F44AA Romulus Pulse rifle 3d design and build

Rear stock:
i must admit this did my head in a bit. Trying to replicate the look was pretty easy, but getting the functionality of the stock was quite hard.
Unlike the Weta hero prop, i wanted the stock to be solid and not flop around, which can even be seen on screen.
The pistons bolt together with 3/16 rod and make for a strong mount. This then bolts to the rear wing assembly and matches the Weta prop.
The top assembly is spring loaded and will pop up and then the wings will open, then you can rotate the assembly 90 degrees.



This is amazing work! I designed the original concept, so I'm fairly familiar with it, and you're doing a great job. :cool:

The stock is definitely somewhat complex. I was hoping the renders I put up on Artstation would provide a little more clarity.

As for the bolt/gas system, what you're doing is definitely in line with my thinking. Sadly I didn't have the time to develop it as much as I wanted to, but there should plausibly be room for a sliding chamber.
This is amazing work! I designed the original concept, so I'm fairly familiar with it, and you're doing a great job. :cool:

The stock is definitely somewhat complex. I was hoping the renders I put up on Artstation would provide a little more clarity.

As for the bolt/gas system, what you're doing is definitely in line with my thinking. Sadly I didn't have the time to develop it as much as I wanted to, but there should plausibly be room for a sliding chamber.
You did a great job SolidMongoose; a very good successor of the Aliens Pulse Rifle:cool::cool:(y)(y):love::love:
This is amazing work! I designed the original concept, so I'm fairly familiar with it, and you're doing a great job. :cool:

The stock is definitely somewhat complex. I was hoping the renders I put up on Artstation would provide a little more clarity.

As for the bolt/gas system, what you're doing is definitely in line with my thinking. Sadly I didn't have the time to develop it as much as I wanted to, but there should plausibly be room for a sliding chamber.
Wow thanks for commenting. I love your renders and the F44 is a really cool design. I feel you have captured that 70s - 80s vibe perfectly with the stamped metal look and the top carry handle shroud. Its quite an understated design and definitely doesn't look out of place in the alien universe.
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This looks absolutely fantastic!
I was actually planning on making my own 3D model with movable parts etc., and then build an F44AA at least partially with metal parts. Since I kinda stumbled into getting one of the HCG replicas, I was waiting for that to confirm my measurements (even though I know that the HCG is off in several details). But seeing yours, I'll buy this instead once you release it. :)

Will you release it as .step file too? It would be sooo helpful for metal parts! I wanted to have the flamethrower muzzle CNC machined, but I would have needed to modify it to attach to my M203 heatshield, which is pretty much impossible with .stl files. Also, the machinist told me he can't work with .stl files. So I had to model my own.

But pleeease include a .step file of the F44AA for us metal builders! I can understand not wanting to share the Fusion file (you wouldn't want to look at the timeline of my Flamethrower muzzle :eek:), but a .step file would be immensely helpful!

Seeing as the hype of Romulus has now died down, and the also seemingly endless posts of who got the F44 out first, I thought id spend some time and have a go.
I also wanted to create a functional prop, again highlighting just what can be achieved with 3d design and printing. I didn't want it to be "just another lump of plastic with external only detail" . Will this lead to an overly complex build .... more than likely :p

First things:
Like the M41A, I would like to have an underlying design with shrouds over the top that can be disassembled and possibly customized.
Full sounds and lights with working counter.
working targeting screen.
removable mag and mag release.
two position trigger assembly as per the movie.
movable charging handle - as per movie.
options to have front grip and torch be removable and have other attachments ie : tacticool rail...
option to have a different stock ie: non Auto Aim
the rear stock to be sprung and opens when released including the wings - to replicate the movie.
Assembled with bolts and screws - little to no glue.

Internal design considerations:
-They don't go into the internal design in the movie except for mentioning the electronic rotating breech and the 450 round capacity.
This means its not an open bolt design like the Thompson, so mag placement is not critical and does not need to line up with the barrel.
- This build will possibly need an esp32 for targeting screen, an arduino, or a second esp32 for sounds management and the round counter, Mp3 board, speaker and battery.
Lots of electronics to fill if using off the shelf, so movable and functional parts will be hard to squeeze in.

