Trials and Tribulations with my Da Vinci 1.0 3D Printer


Sr Member
The title is not meant to say that the Da Vinci is a bad printer at all, I merely meant it as a title for my coming journey into 3D printing. :)

First off, figured this was the best place to put this, as most of the objects that I create and show here will be of a prop nature, and it will be nice to collect everything in one place. If that is incorrect, please place this thread where it belongs, thanks Mods.

So, I recently acquired an XYZprinting Da Vinci 1.0 3D printer - I am based in the North East of England, UK (Yorkshire). I had recently sold one of my motorcycles to start getting a handle on some financial stuff - with some of the money, I decided that I may aswell delve into a world I'd been reading a lot about, but didn't think I would enter. So I did a bit of research, came close to buying a kit, but eventually opted for the "lazy" route of buying a known, well (to a point) reviewed machine with a little less risk involved. The Da Vinci 1.0 is one of the cheaper "print out of the box" options out there on the market, and the UK purchase is overpriced compared to the US! However, I jumped in, and started learning about it. Currently printing in white ABS plastic. Most of the items below are the printed version of a Thingiverse file, which is a great site for sharing and innovation of prints. A few below I have created, and a few are from modified files that I've got to a point of being able to print.

What is immediately apparent is that the printing part of the process is a very small part of it. Crucial of course, but small. The main areas that I've gained more knowledge within is machine code, file types, 3D modeling (not necessarily the design side, but more manipulation of certain files and how to do what you want with them), using the backdoors and hacks available to enable better prints/more freedom with setting etc. I also need to start setting up for more post processing on the items, but of course I'm concentrating hard on making sure I cut out as much as that as possible with the printing itself. Most of these prints have had little to no post processing.

I will update this with more information for this specific printer if people desire. But for now, I'll leave a few images of things that I have completed so far with the printer as I begin to hone the printing. Behold many practice pieces! I'll update this thread as I go with any pieces that I think may be of interest.


Below is an instruction set I put together from various sources that allows the Da Vinci 1.0 printer to use third party software such as Repetier Host (and Slic3r) to slice models ready for printing, and opens up more control of the printer.

WARNING - I am not responsible for any misuse or problems that occur due to following these instructions, I am merely providing them so that someone can attempt it if they wish. I fully understood before I undertook these instructions myself that any problems that are caused within the print file could possibly damage or break my property - I urge you all to understand the same risks. That being said, I and others have had no issues with this, and just use common sense before making large changes to speeds etc.

I find that it's on a print by print basis which program is best for printing on the Da Vinci. And just to be clear, I'm still discovering a lot myself - I also don't want to be responsible for any issues you come across! However, the latest version of Repetier Host (with the latest version of Slic3r, which may not come with the native RH download) I have found that I can create quite good prints. Nothing amazing yet, but I'm getting there.

IMPORTANT: Not to put you off at all, but please bear in mind, the machine acts a little differently to how it prints with a normal xyzware sliced file. If you have changed speed settings significantly, it could damage something - I have only ever reduced speeds, I've never upped them. I've also only taken faith off people that have done this on various forums that are hidden in the deep dark world wide web. So please be careful and continue at your own risk.

When the print starts, the differences are that you no longer have a timescale when it prints. I dont mind this. The print nozzle itself will move and do its normal "calibration" routine, but then it will home back to the corner. It will come out, visit the right hand side of the bed (from the door view) and wait for heating. It will then go home again. Then, it will go directly to the print bed from the corner. So make sure all your stuff is tight and level as per normal. This is only PER print basis, and you can go straight back to using xyzware as your slicer as we arent changing anything fundamentally. only modifying a file.

The process for using is as follows.

Programs needed:

Repetier Host (with Slic3r)

And the website: which is a windows based stl file repair service. I do this as a matter of course on each stl file I use.

