paper primed, then painted flat black and finished with clear gloss). Reflections are showing across the top of the panel in this picture.

Control panel outer bezel (styrene)

Control panel grid

Glued, primed, painted and weathered

Working on Wall-E's name plate -letters cut from styrene

Neck extensions, head/shoulder pivot and letters primed and painted

Wall-E has a name badge! (also re-did his "dent" -much happier with it now)

Replaced the (pain-in-the-rear) styrene eye trim with a piece of thin MDF and glued in place

Eyes/lenses masked in preparation for trim repaint

New trim sanded and painted

Neck and top panel assembled. Top panel removed from the body for easy of completing the front panel

...and front panel done (complete with red button)

More to come...


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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy) - Now with a name plate.

Just came across this. Amazing build so far. I am blown away by the paint job. Spot on!!! Can't wait to see more.
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy) - Now with a name plate.

this is incredible, that paint job! can't wait to see more of this guy.
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy) - Now with a name plate.

This is bloody fantastic. Are you eyeballing everything, or working of of plans?
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy) - Now with a name plate.

Just getting better, love how it look now. Top-notch build! :)

Yodamann: he had some plans previously, at least for the arms or something.
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy) - Now with a name plate.

Just came across this. Amazing build so far. I am blown away by the paint job. Spot on!!! Can't wait to see more.
Welcome to my build thread, I happy to have you. More is on the way...

this is incredible, that paint job! can't wait to see more of this guy.
Many thanks -I think the paint and weathering is the most fun part of the build. It's where the prop really comes to life. What's funny, is after awhile I start to believe my own paint job -I was actually avoiding a "oil stain" because I didn't want to get it on my hands ;)

This is bloody fantastic. Are you eyeballing everything, or working of of plans?
I'm using plans found on the Wall-E Builders Group. I'm treating this like a speed build, I'm not as meticulous with my measurements as I am on some other builds (I'm trying to have Wall-E ready by Halloween).

Just getting better, love how it look now. Top-notch build! :)

Yodamann: he had some plans previously, at least for the arms or something.
Thanks mate! I'm really enjoying your build as well! (and thanks for the assist to Yodamann)

Thursday and Friday were a major push to get Wall-E ready for the Friday school carnival. I literally finished painting and installing the last piece 20 minutes before I started loading Wall-E into the car.

I posted all the build progress shots earlier, but thought I'd throw up some "beauty shots" -a significant amount of weathering has been added.

Here's the big guy in all his glory

Final weathering on the eyes, neck and top panel


Audio control panel (panel and buttons are styrene and non-functional). At a later point I may redo and make the buttons functional to control the MP3 player that runs his sounds.

Added weathering and grime to Wall-E's name plate (and a close up of his chip -done using the mustard weathering method). I think the name plate is my favorite part of the build


Completed weathering on the back panel and pistons




Final weathering on the neck


This bolt is the only visible, functional bolt on Wall-E. It controls the tension required to tilt Wall-E's head/neck

Lower neck and paint chips on the top panel (again done with the mustard method)

Final weathering on the right arm

Final weathering on the right hand

Last but not least, me and the kids at the school event

Wall-E was a big hit during the event. I had him setup in the cafeteria, so when people came in to eat or cool off they'd see him. I think about 30 different families took pictures with him and lots of people wanted to know more about the build and what he was made of. I built a light box behind the control panel and had his front lit up and there was a MP3 player and speakers inside the body playing a loop of Wall-E sounds (the kids loved it).

Lessons learned? Quite a few:

1) Building the fingers from MDF was a mistake. The joints are too weak and tend to break; Wall-E had a finger snap off early in the event.

2) People, kids in particular, are pretty grabby and rough -buttons were pushed, arms and fingers moved, eyes poked and head grabbed. Wall-E fared pretty well, but I'll need to get him a little more reinforced before he's outside for Halloween. SK, when your MF cockpit goes display be prepared for damage -everyone wants to treat the prop like they saw it used in the movies.

3) I'd like to make Wall-E a little more interactive. Right now the buttons are static and non-functional -it'd be fun to have them hooked into either lights on the chest, or sounds.

I'm taking a break from the Wall-E build for a few days to build a permanent workbench in the garage - I'm tired of working off a couple of sawhorses. When I resume the build it will be time to attack the tank treads.

