Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (MDF)
Nice,my girlfriend would love a wall-e,i've always said i'll try one day but well ....
Having been married to my former girlfriend for almost 20 years, my advice is to give it a go -it's a win/win
Great job so far - looks great. Are you using the plans from the Yahoo builders site?
Thank you. I'm absolutely pouring over all the content at the Yahoo builders site. Incredible detail and specifications make this a lot easier than some other projects.
My wife was the same. I was lucky enough to pick up one of the cardboard cinema display ones from Gumtree (like Craigslist) for $50. It even has a sensor that makes it say phrases and light up when you walk past!
I cannot begin to tell you how jealous I am. Very cool.
Looking good so far! Yeah I don't have the skills or time to work with wood like most Wall-e's are made with but I did snatch up one of those standee wall-e's too for my self, there are awesome too!
Thanks for subbing -and for the words of encouragement. The wonderful aspect of a build like this is that it has so much detail that individual pieces don't stand out -which masks a variety of "mishaps". So, don't sell yourself short -give it a go
Looking Good keep up the good work
Thanks! Your build, along with Familyman's foam build, are two of my biggest inspirations.
I started working on the head/eyes today. This part seems to be the least documented on the Wall-E builders site so it's open to the most "artistic" interpretation. Consequently, this piece is taking a little longer than I was expecting. I'm hoping to make the eyes pose-able (change the angle off the center axis) so I'm still trying to figure out the pieces to make and how they fit together.
Here's current progress (everything is just dry fit)
I knew going into this project that Wall-E was roughly to the same scale as R2D2, but as the piece is materializing I'm blown away by how BIG this things going to be.
More to come...