
New Member
I'm obsessed with spaceships. I admit it. I have a problem.

Please feed my addiction by sharing your favorite shuttle, fighters, cruisers, capital ships,etc. Be sure to include the name of the ship, what it is from, and a picture if possible.

I'll start by sharing a few of my favorites:

The CNV-301 Dreadnought - Independence War (AKA I-War in the UK)

USS Enterprise XCV-330 - Star Trek

SSV Normandy SR-1 Mass Effect
IA Starbanger - Spacetrawler


mine is most definitely a tie between the Falcon and Serenity. Both of them being not only a means of transportation but also the home of a tight knit crew really endears me to them. I love smaller ships like X-wings, and Starlord's Milano is a great newcomer, but those are my top 2 .
mine is most definitely a tie between the Falcon and Serenity. Both of them being not only a means of transportation but also the home of a tight knit crew really endears me to them. I love smaller ships like X-wings, and Starlord's Milano is a great newcomer, but those are my top 2 .
The Milano has a fantastic interior.
I could live in that space (as a bachelor) very happily.


I only have favorites by properties. I'm not going to get tied down to one pick! :lol

Star Wars - X-Wing
Star Trek - Enterprise D
Babylon 5 - Whitestar
Mass Effect - either Normandy
BSG - either show, Viper.

Those are all I can think of right now.
the millennium falcon is my favorite hunk of junk. but my second favorite space ship is the jupiter II from the lost in space reboot. loved the design and interior. also one day wish to have a replica for will's first place dagger





I've been trying to find a picture of the first place ribbon will uses to turn into a expanding dagger... always wanted that thing. can't even find a reference photo online
TOS E forever.

A side note, I do not play the game but I have always been impressed with the Normandy design. Pretty cool.
It's like trying to decide between your children!

I will say that I am a huge fan of the Falcon, the Pan-Am shuttle from 2001, the Rocinante from The Expanse, and the Enterprise-E from ST:First Contact, the Narcissus from Alien, the Sulaco from Aliens, the saucer from The Thing (1982), the Klingon Bird-of-Prey, the X-Wings...

... The Corona from Magnetic Rose, the Britannia from Lensman, the Hyperion from LOTGH...

I'll just post the E-E for now, as I have some nice pics of it. An impossibly elegant ship.



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USS Cygnus....Cool, unique design.


K'tinga....very photogenic...looks great from any angle.


Again, great design that looks great at any angle. Looks functional.


Just plain cool!


Possibly my favorite. USCSS Nostromo. Beautiful in its ugliness!

Honorable mentions to the Star Destroyer, Blockade Runner, Thunderfighter, and USS Sulaco..
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Republic gunship.
CAD Bane's ship
The falcon
Thunder fighter
Viper mark 2
Valkyrie vf-1

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Were all there with you basmith0
this ship deserves a better model shot, stunning ship
Serenity a given
as is the falcon (as represented by the 5 foot miniature and latest digital asset)

Gaurdian of the Galaxy Starlords Milano , again great character, arguably like all my choices imbued with character due to the character of the owner of the ship , which is no different than how we project our characteristics on our cars (or aircraft)

Babylon Five star fury and thunderbolt

Space 1999 Eagle

Star Wars rebel blockade runñer tantive 4

Star Wars B-Wing and A-Wing

i could go on ......
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For me, the number 1 ship for me is the Jupiter 2 from the classic TV Lost In Space (before they added the space pod). Next, would be TOS Enterprise and the shuttle craft. Also liked the Discovery from 2001, original Battlestar Galactica, Serenity and maybe Enterprise D.
my second favorite space ship is the jupiter II from the lost in space reboot.
I hate that ship. For one reason: space debris. When the ship launched from Earth it was coated in some kind of shield that when it had reached orbit exploded into thousands of tiny bits flying in all directions, providing a safety hazard for anyone else who might be in orbit.
Space debris had already been a serious issue in the real world for decades when the movie came out. Whoever in the production who decided on the shield crap should have known better.
Yes, I do understand that the shield is supposed to be a reference to the ship in the TV-series, but it could have been done better.
I hate that ship. For one reason: space debris. When the ship launched from Earth it was coated in some kind of shield that when it had reached orbit exploded into thousands of tiny bits flying in all directions, providing a safety hazard for anyone else who might be in orbit.
Space debris had already been a serious issue in the real world for decades when the movie came out. Whoever in the production who decided on the shield crap should have known better.
Yes, I do understand that the shield is supposed to be a reference to the ship in the TV-series, but it could have been done better.

lol i never thought of that! yes space debris is not cool!
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