Ok on to the design.......
I looked around at electronic firing and movable breech designs and settled on one from a very old " forgotten weapons" clip on youtube.
I cant remember what the actual design it was from - i will find it one day ...
Anyhow caseless ammo was loaded in from mag, gas blow back moved the breech into place with the round, and set the firing pin ready to strike.

So with this design in my head ... off i go :unsure:

View attachment 1897697
Wow. That is going to be quite a lot of detailed 3D design, printing, and assembly work. Can't wait to see the finished product!
Rear stock:
i must admit this did my head in a bit. Trying to replicate the look was pretty easy, but getting the functionality of the stock was quite hard.
Unlike the Weta hero prop, i wanted the stock to be solid and not flop around, which can even be seen on screen.
The pistons bolt together with 3/16 rod and make for a strong mount. This then bolts to the rear wing assembly and matches the Weta prop.
The top assembly is spring loaded and will pop up and then the wings will open, then you can rotate the assembly 90 degrees.

I just watched the movie again, but did not see the flopping around of the stock. Do you mean that the stock is not locked in place when it's in closed position?

The mechanism you modeled is just insanely cool! I would never have thought of using a spring to lock it in place at the front.
Really looking forward to the finished rifle!

I just watched the movie again, but did not see the flopping around of the stock. Do you mean that the stock is not locked in place when it's in closed position?

The mechanism you modeled is just insanely cool! I would never have thought of using a spring to lock it in place at the front.
Really looking forward to the finished rifle!

When they open it up, the actors are quite gentle with it and it moves around. Its subtle but noticeable. I get that it is supposed to move for the auto aim, but for my build I want a fairly solid stock that still opens, but also be strong enough to take the abuse from people that may not have the same investment in care...
Printers have been busy:
I'm printing in ABS, PetG and PLA. Apologies for some of the prints, I was dialing my machines and had way to high retraction, the black petg is also overextruded. Anyhow first up is the upper reciever assembly. These are test assemblies to make sure everything fits. There are no electronics as yet.



Lower receiver and trigger assembly:
I have changed a few things with the trigger. Originally I had modelled in a catch for the charge lever, but since it's not referenced in the movie and it adds quite an extra complexity to the assembly, I have left it out.








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This looks absolutely fantastic!
I was actually planning on making my own 3D model with movable parts etc., and then build an F44AA at least partially with metal parts. Since I kinda stumbled into getting one of the HCG replicas, I was waiting for that to confirm my measurements (even though I know that the HCG is off in several details). But seeing yours, I'll buy this instead once you release it. :)

Will you release it as .step file too? It would be sooo helpful for metal parts! I wanted to have the flamethrower muzzle CNC machined, but I would have needed to modify it to attach to my M203 heatshield, which is pretty much impossible with .stl files. Also, the machinist told me he can't work with .stl files. So I had to model my own.
View attachment 1898517

But pleeease include a .step file of the F44AA for us metal builders! I can understand not wanting to share the Fusion file (you wouldn't want to look at the timeline of my Flamethrower muzzle :eek:), but a .step file would be immensely helpful!


Thanks for the kind words, but I won't release step. I have been caught out a few times now with people passing my files off as their own.
Wow! I have a sneaking suspicion, that you’ve (also) got a gunsmith studio in the back of your shop. :unsure: Just sayin’. Your secret is safe with us!
Wow, that looks great!

When they open it up, the actors are quite gentle with it and it moves around. Its subtle but noticeable. I get that it is supposed to move for the auto aim, but for my build I want a fairly solid stock that still opens, but also be strong enough to take the abuse from people that may not have the same investment in care...

Ah, I just rewatched that scene, now I know what you mean. I thought you meant it was moving in its closed position, but you mean that once the stock is opened the rear moves around quite freely. So does that mean your stock in its opened position will not be able to move from left to right to "simulate" auto aim?

Thanks for the kind words, but I won't release step. I have been caught out a few times now with people passing my files off as their own.

That‘s too bad… I understand to a certain extent, but couldn’t that just as easily happen with .stl files though?
On the plus side, that means my own F44AA CAD project is still on. Can't wait to put my new modelling skills to work, I had to up my CAD game a bit modelling the M240 flamethrower in Fusion. :D
