Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) costume !!FINISHED PG 2!!

Well, seeing this has made me want to work on my David Tennant suit...I know I know...not the episode in question, but it would be nice posing next to a Rose Tyler as Doctor #10 :p

You look absolutely amazing and you definitely pull off the part!
You make and awesome Rose!

Thank you so much!

Well, seeing this has made me want to work on my David Tennant suit...I know I know...not the episode in question, but it would be nice posing next to a Rose Tyler as Doctor #10 :p

You look absolutely amazing and you definitely pull off the part!

Thank you! My onnnllly regret with this costume is that I look out of place next to 10s. BUT since Matt makes an amazing 9, it isn't too much of an issue. That is, until he get his 10 together. Then I'll have to pick a new Rose costume to do!
I know Matt already posted this but I thought it deserved to be in my thread too :]]

Looks great! Now all you need are some buck teeth to make it "screen accurate"...

I've actually been kicking this idea around in my head, but with all the other stuff I've got going on, I don't think I'll have time. But yeah, a HUGE set of teeth would really put this costume over the top :)
Laam - first off great job hunting down the parts!
a small suggestion on the shirt, cut the neck band off and it will be spot on.
I don't get it, isn't this just normal clothes that anyone would wear?

Don't mean to be a curmudgeon, but I wouldn't particularly remark that if I walked past it on the way into town one day. Iron Man on the other hand...
I don't get it, isn't this just normal clothes that anyone would wear?

Don't mean to be a curmudgeon, but I wouldn't particularly remark that if I walked past it on the way into town one day. Iron Man on the other hand...

It a combination of things: The top and jacket were (I believe) quite hard to track down, also the wig is well done because it actually looks like chavvy dyed hair that's grown out at the roots. Add to that the iconic 'action' pose that all the Who promo shoots seem to include (plus the Doctor) and it becomes the costume rather than just ordinary clothes. Of course, the characters actual costume was meant to be ordinary clothes...
Laam - first off great job hunting down the parts!
a small suggestion on the shirt, cut the neck band off and it will be spot on.

It looks like the neckband is intact in the show to me...

Costume looks fantastic, that wig is perfect. Great job. Matt's Doctor looks good too, you guys make a great duo.

Thank you!!

I don't get it, isn't this just normal clothes that anyone would wear?

Don't mean to be a curmudgeon, but I wouldn't particularly remark that if I walked past it on the way into town one day. Iron Man on the other hand...

Lupus pretty much took the words out of my mouth, yeah. It's much harder than you would think to track down a bunch of clothes from 2005. And this is a replica costume board isn't it? My costume is a replica :]
Hey, Billie's fit! You shoosh :p

Laamberry - Costume looks great, and I love the addition of roots to the wig... That would never even have occurred to me!

And it IS a costume... Just as much as any of the Stargate or Colonial Marines ones are.
Just because it's not sewn together from scratch doesn't make it any less of a costume.
I think that's the point - it might be a replica, but it's not really a costume, is it :)
You could say the same thing about Doctor's 9, 10 and 11's outfits: Black leather jacket over black clothes, blue or brown pinstripe suit with sneakers, tweed jacket with pink shirt, bowtie and suspenders.

This IS a costume. Indeed, I'd say any getup designed to make people look like a character, historical figure, and so forth, falls in the category of costume. Whether it's a full out suit of Iron Man armor, or a black suit with Ray-Bans for MiB.

And on the costume in question, great work Laam!
I think that's the point - it might be a replica, but it's not really a costume, is it :)

On the other hand, inasmuch as anyone is unfortunate enough to look like Billie Piper, you do look sufficiently like Billie Piper. Please take this too literally, and don't be insulted, as I appreciate she does look slightly like an alien in a bad "human" disguise; your facial features aren't fighting for dominance nearly as much as hers.

[Insert "running away very fast" emoticon]

Dude, wtf? While I can understand that you don't have the same costuming ethos as other people on the forum, your other comments have ZERO place in this thread. Trying to back pedal from a statement that basically reads "Billie piper is really ugly, and you look a lot like her" is REALLY lame. I recommend you save your comments for a thread that is better suited to your temperment, perhaps on another forum.

For reference, the hobby of costuming takes on a variety of different forms. What may not be appreciated by you does not mean it isn't costuming. At a recent Doctor Who conference, Laamberry was cited AT EVERY TURN as the best rose tyler folks had ever seen. So while you may not appreciate it, others do.
Hfuy, I have to agree with Matt on this and to go just a bit further, I would have to ask, what is the purpose of your posting in this thread. So far you have managed to belittle Amanda's costume and give the most backhanded "compliment" I have seen in a long time by saying Billie Piper is not attractive and that Amanda only somewhat looks like here... Really?

In regard to costuming, not all costume are equally exciting or imaginative but the fact that a costume consists of everyday wear doesn't mean it isn't a costume. If it was on a show or in a movie, it is a costume, regardless of how mundane you might find it to be. If you don't appreciate costumes of that type, that is fine, but why come in and crap on someone else's hard work and effort, showing yourself to not only be rude, but also ignorant of the time and effort that went into putting this particular costume together? What was the point you hoped to achieve?

The core of a discussion forum IS discussion and many people coming together to share their ideas. However, the point is that the numerous members are contributing to the collective in a way that is beneficial, either through compliments, commentary or even through constructive criticism. Bagging on a person's choice of costume and then essentially saying they only somewhat resemble an actress you consider to be extremely ugly really doesn't add to the conversation and has no place here.
Oh, for ******'s sake.

So far you have managed to belittle Amanda's costume

Not my intention at all. It is a completely accurate recreation of the costume used in the episode. My question - and it's a sincere one, and one I don't think is inappropriate - is why people are interested in doing things which end up looking so everyday. There's nothing wrong with the costume as such, and I've said so.

Piper is not attractive

Well, that's a matter of opinion.

and that Amanda only somewhat looks like here... Really

I could have said she looks exactly like someone I described as unfortunate-looking, but that would be impolite (and untrue).

For the record, my opinion is and always has been that the costume is accurate and the wearer looks as much like an odd-looking person (Piper) as a normal-looking person (Laamberry) ever can.


Addendum: I have no intention of engaging in any further discussion, on the board or in private messages, about whether Billie Piper is or is not attractive.
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