Hello everyone. Seems like I'm extremely late to the party. Can't believe I've only just now found this community.

Im a collector of Star Wars and Jurassic Park toys/props. I don't have an extensive collection but am definitely working on it. I am extremely impressed by the variety and quality of work I see on here. Looking forward to getting to know some of you and hopefully pick up some cool things along the way.

Hey guys!

I've actually been here since December 2014 but now realized that this thread exists.

So I am a beginning maker with other hobbies such as martial arts and music.

I would love if you guys can give me as much advice as possible to any thread you guys see me post on because I would truly appreciate the more knowledge I can attain.
I hope to befriend you guys soon.

Hello everyone, my name is Yamila and im from Argentina (so dont hate me if my English is horrible, here we speak Spanish).
I found this forum while searching for some prop tutorials, and BAAAAM, full of AWESOME people!!

Im 23 years old and I ve been cosplaying for 10 years, besides that my last 4 were the most active since I started working and you know, cosplaying is *****ng expensive.
If you visit my page u ll see that im not pro as I could be if Ive been doing it for 10 years, but I do my best hahaha

Im starting to craft some things from eva foam and trying to improve and lear new techniques. Right now im working on Honey Lemon`s armor from Big Hero 6 and I finished my helmet, which I think it looks pretty good t be the first one.



I hope you like it and thanks for the welcome!! ♥
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Hello hello, new guy here just wanted to get my posting sea-legs and say cheers! A few of my favorite things are starwars, pulp fiction, and batman.
I have been doing woodwork for quite some time but I recently have decided to really branch out and start trying to make whatever pops into my head.
I once heard Adam Savage say "I'm a serial collector of new skills" and I think that's the best way to describe my aditude as well.

See ya around the pages.
Bonjour je ai découvert le site car je doie Réaliser le costume de aveline de assasin creed mais je ne trouve pas de patron et en plus c'est mon premier cosplay dur! au faite je fais partie d'une assos qui réuni les passionnés de pop culture ( jeux vidéo, manga et concours cosplay) si quelqu'un peut m'aider! il doit etre prét pour le 30 mai 2015 merci!!!
Hi everyone!

I found this site by watching CommanderHollys youtube channel. I've never cosplayed before, I don't even know how to sew :( but I decided I wanted to give it a try this yr for Alamo City Comic Con. I've joined this site to learn more about Cosplay, how to make costumes/props and maybe get some help with making my costume. My goal is to atleast make one, Connor Kenway from AS3.
Hey everyone, I found out about therpf from Adam Savages podcast. I'm just getting into prop and model making. In fact I'm working on my first cosplay for an anime convention.
VFS near-graduate / alien eggs


A student at the Vancouver Film School, I am about to graduate.
Is anyone here from Vancouver?

When asked what my favourite film is, I find that an impossible question. The classics are just that, so it's usually a toss-up between Escape From New York or The Thomas Crown Affair (either version (I don't normally like remakes, but the '99 version was more than acceptable)).

A recent production design assignment was to create a rock. I went a bit further, created a section of molten hillside with three tiers and plan to put an alien egg on each of them - in the style of the eggs from the aliens series.

I've got a photo of where I am currently at and an album of stepped progression (photos). I'll post the photo, with 2 questions, in the main Replica Props section.

Hi everyone my name is jayland and i new as you can i am going to be trying alot of new things this year including my first cosplay.
Im going to be the scarlet spiderman (ben riley) at the cleveland comic con if anyone has any tips or help for that would be great. I've always been intereted in cosplaying and now im finally trying it.
I've been lurking for so long, just introducing myself feels like standing on someone's shoulders. Thanks for all the great info and inspiration! Hope to post some photos of my own soon.
Hello everyone! I was introduced to this forum by Briana (The Lady Nerd).
My name is Kate Sykes and I'm from the North of England. I've been a cosplayer for 8 years.
I'm also a budding filmmaker and have been working my way into the industry for the past few years to gain experience and contacts. :)

I'm not sure what to do here. Do I create my own thread for my cosplay photos? I have a lot. :p
Hello I am Andrew. I am 26 years old and have never undertaken a Cosplay project. i have several years experience in making models and such but never anything of this scale.

i have decided that for the Premier of Episode VII and i wish to attend wearing Sith Acolyte armor. now i have seen various posts and WIP's of this armor but being new to the world of prop and costume making i have absolutely no idea how to start this project. i know i need some Pepakura files, and i have the Viewer program required to open these files but thats about as much as i know, how do i get these files? where to download them how to create a suit of armor from these files what materials to use and so on i know that i need some foam of some description but how do i get is foam to look like the armor and then how does it all attach and work? forgive the newbie like questions but this is an entirely new venture for me, i am not a very artistic type of guy nor am a very crafty ive assembled and painted model kits for most of my life but to create something is another question.

ideally buying the costume would be easier but i know that there is most likely none for sale so i must make one, so can anyone help me out?

Ahoy! all , I found this site looking for instructions on how to make a pipboy3000 and love the site, i just keep looking at prop after prop after prop
Hey everyone! Discolights here! It's so awesome that a place like this exists! I'm so ready to view others people props and hard work as well as show mine.

I've been working with props and electronics for over 4 years now and can't wait to show you guys what I've been working on. It's going to be an awesome time here!
Hi everyone, and greetings from NYC. I'm a longtime comics and sci-fi fan who has started to slowly enter the world of cosplay over the past couple of years. My brother and I are both huge Spider-Man fans and would like to dress up as him for either NYCC or SE:NYC this year.

I have used this site a few times for inspiration for my costumes and thought I would register to join the fun.

Im about to start my Gamora costume and will be posting my progress on here.
Howdy howdy howdy!

Ever since I was a young child I have always leaned towards making stuff. As a youngster, buying toys was fun.... but making my own toys was better. I remember taking apart a classic GI Joe toy and replicating it with hand carved wood armatures and springs. On the way home from church every sunday as a young child we would always stop at McDonalds. Back in those days the burgers came in these "space ship" styrofoam containers. I would save those things and build spaceships and vehicles. Sometimes they got quite elaborate, with sliding doors and ladders. I didn't need toys.

I found this site from watching Adam Savage youtube stuff. He would constantly mention the "RPF" site and then I came across it "by accident" during research on creating a T800 endoskeleton 3D model... I am not building an actual physical "meat space" version.... yet... but a 3D animated model "built from scratch" using the resources I can find from the movies and online. The best source for accurate info is actually all the people building these things in their workshops. All of the "3D" stuff out there is not as accurate to the movies. I have no desire to buy an already completed model. I am creating the entire thing from scratch in Lightwave. The hand and arm is almost done and all the pistons and how they work were found here.

I have been popping in here keeping track of a T800 build. Someone is approaching it from an actual "functional" aspect, a WORKING model with the proper springs and gizmos. This is what I needed for my animation because I want it to actually WORK realistically visually. I am making a "parady" or "fan film" which will feature two terminators in a Skynet break room discussing time travel and all the mistakes Skynet has made to "win the war". The new movie coming out this summer has me inspired to complete it.

There is only one "movie prop" I would ever be interested in, whether building my own or buying one, and that is a T800 endoskeleton. I have a copy of the papercraft endoskeleton and am working on making it using a Silhouette Cameo. It has the option for cutting AND scoring folds. I started it "by hand" but the amount of intricate cutting and scoring was a nightmare. I can print, cut, and score folds with one cool machine.

Someday I hope to build a real one... someday.

I've looked at this website several times in the past, and found it very useful. I figured now that I'm trying to build my own props, I should make an account. Glad to be here and hopefully I'll have something interesting to post soon

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