Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) costume !!FINISHED PG 2!!

Sorry guys, my shirt is only one stripe (the red stripe on the top right white diagonal stripe is on the wrong side) from being THE shirt! But thank you all for your help and attention to detail, I live for this sort of nitpicking!! I do it all day lol.Also thank you for all the nice comments!

And look, let me set whats been said earlier aside and "say it myself" before someone gets the idea that I'm some wilting flower.

Don't talk to my boyfriend that way.

Don't talk to my friends that way.

Really, don't talk to ANYBODY that way.You're right, it doesn't matter who's friends with who in the end because you should really just think a bit more carefully before you say some things,dude.

I'm sorry if you didn't mean it , Hfuy, and I should have said something before it came to being called ugly, but it's just. Your best bet would be to just not respond to this and go about your forum browsing a little more tactfully.

ANYWAY! I'm thinking of cutting some more wefts out of my wig, it still seems too thick to me. Thoughts?
Hmm, it may be a smidge too thick right at the top, which makes it look a little too tall there. Looking again, it seems like the wig also comes a little too far forward around the sides of you face compared to Billie Piper's hair. Other than that it's great, although now I'm going to be bothered by the flag on the shirt. What you describe as the stripe being in the wrong place looks like being due to the flag being upside-down! (look at the lower half, the flag isn't horizontally symmetrical) Rose even points out an upside-down flag in The Idiot''s Lantern, so I don't know how I missed that. Although it's hard to tell as the jacket covers most of your shirt.
Hmm, it may be a smidge too thick right at the top, which makes it look a little too tall there. Looking again, it seems like the wig also comes a little too far forward around the sides of you face compared to Billie Piper's hair. Other than that it's great, although now I'm going to be bothered by the flag on the shirt. What you describe as the stripe being in the wrong place looks like being due to the flag being upside-down! (look at the lower half, the flag isn't horizontally symmetrical) Rose even points out an upside-down flag in The Idiot''s Lantern, so I don't know how I missed that. Although it's hard to tell as the jacket covers most of your shirt.

Yup, that's exactly what's going on with the shirt. It's sort of a bummer because I specifically bought this shirt because it was the only one that seemed to be oriented correctly in the picture. When I got it however, it was like this! Otherwise though it's great so I figure I'll let it slide. And thanks for the feedback about the wig, you're right on all accounts!
For what it's worth - which I suspect isn't much at this point - the shirt you have is actually a more correct representation of the union flag than the one used in the episode, although one might argue that the character would be exactly the sort of person to make that error.

And nobody's ever called you ugly.
Could be Columbo, like I said never saw the episode, just the pics here... so is this actually a T or is is a Tank modified?
the shirt you have is actually a more correct representation of the union flag than the one used in the episode, although one might argue that the character would be exactly the sort of person to make that error.

Just curious, and I mean this sincerely: Do you even understand what's trying to be accomplished with this costume/project??
Could be Columbo, like I said never saw the episode, just the pics here... so is this actually a T or is is a Tank modified?
Nah, thats a vest! In England anyway. :)

The Rose costume shirt has short sleeves with the flag on like the one I linked to.
yup, Columbo is right! It's actually a short sleeved T-shirt. What I want to know is, how come all of these flag shirts are so short? Everywhere I look they're almost at the belly button (even on the models in the pictures) and Rose has to wear another shirt underneath hers? How did the trend start?
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