1. You have the stl file you wish to use in it's final form - run it through the repair tool to ensure the file is good for printing - it downloads with the _fixed on the end of the file name.
2. Open Repetier host, and import the stl file. Position and scale how you would like to.
3. Under the "Slicer" tab, click on the Configure button - it has a cog.
4. It should come up first time with a set up wizard - if it doesnt, simply go to "Help" and "Configuration Wizard".
5. These settings are the base settings for the slice, so far I have found that using: Reprap GCODE flavour [Next] 200 x 200 [Next] 0.4 Nozzle diameter [Next] 1.75mm filament diameter [Next] 215 nozzle heat [Next] 90 Bed heat. This sets up the base stuff for the gcode. You may have different preferences and get better results with other settings - I havent found my perfect settings yet!
6. A lot of these other settings are preferences, but as a base, I am using: (See attached files)
7. There are tons of settings and I havent messed about with them all yet. Please use with caution!!
8. Once you are happy with your settings for your specific STL file, you can save it as a config.
9. Go back to your RH main screen, and "Slice with Slic3r". This will produce gcode. You click on the "save" icon of the gcode once it is finished. Save this somewhere you can access easily.
10. Once you have this file, right click and "Open with" Notepad++. This is the bit where we fool da vinci into taking the file. You must paste these values onto the very top row (above your gcode):

; filename = composition.3w
; machine = daVinciF10
; material = abs
; layer_height = 0.2
; total_layers = 173
; total_filament = 0.00
; extruder = 1

(NOTE: it doesnt have to be these values, as the actual printer ignores this code. however, it doesnt ignore the fact the code is there, and xyzware needs these values to print - it doesnt change anything within the print itself). below is an example of where to post the code in on any gcode you create. you can use the same topper each time.

11. Next, click once anywhere in the code. We want to highlight all, so do a ctrl+A. Once everything is highlighted, right click. Go to "plugin commands" and then click "base 64 encode". This is what the da vinci uses as its native language to try and stop other software from printing to it directly. Once it has been encoded base 64, you will see a long line of numbers and letters. Go to "file", and "save as". Save the file as "Filename.3w" rather than "Filename.gcode".
12. Once you have this .3w file, you can simply drag and drop this file into xyzware, and press print!

The Printer itself.

Tiny Iron Man mask, no clean up.

A blue lantern ring! Again, no clean up.

A wireframe chess piece. This is a rook.

A low polygon count bulbasaur!!

Some of the low polygon gang.

A phone holder

One of the few pieces I've done something with - however all I've done is three coats of simple paint - 2 x black, 1 x gun silver. I did it very quickly and very poorly, I wanted to know what results I could get and how it would react to the untreated plastic. The answer is, other than the visual side (ie. the layers and the cross hatching) - not bad at all. Can't wait to put some time and effort into a project.

And the one I did last night, Superman bust. Which....failed. In the sense that his bloody chin fell off. And the bottom warped slightly. Which after 3 hours of printing, was irksome to say the least. *aggression* However I want to have a go at some melting/sculpting to see how the ABS takes to fine detailed fixes. Can only see what happens!

Anyway, I hope that brings some interest to some people, who, like me, are sat at a desk bored with work! Anyhow. I'll update as a I go along. I'm also open to ideas and requests of course, though I am not yet starting to offer my services, until I feel I am more proficient.


I have just discovered this useful tool, and I will try and use it soon. I had created my own basic way of calibrating with the readings but it was only guess work. This will hopefully help me to calibrate more easily!!
















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Just had a go at splitting a part and then joining it with....pritt stick! And it worked surprisingly well.

A small golden snitch - scaling up will help with more detail, and this wasn't at a very high resolution either.


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Watching with interest. Was about to pull the trigger on one of these myself.

