Transformers Movie Frenzy build


Well-Known Member
Hi all!
I'm new on the forum and I wanted to share my Transformers Movie Frenzy build. He's a posable replica of the metal puppet used in the movie. It's my intention to puppet him at botcon this year down in pasadena! These are older pictures... I added blue and gold hues to make him look less flat and more movie accurate. Comments welcome.

EDIT - New pix page 4.

He's stealing my car!!!
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Holy Sh!!!!!!!!!!!!

that's awesome...pure awesome

Dude, you so need to put up some build shots or at least some details on how you made that...completely amazing!!!
Holy Sh!!!!!!!!!!!!

that's awesome...pure awesome

Dude, you so need to put up some build shots or at least some details on how you made that...completely amazing!!!

Whoa~ I didn't expect a reply so fast. Frenzy is made mostly of wood, paper, and foamcore.I started with Pepakura and Maya making a model for the head since it was super duper complex and crazy. Click to see my 3d work.

I used 50lb paper infused with hotglue to make the pieces rigid. Here's the face being built:

I then went about making the legs. I used metal hooks to join dowels together for the base skeleton with some other plastic parts for stabilizers.

Here's a picture of a CD in the tray for scale:

Fingers building...

Here's a pic of the body completed. The eyes weren't done in this image cuz I was still annoyed at how complex they were.

Close up of the head before painting:

I don't have any pictures of me puppeting him yet. Essentially, I have dowels connecting his arms and legs to mine and a harness to strap him to my belt. I bought a speaker with a remote control for emulating sound effects from the movie as an added bonus. =( sorry about the poor pictures, but my camera isn't so hot.
Thats pretty sweet. I'd like to do just the head for a display piece. Any chance of getting a copy of the pepakura head file?
I'd have wagered that was made of aluminum based on the photos. That it was made from the materials you indicated makes it even more impressive. That's just astounding work...
That's fantastic! Is it as delicate as it looks? I just can't imagine it being very sturdy.
I would be interested in the Pepekura files as well. I loved this little guy on screen and must say you did an outstanding job building him.:eek