Roman Obi-Wan ANH saber build

All this kinda has me wondering…are there any Browning flash suppressor replicas out there? I suppose I could 3D model one, but I don’t have dimensions to use as reference. There’s been speculation that both the booster AND the flash suppressor (the latter serving as the clamp spacer) were used in the saber prop, and I think that’s a very valid idea.

It’s not the end of the world to just go with what I have, but it would be cool to have a flash hider (or a replica) inside the clamp.

Found this a few years ago, I don't remember where so I can't give credit, but these might be the dimensions you're looking for. If you need a model of it let me know I can send you a step file.
Found this a few years ago, I don't remember where so I can't give credit, but these might be the dimensions you're looking for. If you need a model of it let me know I can send you a step file.
View attachment 1826245

Thanks! In all likelihood, I’ll stick with Roman’s FX cage, since replicating this part would be a lot of work for something not even seen when the prop is assembled. But it’s good to have options.
We’re getting down to brass tacks, now. I have to decide how far to take this. I’m already pretty committed to going with the Death Star/Chronicles saber, but the question is what state of the prop to go with.

We don’t yet know for certain that the prop had clamp tape/screws/wires in the film, do we? The ratty appearance of the tape in the Chronicles photos doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. HOW did it get so damaged? Why was it added to the clamp in the first place?

I tend to lean toward the idea that the Luke/Ben sabers didn’t have tape on them in the film. Except for the Chronicles, at least. This despite what Roger Christian (not exactly a reliable source for details) recently said about tape on the clamps. I now tend to think that the Falcon saber is actually the Tunisia saber, and I can see the stamped clamp lines in the Falcon scene, indicating a clean, tape-less clamp, at least on that prop.

But the Chronicles saber has tape. And not just tape, but badly torn/chunks missing tape. Given the general damage to the clamp, I tend to think that maybe the tape was added to cover a damaged or rusty clamp, which would make this particular clamp an outlier among the Graflex-based props built for the film. The lever is certainly damaged, with lots of missing plating.

And then there are the screws/wires. Added to hold the prop together when it was dropped to the floor in the death scene? Added afterward, for the Chronicles photos? That would be a lot of work just for reference photos. And we don’t know exactly WHEN the photos were taken.

As it stands, I’m leaning toward three possibilities for my build:

1. Leave the clamp pristine and uncovered.

2. Leave the clamp pristine, but cover it with tape, to prepresent an idealized prop, before the Chronicles damage occurred.

3. Use a second clamp and go full-Chronicles with it, which would provide the option of swapping the clamps out as desired (or if more info comes out).
Loving watching the step by step! I haven’t built one in years, but this is exactly how I approached it.

Death Star saber has screws and cotter pins/wires. If you get some good 4K frame by frame screen grabs you can see these in the hallway scenes. Therefore, there is no reason not to believe it looks exactly like the chronicles photos.

I still don’t see tape on any ANH saber. To me, Obi-Wan’s does appear to be scratched and peeling plating on the clamp. This has been noted on real vintage clamps. It’s just easier for people to reliably replicate the look using tape.
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It looks very likely that is the wire especially if his hand hides it from catching a highlight.
But what about the slot hole on the clamp? Shouldn't it be more defined if there was no foil over it?
I mean it is obviously visible in other pictures / scenes but I don't know when they were shot compared to this picture ...
It looks very likely that is the wire especially if his hand hides it from catching a highlight.
But what about the slot hole on the clamp? Shouldn't it be more defined if there was no foil over it?
I mean it is obviously visible in other pictures / scenes but I don't know when they were shot compared to this picture ...
View attachment 1827062

I've never seen the image on the left. What's the source?

Is this why I've seen people replicating rust/damage on the rear of the clamp?
I've never seen the image on the left. What's the source?

Is this why I've seen people replicating rust/damage on the rear of the clamp?
no, it's just one of my builds to check how a clamp built according to the chronicles pictures compares to the one in the corridor picture from a similar angle
no, it's just one of my builds to check how a clamp built according to the chronicles pictures compares to the one in the corridor picture from a similar angle

Oh, okay. At first glance, it looked like it came from one of the contact sheets of Chronicles photos.
Oh, okay. At first glance, it looked like it came from one of the contact sheets of Chronicles photos.
Thanks, I take this as a compliment :) . Didn't mean to confuse anyone, thought it's obvious. In my case the clamp was rusty anyway, so I was actually trying to hide some of it with the foil. but What people are replicating I guess comes from the other picture in the Chronicles:
Picked up some chrome tape and cotter pins (in varyng sizes, and with a full- round cross-section instead of split) to start playing around.

The screws are proving more difficult. Slotted screws in the size seen on the prop aren’t that common in hardware stores.

Any suggestions?