I must admit, I didnt really know what to expect when I ordered. It was a slight gamble, but decided that I wanted a hobby that would continue to be different each time I attacked it. I am pleased so far, but I'm under no illusions - I don't expect to be making money out of this, at least not until I've started to perfect the craft. As I mentioned, so many areas to learn - 3D design, pre-print file handling, print settings, physical settings, ambient settings, post print processing etc - all to try and create XXXX that looks as good as I want it to. I'd like to expand the area even more by looking into various methods such as casting etc.
A few issues tonight. 1) the detail I wanted on a coin (the valar morghulis coin from Game of Thrones) I drew up in Sketchup didn't quite come out right (attachment 1) and
2) my first full print failure, resulting in me cleaning a lot of abs off the nozzle. This was a yellow and green lantern ring. All lessons!


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Had a mess about and printed this out from Thingiverse - awesome little geeky space invader ring.

I realise not many people may be interested by this, but want to keep updating it anyway. I'm currently trying to complete my first miniature design through to creation of a very basic piece at 50% scale, I'll post it here when it's close to being complete.

This is the first time Ive used a game mesh, brought the file into a usable format, split it, printed it at an OK resolution (not v high) and vaguely glued it together.

Points to anyone who identifies the prop and the game!
My first instinct would be Bioshock or something, but my gaming knowledge is primarily from the era of pixels rather than polys. :lol

I love seeing all of these 3D prints. I've been interested in getting a printer for a while, but I'm waiting a little while yet until they're user friendly enough for a useless shlub like me to be comfortable with. Can you do any kind of calibration to get a bit less striation between the print layers, or is it just to do with what layer thickness you're working at?
My first instinct would be Bioshock or something, but my gaming knowledge is primarily from the era of pixels rather than polys. :lol

I love seeing all of these 3D prints. I've been interested in getting a printer for a while, but I'm waiting a little while yet until they're user friendly enough for a useless shlub like me to be comfortable with. Can you do any kind of calibration to get a bit less striation between the print layers, or is it just to do with what layer thickness you're working at?

Thanks for commenting Blob, was getting a bit lonely in here! Haha. It really isnt too difficult - as long as you have an OK understanding of computers/software/file types etc.

Basically, with this specific printer, if I used nothing else (ie. the native software) I can get ok prints with very basic shapes. If you're engineering based, and only want to print solids and strong geometric shapes then this would be ok for that. However the native slice program (XYZware) is very limited, and struggles with any complex slicing.

I use XYZware for basic shaped things, and the gun above is classed as quite basic as I can print it without supports (split in half, inside face down). If I need to do more complex, I use a 3rd party program called Repetier Host (which itself uses the program Slic3r) to slice more complex geometry. The only issue here is that theres a range of processes to use - I have this written out however and will put this in the thread soon. Effectively it fools the Da Vinci 1.0 into thinking it has the correct file. But it has been sliced by another program. There are a ton of settings which Ive not even scratched the surface of yet to get better prints, so Im still learning. Plus the da vinci will no doubt have limits (being a cheap printer) that I will find also. The striation is partly a result of this only being a 0.2mm layer thickness (gets better at 0.1, but still noticeable) and its post processing of the parts that really makes a difference I think, an area I wish to work on also. Some programs allow you to change how much one layer overhangs another etc, but I havent tried to modify that yet - I imagine that would improve striation slightly. Bed levelling is also important and something I'm probably not attentive enough to yet!

It isnt Bioshock, btw. :popcorn
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I have used Repetier Host and the complex procedure (only at first) that you gave me and have had great results. I am now able to do the convert procedure with out even looking at the instructions now. LOL I use this printer to prototype parts for lightsabers that I am working on and have had decent results with it. Especially for the price of the printer. I have also printed all kinds of different objects from thingiverse and tinkercad too. Objects ranging from a TARDIS, a dalek, all the way up to a gigantic T-Rex Ring. I printed the ring too small the first time and then got WAY carried away when I scaled it up. LOL I want to thank you for all of your help and look forward to more tips that you post.
I have used Repetier Host and the complex procedure (only at first) that you gave me and have had great results. I am now able to do the convert procedure with out even looking at the instructions now. LOL I use this printer to prototype parts for lightsabers that I am working on and have had decent results with it. Especially for the price of the printer. I have also printed all kinds of different objects from thingiverse and tinkercad too. Objects ranging from a TARDIS, a dalek, all the way up to a gigantic T-Rex Ring. I printed the ring too small the first time and then got WAY carried away when I scaled it up. LOL I want to thank you for all of your help and look forward to more tips that you post.

