We’re getting down to brass tacks, now. I have to decide how far to take this. I’m already pretty committed to going with the Death Star/Chronicles saber, but the question is what state of the prop to go with.
We don’t yet know for certain that the prop had clamp tape/screws/wires in the film, do we? The ratty appearance of the tape in the Chronicles photos doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. HOW did it get so damaged? Why was it added to the clamp in the first place?
I tend to lean toward the idea that the Luke/Ben sabers didn’t have tape on them in the film. Except for the Chronicles, at least. This despite what Roger Christian (not exactly a reliable source for details) recently said about tape on the clamps. I now tend to think that the Falcon saber is actually the Tunisia saber, and I can see the stamped clamp lines in the Falcon scene, indicating a clean, tape-less clamp, at least on that prop.
But the Chronicles saber has tape. And not just tape, but badly torn/chunks missing tape. Given the general damage to the clamp, I tend to think that maybe the tape was added to cover a damaged or rusty clamp, which would make this particular clamp an outlier among the Graflex-based props built for the film. The lever is certainly damaged, with lots of missing plating.
And then there are the screws/wires. Added to hold the prop together when it was dropped to the floor in the death scene? Added afterward, for the Chronicles photos? That would be a lot of work just for reference photos. And we don’t know exactly WHEN the photos were taken.
As it stands, I’m leaning toward three possibilities for my build:
1. Leave the clamp pristine and uncovered.
2. Leave the clamp pristine, but cover it with tape, to prepresent an idealized prop, before the Chronicles damage occurred.
3. Use a second clamp and go full-Chronicles with it, which would provide the option of swapping the clamps out as desired (or if more info comes out).