Good evening everyone,

Just wanted to introduce myself (been putting off signing up for ages), found the forum after searching for information on the red burn bag from "The Bourne Identity"- decided to sign up so I could read everything properly and maybe contribute in some way:cool

Two phone cards later, what slippery slope have I gotten on....:lol

All the best,
Martin (UK).
Hi, my name is Dave. I'm from Ireland and I have just started to get interested in prop building/ model making. I did a lot of model making when I was young but life took over in the meantime! I thought I'd give it another go and I heard about this site from various places around the Internet and thought it would be a good place to get help and advice from people with much more talent and experience than I have.
I'm in the middle of my first original design blaster build so I'd be very interested in seeing what people thought of it when it's done!
Hello Everyone!!

Well, Im finally a member of what seems to be an incredible community!

Luckily, I was listening to some old TESTED: STILL UNTITLED where Norm and Adam were talking about this great place where all kinds of people come together and share ideas/pictures/posts/stories/props/etc called "RPF". RPF this and RPF that. Due to the fact that I am incredibly new to this kind of thing and am quite naive about it, I had no idea what they were talking about and thought they were just "talking the lingo".

After some quick searching, I found this place and can I say I am quite excited. I have finally found a place full of weirdos and nerds just like me who care so much about the same things I do. Im really looking forward to learning as much as I can and maybe one day... Ill even design something myself.


Hey everyone,

I am brand new to the site and to prop making so I'm still finding my way around, but I'm very excited. I currently work as a patternmaker for a costume company that mostly does dance wear, but I am a huge fan of movie costumes and I'm getting into movie props as well.

Excited to get to know people and talk about similar interests!

Hi guys,

New to this board, but a lifetime Star Trek fan from day one, watching the late night reruns of TOS on WPIX 11 in New York City. When I was younger I would build mostly car models every weekend. I did do a 1701 and a large scale US shuttle of which I launched with large 4th of July rockets; young and stupid. Decided it was time to get back into model building but with more panaché, more realism and ST props seemed the way to go. I picked up a Nemesis Dolphin kit and am looking forward to starting on that. So..

Hello everyone!

While I am not the most artistic or talented person out there, I do enjoy making and creating things. When I was a kid, I had a model railroad table that I tore down and rebuilt a dozen times to do fly through films on. I have had a life long fascination with maps, space costumes/props, and weapons. While in college I took ceramics, intaglio printing, screen printing, and metal sculpture. I am currently a police officer but am having my mid life crisis and will be attend gunsmithing school starting this year in order to have a career change. Additionally, I work part time in a small machine shop.

As far as props I have made, I have not done a whole lot. I sewed a 100% wool Harry Potter robe and knitted a POA style wool cardigan. I have 3 screens I burned for screen printing Thror's Map from the Hobbit. I have printed maps on heavy watercolor paper and deer hide which both worked very well. I bronze casted Thror's Key from the Hobbit as well using the lost wax process.

I always want to learn new things and improve my current skills because I can do a lot of things ok, but am a master of none. I look forward to collaborating with everyone.



These are two of the screens for printing Thror's Map.
Hi All,

I've been lurking for a few weeks and drooling over all the amazing replicas and models here.

I'm slightly obsessed with spaceships. Because of financial reasons, I have only two model ships right now: a tiny Enterprise from TOS and the Lego Dimensions version of Benny's Spaceship from the Lego movie. I hope to get/make many, many more.

Hey all, just found theRPF via a Tested video. My wife and I make costumes for our sons to attend local cons. Joined up to share what appears to be a novel way of doing lighted eye-rims (I did it for an NCR Ranger costume). I'll be posting that in the Replica Costumes section shortly.
Hi all,

Im Joe,
I found this website from watching youtube videos about prop making until one of them mentioned they got the plans from here.
Ive got a huge love for making and collecting props especially marvel and video games.
I started with card board and duct tape and moved up and up and now I'm on to the real stuff!
I look forward to making more things and meeting like minded people on this website who I can share and bounce ideas around with.
Im unbelievably happy I've found this forum!
Hi, I'm Dan

I've been a model builder for over 15 years, I started building Gundam Models when I was younger, and that kind of spread into more Sci-fi Space ships and and 1/72 scale aircraft and armor. I also work on customer N scale railroad models. I have been toying with the idea of doing some prop replicas for a while and finally decided to join the forum to learn more about it. I am very interested in doing Star Wars, Star Trek and Doctor Who props. I'm hoping to learn a lot and hopefully make some awesome stuff.
Hi guys, I'm Lukas,

I've been lurking for a long time, but now feel that it's time to become a little more active.
My interest in props and costumes started many years ago, when I first stumbled across Indy Magnoli and his amazing Indiana Jones prop replicas. I immediately knew that I had to recreate several of my favorite props from those movies... Success varied, but I was hooked.