No worries Saber, glad to help. I just scraped the information together from a few websources when I was learning. And yeah, once you're comfortable I dont even think when I'm doing it now, and can often do the whole process more quickly than it would take XYZware to slice the same part!

Please feel free to add images to this thread, it will show the quality capable by the Da Vinci! Also, if you have found any great settings, please share them!
Here are a few objects that I printed. I will take pics of other stuff too and post those later. This printer really does a great job for the price. You just have to tweak all the settings to get the best print. I am still learning and have a long way to go.

And here is a lightsaber chassis that I use to hold soundboards, batteries, speakers, and recharge port in. You can tell the difference between the the 1st one I printed before I knew what I was doing and the 2nd one after I used the procedure that Fawbish showed me. Making even the slightest changes can make a huge difference.

Here are a few objects that I printed. I will take pics of other stuff too and post those later. This printer really does a great job for the price. You just have to tweak all the settings to get the best print. I am still learning and have a long way to go. Printer/DSC_1131_zps1afee02d.jpg Printer/DSC_1135_zps73ba2374.jpg

And here is a lightsaber chassis that I use to hold soundboards, batteries, speakers, and recharge port in. You can tell the difference between the the 1st one I printed before I knew what I was doing and the 2nd one after I used the procedure that Fawbish showed me. Making even the slightest changes can make a huge difference. Printer/DSC_1092_zps923d284b.jpg

They look great - and you really can. So glad that the information helped!

The dragon is particularly interesting, I assume there was a lot of support material to remove from the wings? Or did you manage to find the sweet spot with the settings for supports.
Unfortunately, I had to use a lot of support material, but it was very easy to remove. I used the default xyz software to slice the dragon and it turned out pretty good. That was one of the first things I printed.
See, I've had a few issues with the XYZware and slicing time. I once left an iron man gauntlet slicing for over an hour!! Do you remember how long the slice was roughly for the dragon?

I have however found that the support from xyz is easier to remove - you just can't modify it.

But I recently changed the default within Repetier Host (2.5mm i think) distance between supports to 4.5mm and it seemed to help a bit with support removal.
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If the standard software is annoiyng you, it's possible to hack that model of printer to use other slicer software.

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If the standard software is annoiyng you, it's possible to hack that model of printer to use other slicer software.

Thanks for the tip Nixon! I'd found this a while ago when researching myself. However, due to the fact I'd only just bought my printer, I had no wish to invalidate the warranty (at least not yet anyway) with the SD card trick or any firmware updates etc - I'll post up the method that I found that allows slicing without having to cut open the back of the printer soon.

I've added the method to the first post.
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I'm assuming you've also worked out how to refill the filament cartridges as well. Makes for an temptingly affordable 3D printer if you'll willing to fiddle with it.
I'm assuming you've also worked out how to refill the filament cartridges as well. Makes for an temptingly affordable 3D printer if you'll willing to fiddle with it.

I actually haven't bothered with that yet - I'm happy (while just testing) to pay for the cartridges (only just moved off from the 300g original onto a 600g bought one). It is as you say, a blatant overcharge for the filament by about a 1/3 or more. When I start creating prints well enough that I wish to make some money out of it, I'll be looking at fooling the cartridge system to lower the sell price of course. No point overpaying for something really. I'll most likely attempt it when I next have to switch to another filament, which will be in a few months time.
Have you taken a look at Meshmixer? It is an interesting little program that has an integrated support generator that looks really intersting. The few reviews I have goten from people using MeshMixer supports have been really happy with them for making oddly shaped prints.