Star Trek: Discovery Season 5

How was that first play not traveling? The NBA sucks.

Adam Devine Hbo GIF by The Righteous Gemstones

Episode 4...

Wasn't that bad. I'll certainly give credit when it's due. I think people who know their Discovery eps better than I do, would enjoy it even more, but overall, not bad. And it's not a spoiler to say it involves time travel, and I am sick to death of time travel in Star Trek. It's practically become it's main theme since Enterprise and JJ Trek.

The things I didn't like are the usual. Everything super duper dark, despite the dumb lights embedded into every possible surface. Some of the dialogue was the usual stupid not needed stuff. But again, that's just new Trek.

The one thing I really hated though was how incredibly basic the main theme was. So terribly child like basic, and it's the sole reason for the episode.
can someone release a disc of just the pertinent Enterprise episodes so I can avoid this garbage show, I have "woke fatigue" thats when you are tired of everything being about race, sexual orientation, "social justice" etc, and I can say this for Shatner, he is awesome, there is no social justice in the original series, Shatner felt Kirk was the star and he was the star, no fairness etc. and I love him for it.
can someone release a disc of just the pertinent Enterprise episodes so I can avoid this garbage show, I have "woke fatigue" thats when you are tired of everything being about race, sexual orientation, "social justice" etc, and I can say this for Shatner, he is awesome, there is no social justice in the original series, Shatner felt Kirk was the star and he was the star, no fairness etc. and I love him for it.

Race doesn't really come up in Discovery, not like in DS9, but they do have a lot of LGBT characters but they don't really dwell on it directly. Discovery's problem is the inappropriate emotional heart to hearts during ticking clock scenes, and the inability to land the climax of season arcs.
Race doesn't really come up in Discovery, not like in DS9, but they do have a lot of LGBT characters but they don't really dwell on it directly. Discovery's problem is the inappropriate emotional heart to hearts during ticking clock scenes, and the inability to land the climax of season arcs.

Right. Characters like that are just there, like any other character. I'd say TOS, TNG, and DS9 had combined more blatant eps about race, gender, and sexual orientation than anything in Discovery. All Discovery has done is just let people be who they are (in that context). The shame is that many people see that and feel like it threatens who they are.
can someone release a disc of just the pertinent Enterprise episodes so I can avoid this garbage show, I have "woke fatigue" thats when you are tired of everything being about race, sexual orientation, "social justice" etc, and I can say this for Shatner, he is awesome, there is no social justice in the original series, Shatner felt Kirk was the star and he was the star, no fairness etc. and I love him for it.

Do you want just the eps of the series Enterprise? You can just watch the entire thing. As far as social commentaries goes, Enterprise was pretty weak on that, outside of how extreme trauma can turn to rage and revenge, but through acts of enlightenment and restraint, actually turn to compassion. And that was on the heals of some major events that recently happened in real life. So, you may want to just ignore season 3 if you don't like social commentary.

There's quite a few eps that you probably want to ignore with TOS as well... There are certainly a few eps you'll want to ignore since you don't want to see social justice, or anything blatantly race related. Sexual orientation was 100% never going to be touched in the 60s. So you can remain happy in that regard ?

But ya, other than the ****** dialogue, and convoluted stories, and inappropriate tech, and rebooted everything, there's nothing about Discovery that you need to worry about to trigger your woke PTSD... I mean, you'll SEE non-white, non-straight, non-binary or gender conforming characters there doing their jobs, and just not being dumped on for existing... If you're okay with that (and I have no idea why anyone would care), then there's nothing really for you to worry about. Heck, there are even aliens!
I tried watching numerous times, it was a cry baby fest, the crew was incapacitated by drama , it was like blue haired high schooler tried to run a ship, they should have all died from incompetence early on
…there is no social justice in the original series, Shatner felt Kirk was the star and he was the star, no fairness etc. and I love him for it.
The very presence of Uhura, a black woman, on the bridge of the Enterprise, was Gene’s take on social justice. Not to mention one of the first interracial kisses shown on television was on TOS.

But you keep telling yourself that… :rolleyes:

...and I can say this for Shatner, he is awesome, there is no social justice in the original series, Shatner felt Kirk was the star and he was the star, no fairness etc. and I love him for it.

Umm, are you kidding? the original series had TONS of social justice, actually....the new shows build on that with the times.

