Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) costume !!FINISHED PG 2!!

Not my intention at all.

If that is truly the case, then you've revealed your complete lack of self awareness to the rest of the forum. Sheesh.

I guess the old saying about "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" is completely lost on people who cannot differentiate insulting words from neutral ones.

I promise you Hfuy, what you said is offensive and unkind.
I am generally on board with the "grow a thicker skin" mentality, but in this case, you are wrong and are continuing to prove it through your additional posts. If this is the way you plan to continue to interact with this community, then I would recommend you check out a more crass collective, like 4chan, where your approach is advocated and encouraged.

Grow thicker skin.

I really don't understand people who take offence on behalf of others.
Grow thicker skin.

I really don't understand people who take offence on behalf of others.

Again, you're revealing a complete lack of understanding of people in general. Might it help you to understand if I told you I was dating her?

How about instead of me growing thicker skin, you learn to control yourself a little better, and behave in a manner that is commensurate with the goals of this forum and the environment that the mods/owners hope to create here?

or is that too much to ask?
Grow thicker skin.

I really don't understand people who take offence on behalf of others.

No, you need to wind your neck in.

You've gone beyond being "misinterpreted" and straight into being rude. Internet or not, if you were behaving like this in real life, you would deserve to get told off by anyone in earshot.

Learn some common courtesy.
You've gone beyond being "misinterpreted" and straight into being rude.

Well, I like to think I've matched the tone of the conversation.

What's actually happened is that I've realised I'm arguing with Johnny Ten Thousand Posts, so I'm never going to get out of this one alive!
Yeah tell that to someone's girlfriend in person and see if they don't take offense or give you a beating...seriously though you just keep going, instead of saying sorry.
I'm guilty of this as well but that was a back-handed apology...
Sorry! Yes, good grief! Sorry! No offence intended!

But I'm not going to be jumped on by some upstart who thinks he has to play the white knight to Laamberry's fainting maiden. If I was her, I'd be cringing with embarrassment.
Sorry! Yes, good grief! Sorry! No offence intended!

But I'm not going to be jumped on by some upstart who thinks he has to play the white knight to Laamberry's fainting maiden. If I was her, I'd be cringing with embarrassment.

Well, shes' sitting right here next to me, and she's not cringing. If you were Laamberry, you'd be off building things and making costumes, not trolling the RPF and exposing how little social grace you have.

Again, your assumptions have betrayed you. E-Wan is a very close friend of both Laamberry and I, and also happens to make some good points. He's not white knighting. He's commenting on what he sees as rude behavior. Unless of course you're still talking about me :) And the same truth still holds. One does not have to be motivated by the possibility of getting into the good graces of a user to stand up for what is right.

Honestly, and seriously, just stop. I won't say "quit while you're ahead", as you're already way behind.
shes' sitting right here next to me

Then why don't you let her say it.

She responded to me earlier on and seemed to entirely understand the question!

Oh, and - I've got to mention this, I really can't keep the bile down any longer - I'm being lectured on social grace by someone who wants everyone to think he's the "center of the universe". Isn't the internet a fine place!
Well, as I said in my PM, enjoy your limited time on the RPF while it lasts. You've managed to put on display for all to see that you are unable to play well with others. You've done me a service actually, and for that I thank you.
I don't know if development of this costume is still happening [doesn't need to be its already excellent] but you might find this t-shirt a much closer match for the one in the show if you do want to upgrade.

Ladies Union Jack T shirt

The main point is the positioning and shape of the red and white diagonals. Most shirt prints seem to turn the flag sideways so the long edge runs vertically down the length of the shirt. The Rose costume shirt print looks to have kept the horizontal position and just extended the centre red stripe down.
To paraphrase the private message - I don't care who's sleeping with who, who's best buddies with who, or whose clique I've offended; it's irrelevant to the argument. Posting here is (obviously) a spare time fun thing and if you make it not fun I shall stop doing it.
I don't know if development of this costume is still happening [doesn't need to be its already excellent] but you might find this t-shirt a much closer match for the one in the show if you do want to upgrade.

INTERESTING!!! I know Laamberry spent a lot of time hunting down the shirt she has, but I don't recall if she was 100% happy with it. That one looks good! Good catch, Columbo!
On the jack shirt...I think the one she has already is actually a great start, maybe I should be more specific on what I mean on the neck band. As in the first post pic

compared to
it looks to me like the neck band of the Jack Shirt is actually stitched into the "Jack" flag part of the T, as in there is no real Neck Tape section as on most of the readily available Jack shirts... And the one Columbo posted also has the same problem.
I haven't watched any of the episodes mind you, this is just casual observation of the couple of pics posted in the thread.

I applaud the effort you put into the sourcing of the outfit/costume Laam... as Matt, myself, and many here doing the same can attest to, it can be nearly impossible to track down those screen seen type outfits.
So notice how her neck line comes down a smidgen more? Maybe cut the neck tape off, and stitch a small finished edge around to look a little more like this...
So notice how her neck line comes down a smidgen more? Maybe cut the neck tape off, and stitch a small finished edge around to look a little more like this...

What you are seeing may be an illusion of poor lighting. This is the original screen used costume when it was sold at Bonhams

On the jack shirt...I think the one she has already is actually a great start, maybe I should be more specific on what I mean on the neck band. As in the first post pic

compared to
it looks to me like the neck band of the Jack Shirt is actually stitched into the "Jack" flag part of the T, as in there is no real Neck Tape section as on most of the readily available Jack shirts... And the one Columbo posted also has the same problem.
I haven't watched any of the episodes mind you, this is just casual observation of the couple of pics posted in the thread.

I applaud the effort you put into the sourcing of the outfit/costume Laam... as Matt, myself, and many here doing the same can attest to, it can be nearly impossible to track down those screen seen type outfits.

For my first post on this forum I think applauding you on your Rose costume replica is fitting since a whovian friend of mine sent me this way. So, kudos!

About the shirt neck line, I think in the photo the collar is tucked under a bit. Like it had rolled while she was wearing it since she did just get up from laying down and swooning into Cpt. Jack...:)

Oh yeah, your wig looks amazing. Did you use the sharpie dye technique I saw posted above?
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