1:1 Wall-E Build - 2014 Halloween Appearance

Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

Looking great thus far!! :)
Thank you!

Great progress!
Thanks! I feel like I'm moving a long at a 10th of the speed I should, but I'm getting there ;)

OM eefing G! I love wall-E. this is such a cool build. Keep up the good work.
Thank you, I think he's a very iconic, and brilliantly designed, character. I'm looking forward to having him as a resident in our house ;)

Yesterday was a "multi-project" day; created a couple of mold boxes for a different project, refined and refinished an existing prop piece, and worked on several of Wall-E's bits and pieces...

Secured all back and side bracing and got everything ready to be permanently attached.

And got one of the two eye lenses cut from plexiglass (I'm absolutely terrible with cutting this stuff -so I'm very pleased with this lens). Incidentally, did you know it's pretty hard to get a good shot of acrylic -in most of the pics I took you couldn't tell I was holding anything.

Test fit of the lens -it needs a little trimming to get a clean fit.


Last night ended with lots of glueing and sanding, so I hope to have lots more progress (and pics) today.

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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

Just noticed after having been playing with my transforming wall-e, isn't there supposed to be a recess on each side for his arms to fit into?
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

Just noticed after having been playing with my transforming wall-e, isn't there supposed to be a recess on each side for his arms to fit into?
One of the things I'm coming to realize, after staring at screen grabs waaaay too long, is there were a number of different models of Wall-E used throughout the movie. Wear patterns, paint, and surface detail change a lot from shot to shot. I going to add the trim around the arm tracks which I think implies that those sections recess, but that's as far as I'll take it. Thanks for following my build!

This is so awesome! Keep up the amazing work!
Thanks, I'll keep hammering away.

I started work on Wall-E's back over the weekend.



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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

I think wall-e may have had a few stunt doubles and stand ins which explains why in changes slightly
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

My children love this, what are your plans for it when finished. Sounds like i,'m trying to buy it off you, I'm not, he just looks pretty big.
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

Hey keep up the good work. I dont know how big you are doing this is it the 100% scale or the 85% scale. For the the eye's i use a magnify glass and they look awesome with them on there and the insde for his actual eye was a binoculars eye part. So with the magnify glass his eye really pops and looks alot bigger.YOUr wall-e is looking really good i love the detail on the head.
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

I think wall-e may have had a few stunt doubles and stand ins which explains why in changes slightly
That made me laugh out loud.

My children love this, what are your plans for it when finished. Sounds like i,'m trying to buy it off you, I'm not, he just looks pretty big.
Glad your kids like it!

I have a few different goals:

1) Have him in our entertainment room as a display/fun piece
2) Use him as an annual Halloween and Christmas decoration (he'll wear a Santa hat during the holidays)
3) Use him as a test bed for a scratch, R2D2 build

Hey keep up the good work. I dont know how big you are doing this is it the 100% scale or the 85% scale. For the the eye's i use a magnify glass and they look awesome with them on there and the insde for his actual eye was a binoculars eye part. So with the magnify glass his eye really pops and looks alot bigger.YOUr wall-e is looking really good i love the detail on the head.

I love the way your eyes turned out. I'm building at the 85% scale (and I still can't get over how big he is). I'm just going with plain plexi -the interior of the eye is a couple of nested PVC pipes and I hand painted the "focus ring" around the aperture.

I made decent progress last night -I started work on the pistons that go on the back panel.

PVC and dowels cut and glued

Traced out the piston head parts

After a few days of cool weather it got hot and muggy. This was sweaty and unpleasant, but all the pieces got cut (man I love my scroll saw)

Cut pieces awaiting sanding and final shaping

Glue and assembly



Lastly, after days of procrastinating I finally cut the plexi for Wall-E's second eye

"Look into my eyes..."

I've got the outer rings/bevels for his eyes cut, primed and painted. As soon as they're dry and attached Wall-E's head should be close to done.

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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

Im subscribing. This is one of the projects I've been trying to research and source parts for, for years now. Looks amazing. Hoping I can get started on a Wall-e soon enough.
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

Im subscribing. This is one of the projects I've been trying to research and source parts for, for years now. Looks amazing. Hoping I can get started on a Wall-e soon enough.

Thanks for subscribing. The Wall-E builders club has amazing resources and plans available -it makes a huge difference on the build. The best advice I can give you is get started and get some momentum going. I'm having a great time with the build (so far anyway ;))

More progress for the day...

Eye bevels primed and painted; Pistons almost complete and primed

Rear pistons assembled and final paint

Body paint detail added (almost final)

Arm recess trim added to the sides (I cut up a Raisin Bran cereal box)



Bevels attached to the eyes (I'm very pleased with how they turned out -the bevels are cut from MDF and sanded to shape)


Spent most of this evening working on the back panel and didn't get nearly as far as I would have liked (sigh). The glue's drying overnight.

Unfortunately tomorrow (Wednesday) is my chemo day, so I'm not sure that I'll get much done -we'll see how I feel.