More to come...
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP) - Pics from his first event

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program with this news update...

Spent the weekend cleaning out the garage and building a worktable. Many thanks to Volpin for posting his table plans online -I used a modified version for my build.

My rough sketch (used to help determine the amount of lumber to buy)

My assistant had the build plans on his mind all weekend

Workbench top

Legs added, checking height and determining the width of the middle shelf.

Reused old sawhorse plywood for the table's top and shelf

All done and loaded with tools

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program. ;)

More to come...
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP) - Pics from his first event

He looks great! Your efforts really paid off - amazing job. Like the workbench idea too! Might have to borrow that design. :)
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP) - Pics from his first event

The Wall-E looks super. Can't wait to see the new and improved version, so keep posting.
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP) - Pics from his first event

I like how it looks, both the Wall-E and the workbench. Keep it coming!

I bet you just gave your plans to Wall-E and he finished off the workbench, right? Even though you probably had to carry him around to get stuff? :D
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP) - Pics from his first event

that is awesome this is my next project once I have finished decorating and the workshop!
How long did it take for your membership to be accepted on the wall-e builders club as mine is still pending? (Im pressuming you are a member)

Any advice or anything you'd do different if you were building him again?
Are you going to make him movable ie motors and track drive?

Well done keep up posted.

Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP) - Pics from his first event

How long did it take for your membership to be accepted on the wall-e builders club as mine is still pending? (Im pressuming you are a member)

My membership approval has been pending for about 4 days now....
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP) - Pics from his first event

Looking great, you've really put a lot of work into this. I'm so impressed... With you're new work bench. And the wall-e is quite good as well.
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP) - Pics from his first event

He looks great! Your efforts really paid off - amazing job. Like the workbench idea too! Might have to borrow that design. :)
Thanks, I'm loving the new workbench -my productivity has ramped way up.

The Wall-E looks super. Can't wait to see the new and improved version, so keep posting.
Thanks! He's coming along pretty well, isn't he?

I like how it looks, both the Wall-E and the workbench. Keep it coming!
Thanks, I was amazed at how fast the workbench came together.

I bet you just gave your plans to Wall-E and he finished off the workbench, right? Even though you probably had to carry him around to get stuff? :D
I would have loved to have snapped some shots with him at the bench or holding a tool -but the build went so fast I was done before I thought of it.

Nice build, looking great!

Mike Senna
Many thanks!

that is awesome this is my next project once I have finished decorating and the workshop!
How long did it take for your membership to be accepted on the wall-e builders club as mine is still pending? (Im pressuming you are a member)

Any advice or anything you'd do different if you were building him again?
Are you going to make him movable ie motors and track drive?

Well done keep up posted.

I think my approval to the group was less than a couple of days. I wrote about lessons learned a couple of posts ago -nothing major. No plans to motorize or RC Wall-E. If that's something you want to do you need to figure out your mechanisms first, then build the prop around those mechanisms. If I were to do another one I might consider doing most of him in foam board. It'd be a much faster build and he'd be much lighter.

My membership approval has been pending for about 4 days now....
I haven't seen any activity in the group this week. It's a small membership and the leadership might be otherwise occupied. I'd shoot them a quick note just to stay on their radar.

Looking great, you've really put a lot of work into this. I'm so impressed... With you're new work bench. And the wall-e is quite good as well.
Now that made me laugh! Thanks for the compliments.
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP) - Pics from his first event

Looks great. What is the mustard method? can you either explain or put up a link.

Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP) - Pics from his first event

I haven't seen any activity in the group this week. It's a small membership and the leadership might be otherwise occupied. I'd shoot them a quick note just to stay on their radar.

Strangely enough, I was approved 4 hours ago! Not that I'm in any rush, I still have a Jurassic Park jeep to build...
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP) - Pics from his first event

Looks great. What is the mustard method? can you either explain or put up a link.

Sorry, no link to post -but it's not hard.

Basically, paint your piece to whatever the underlying color should be, then dab mustard on the areas where you want "peeling paint". Paint the piece to it's final color then let everything dry. The next day rub off the areas where you applied the mustard -voila, instant peeled paint.

You can also do the same technique with toothpaste or rubber cement.
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