I'm also a big Star Wars nerd and came here to find information on the lightsabers from Force Awakens. My latest project is the conversion of my very first Graflex flash (a 2-cell)... Wish me luck. :)
So I joined back in January but never did the intro here. I am kind of a new to making props. I have always been interested in making and collecting. One of my main goals is I really want to make a Rocketeer costume. I even got a 3d printer so I could 3d print a helmet and jet pack. But I joined the RPF for the more detailed stuff like the leather jacket and the buckle on the jet pack. But a friend suggested that I join the RPF so I could really dive into prop making and collecting.
Hi folks!

My name is Jeff.

I'm a french 26yo mechanical engineer and recent prop maker.

I use my modeling skills and my trusty 3d printer to make props from my favorites video games and movies (weapons and accessories)
I've made a lot of replicas from Mass Effect (Predator, Avenger, Widow, Locust, Katana, etc...) and some other stuff (Boba Fett EE-3, McCree Peacekeeper) from various well known franchises

Here's an exemple (McCree Peacekeeper from Overwatch):
I'll soon try my hands at EVA Foam to make armors. ^^

I'm here to share knowledge on prop making (I know a lot about 3d printing so if people any advices on this matter, feel free to ask)
and also to show you my latest projects.
Hi guys and gals,

I'm Johanna from Austria (central Europe). I've been an anonymous reader and a member of the RPF facebook group long enough so I decided to finally sign up here.

I'm one half of a prop and costume builder couple called Brazen & Bold Productions (I don't know if I'm allowed to post a link here? Probably not... ;-)). I specialize in construction, pattern-making and everything sewing while my husband specializes in design and everything related to paint jobs. We started with Fallout props and quickly went on to cosplay, mainly so we could show off our props. We're not limited to Fallout anymore at all, but the whole wasteland/Fallout/Mad Max theme is still pretty important. But we also do other stuff, mainly from movies, video games and comics (manga/anime is not our cup of tea - except for commissions, I'm willing to build/sew everything that looks interesting to build).

Aside from props and costumes we do medieval reenactment and steampunk.

A few of our costumes & props:
Hey everyone,

I am new to this board and prop making in general. I have been toying around with the idea of making props since making halloween costumes for a few years. You can find a picture below of my pyramid head that I made a couple years back. Not a great picture, but you get the idea. I really want to start painting and weathering resin prop kits to get started, and I have never worked with molding with silicone and resin but I am fearfully interested in it. I might do more lurking than posting, but we shall see.

Hey everyone,

I am new to this board and prop making in general. I have been toying around with the idea of making props since making halloween costumes for a few years. You can find a picture below of my pyramid head that I made a couple years back. Not a great picture, but you get the idea. I really want to start painting and weathering resin prop kits to get started, and I have never worked with molding with silicone and resin but I am fearfully interested in it. I might do more lurking than posting, but we shall see.

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Welcome to the RPF! Cheers!
Hi All, I found the RPF through watching the videos. It is pretty amazing to see some of the things you guys are working on. I recently started teaching myself airbrushing and would like to get into more detailed project soon!

Here is my first finished item:


Airbrushed with my Iwata Eclipse and sculpted with Super Scupley.
Hey Everyone!

I stumbled upon this website after seeking more info on the BTTF Futaba Radio Doc uses. After a bit of a search i have now got a red label model with some bits to start making a replica! Now looking into the MPH Display which i have seen some awesome threads on here about.

I am amazed by how much awesome work that come together here. Can't wait to explore some more.

I'm a cosplayer and i've decided to finally join after reading through the amazing work on here for a couple of years. Hope I have something to contribute to the community and continue learning! Got bit by the super hero bug last year and now im ready to seriously work on some fun stuff!

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