1714053881322.png 1714054002525.png 1714053973080.png 1714053942954.png
1714054036275.png 1714054104331.png 1714054127827.png 1714054157892.png

Above, from left to right:
  1. Racism is bad, black or white
  2. First interracial kiss on national TV
  3. Commentary on Vietnam
  4. Racial Stereotyping
  5. A variation on the "N" word
  6. A Russian navigator during the Cold War
  7. A Japanese pilot so soon after WWII
  8. "Leave your bigotry in your quarters"
There is so much more...
nope, you twist your views, and Rodenberry not big social activist you make him out to be, he busted a lot of minority heads as LAPD, he just logically deduced future, and some stuff done for ratings, like nudity in NYPD Blue. your examples, Being stupid is stupid apply to 1,3,4,8. Example 2 in future women's is hot, Kirk likes black green and aliens too, like they say in Aliens when its Arcturian it doesn't matter example 6 and 7, of course in the future we have found peace on earths nations or hope to, and of course example 2 the most non-woke moment in Star Trek, have you even seen this episode? Uhura says in her time "we have learned to not fear words". Abe Lincoln says he "foolishly apologized when no offense was meant"-dont cancel Abe Lincoln
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Right. Characters like that are just there, like any other character. I'd say TOS, TNG, and DS9 had combined more blatant eps about race, gender, and sexual orientation than anything in Discovery. All Discovery has done is just let people be who they are (in that context). The shame is that many people see that and feel like it threatens who they are.
no discovery is crap writing and inadequate people crying, where are the heroes? DS9 was good, that where they are different, nothing was forced ideology like it is now
Discovery's problem is the inappropriate emotional heart to hearts during ticking clock scenes, and the inability to land the climax of season arcs.


The Social Justice type stuff really only feels preachy when it's accompanied by bad writing. I don't care if some of the characters are "queer" or whatever, but I do care if their presence is in and of itself supposed to make the show good. Emotionally incontinent idiots do not good writing or characterization make.* Looking at modern Star Trek, you would think the newest civil rights campaign is for the right to throw tantrums and act like a child.

*(Unless it's done intentionally as part of an arc or theme. But that's not how modern Trek handles it; it's treated as the default.)
From a writing and character perspective, the difference between Star Trek and Discovery seems to be:

- Star Trek was about how evolved 23rd Century characters dealt with 20th Century problems that they encountered via proxies that stood in for us (alien civilizations, etc) and thus gave us “a unique and different lens to look at ourselves through”. Star Trek was allegorical.

- Discovery appears to be about 20th / 21st Century characters in thought, beliefs, speech, etc.. It does not seem to offer us any unique insight and is firmly grounded in “today”.
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no discovery is crap writing and inadequate people crying, where are the heroes? DS9 was good, that where they are different, nothing was forced ideology like it is now
you're telling me no, and that discovery is crap writing and people emoting in inappropriate moments?

Weird. It's like you didn't read a thing I (or others) have written.

Discovery isn't forcing anything. There is nothing in that show that says you have to be anything other than yourself. And clearly, you've taken that to heart... So what are you concerned about?

The funny thing is, there are so many things I despise about discovery. But normalizing the acceptance of people who don't go out of their way to harm others, is one of the things I appreciate about the show.

The Social Justice type stuff really only feels preachy when it's accompanied by bad writing. I don't care if some of the characters are "queer" or whatever, but I do care if their presence is in and of itself supposed to make the show good. Emotionally incontinent idiots do not good writing or characterization make.* Looking at modern Star Trek, you would think the newest civil rights campaign is for the right to throw tantrums and act like a child.

*(Unless it's done intentionally as part of an arc or theme. But that's not how modern Trek handles it; it's treated as the default.)
It feels like it's written by children with how basic a lot of the dialogue is. The diversity of people is nothing, and typically isn't even a plot point. They're just there. But the dialogue is so cringe and inappropriate, that it really does feel like what my wife describes kids doing at school. They just blurt out everything on their minds during inappropriate moments, and have tantrums, or get oddly panicky for no reason.

It seems like the actual story plot is just a backdrop to writers just wanting characters to "connect" with each other NON-STOP.

During some brief moments (of this season anyway), there are some okay moments. And I don't mean the dumb overblown generic action scenes thrown in for no good reason. Ep 4 had some decent moments in it. More than the usual that actually outweighed the ****** for a change.
Just a pet peeve of mine, but the Kirk and Uhura kiss is NOT the first interracial kiss shown on television. It's not even the first one in Star Trek, let alone all of television.
discovery is alike a group therapy session and the uniforms look like pajamas, the ship design are stupid, the holes in saucer section and upside down bridge are weird and spore drive stupidest