Maybe it is one of Larry's, but there are a few things that seem different to me from what I thought I knew about his sabers.
The pommel cubes are individual pieces and they insert into actual square holes in the pommel as the means of attachment. On my old Larbel, these were all attached to a ring.
Also, the raised section above the grip but below the emmiter seems a little inacurate: it doesn't drop off at a steep angle on the grip side, but has more of a trapezoid shape. Not sure if Larry altered that cut in light of info I never heard about. Most others, including MR have a gradual slope up to the raised section on the emmiter side, and then a much shorter drop off on the grip side.
Another detail that might be a give away of the artist is some engraving on the philips screw inside the covertec. It says: NAS 1101 E3