Love the comments, please keep them coming (suggestions are always welcome).

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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

Resumed work on the back panel last night and, thanks to a bout of insomnia, resumed work about 3:00 am this morning (sheesh).

The geometry of this piece is much more complicated than it appears, but nothing that lots of wood glue and clamps can't over come.

Here's where the piece currently stands (I'm hoping to get it completed today)



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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

...and so much for getting the back completed in a day -it's still not done. But, progress continues.

For those who are thinking about doing a Wall-E build, I think the back piece looks deceptively simple. In fact, between the complex curves, the interior support, and the multiple boxes within boxes it takes a fair amount of time (it also has a lot of detail trim).

Working from the back forward, here's the interior side of the rear panel with the boxes in place.

Close up of interior supports to strengthen the underside of the box.

...and from the front -the pistons are not attached -I need to drill holes through the sides and extend the bottom axel pieces from the pistons out to the sides (I may do the tops too -even though it's not shown that way in the movie). I want to make sure the pieces are well supported and don't inadvertently come loose.

Trim added to the center panel (for those reading my notes, you can actually see I mis-identified the sides of the panel (I had it flipped), fortunately it was a labeling problem and not a cutting problem ;)

I'm hoping to finish the trim today and get the piece primed, wish me luck.

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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

After a few days of cool weather it got hot and muggy. This was sweaty and unpleasant...

I feel your pain... Living in the south (Alabama) can be brutal during these long hot and humid months... Hang in there! Wall-E looks AMAZING! The rear pistons are really COOL looking! :)
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

I feel your pain... Living in the south (Alabama) can be brutal during these long hot and humid months... Hang in there! Wall-E looks AMAZING! The rear pistons are really COOL looking! :)

Thanks, we've had very mild weather for the last several weeks, so when the heat and humidity spiked back up it really kicked us in the teeth. Fortunately, we've avoided most of the rain you've been getting.

Wall-E's "eyebrows" have been a challenge. I used a heat gun to shape them to the curve of the eyes but there's still enough tension on the pieces that they pull away from the head. Yesterday I pulled them off and did a complete re-glue. So far, everything seems to be adhering. I used a palm sander to thin down the bottom part of the "brows" to give them more of a recessed look (the models they used in the movie are very inconsistent).

Finally, he got final prep and paint. A little masking to protect the lenses.

Used spray adhesive and sawdust to give Wall-E a little more texture.

Finally painted the underside of Wall-E's eyes

Final paint (with texturing)


Added the outer trim to the top panel

Got the edges rounded and everything sanded flush

...and finally finished the trim work on the back panel -the B&L logo was definitely a challenge.


Trim on the sides also complete


Currently the back piece has a lot of red putty on it. Next step is to sand and prime -same for the top piece.

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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

Hot, hot, hot. I think I went through three shirts just priming, sanding and painting. Miserable.

But, I got accomplished what I wanted to for the day -so we'll call it good. Top panel primed and pre-weathered.


Rear panel primed and pre-weathered.


Top panel, base yellow coat.

Rear panel, base yellow coat.


It was so pretty primed I actually felt bad about painting over it ;)

Next step, finishing the top trim/side pieces and attaching the back. Then I have a choice: 1) finish the neck and attach the head, or 2) build and attach the arms.

Any advice from our Wall-E builders out there?

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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

I'm really loving the eyes so far. It's crazy how expressive his eyes were in the movie and you're nailing it. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

Here I am, a grown man....reading this thread and making Wall-E sounds.

Damn it man, now you've done it.

Seriously though, you're doing an awesome job!
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

I'm really loving the eyes so far. It's crazy how expressive his eyes were in the movie and you're nailing it. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Thanks, his head is sitting on the fireplace mantle and it definitely feels like he's checking out the room.

Here I am, a grown man....reading this thread and making Wall-E sounds.

Damn it man, now you've done it.

Seriously though, you're doing an awesome job!

Thank you! You made me laugh out loud. Very much appreciate the kind words.


Progress is slow, slow, slow. I'm three months into a six-month chemo regiment where they're pumping toxic gunk into my system every other week and it's definitely beating me up. So, not quite as much energy to spend on Wall-E as I'd like (course, I think I'm getting a lifetime supply of naps in ;))

Anyway, got the pistons permanently installed and extended the bottom "bolt" out to the side of the panel.

Contoured the back framework to accept the back panel and fit with pegs to hold it into place (I won't permanently attach the back until I've completed the rest of Wall-E (neck, arms and treads included).



Tomorrow I'll get the weathering done on the top and back and start working on the arms.

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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

Show of hands, who drastically -and comically, underestimates how long a given task is going to take? (both my hands are stretched high to the sky)

Started working on the body bumpers/trim. I literally thought this might take an hour. At this point I'm about 3 hours in and still going. Hope to have it all buttoned up by tonight.



...and the sad parts I was going to weather patiently waiting their turn

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