(Updated with new pics) Mysterious treasure trove of light sabers. Help me identify them and I’ll be your best friend!


Well-Known Member
I recently lucked into a bunch of old light saber hilts and now I’m beginning the fun project of trying to identify them. The two on the right side of the photo are lightweight, hollow, and look like they might be actual light tubes and the others are all super solid, heavy, and obviously very well made. They all look really old judging by the dust on them. I wonder if anyone here might recognize any of them? (Surely some of you are the actual makers of them and would recognize your own progeny!) I’d love to learn more about each of them. Where they came from. Who made them, etc.) If you want more pics of a certain hilt, just ask. It’s hard to know how to identify them, but I know that this is the best place to try!
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I'm not an expert, but the Obi-Wan looks similar to an Old Romans Empire version I have. I say that because mine has Philips screws on the Graflex clamp in place of the transistors (which I don't think we knew about then).
Maul looks like a Jedi135
Obi and Luke look like SD Studios
Vader ROTJ might be a real Graflex if it’s old, or a Gen1 Parks
Vader MPP might be a Gen1Parks or a Larbel
I'm not an expert, but the Obi-Wan looks similar to an Old Romans Empire version I have. I say that because mine has Philips screws on the Graflex clamp in place of the transistors (which I don't think we knew about then).
SD Studios, Darth Hez, and Parks also used screws like that on Obi clamps for the transistors.
I definitely think the MPP is a Parks, unless the shroud is plastic in that case it might be yodas house parts, but if its powdercoated, totally a Parks.

I thought those DV6 parts might be elvistrooper parts but the bolts have a seam line?

The obi has such a wide emitter plate, I always recognized that as early Romans Empire hilts, but the grenade/booster kinda look like Parks
My Parks didn't have the three ringed female mount on the bottom, did his have them then? I also thought the clamps then had the flat tops before the correct trapezoid clamps came around (fairly recent, I think).

If it is a Parks, you're very lucky, as those are really rare now. They are still the only replicas to have functioned as the real MPP's did. Mine still does and I'm forever happy for it.
This is some great information! Thanks for lending me the benefit of your expertise. It sounds like we’re narrowing the field down. The MPP is powder coated metal not plastic. It sounds like the current consensus is that it’s a Larbel?
I would also vote that your Obi wan is an old Roman’s Empire. The Parks booster went up inside the clamp and maybe down into the pommel too or something
I've never taken apart my RE Obi-Wan so I have no idea how it's put together. I just never replaced it because other than not having transistors I always thought it still looked good!
I’ve had it verified by the legend himself! The Obi and the Darth Maul are both very early Roman’s Empire. Very excited to have some examples of his early work. The MPP seems to have been definitively identified as a Larbel. That just leaves the Luke and the ROTJ Vader to identify. There have been thoughts that the ROTJ Vader could be an early Parks. Anyone got any further thoughts on these two? (I can give further photos if needed.)
The very thin emitter lip on the ROTJ Luke is a little distinctive. SD Studios was a bit more accurate to the prop, so I am doubting that. The thinner emitter lip was usually on the more further out replicas in terms of accuracy
The very thin emitter lip on the ROTJ Luke is a little distinctive. SD Studios was a bit more accurate to the prop, so I am doubting that. The thinner emitter lip was usually on the more further out replicas in terms of accuracy
Someone had said that it might be a NicksDad and it looks just like pictures that I’ve seen, but he said that he didn’t think it was his.
Here’s more pics of the unknown Vader. It’s very heavy and solid. There’s no way to unscrew the base that I can see
Here’s pics of the unknown ROTJ Luke. It’s completely solid. It feels too heavy to be aluminum. The neck pipe seems welded or glued to the main body. The indicators on the switch appear to be inset cut and then painted.