Tomenosuke PRO Blade Runner Blaster gunmodel available in Japan Dec 26

phase pistol

Master Member
Just a heads up for Japanese RPFers or those with friends in Japan. This first run is Japan-only. Next year Tomenosuke looks to sell these in the States and elsewhere.

Blog post with photos of finished Tomenosuke/Marushin product‚

Tomenosuke Syoten shop[


Hmmm…. I'm moderately disappointed with the finish on this but then its fair to say that they never intended to make this quite as exclusive as their previous release…

I still think yours is far better Karl!!

Cheers for sharing bud

Kudos for the "Contact" reference, Willie. :D

As to the finish, yeah at first I too thought "gee that's awful dark". But i can tell you, the gun itself is pretty dark. It probably just looks too even all around, no character. Easily remedied with some careful weathering. :)

Keep in mind, this is a mass produced gun replica manufactured by Marushin. Mine which I showed off was carefully hand-finished by a master.

Are these sold out? I have no clue how to order one with the site being in japanese and all

Edit: ahh, Japan only, soooooooo, who's in Japan and wants to snag one for me :)
Nice, would love to get one for the collection when they release them for outside sell, they look incredible!
Absolutely beautiful. I don't like the darker grip color...that bugs me a lot, but the rest of the gun is just plain astounding.
Is that bottom one YOURS, or the actual, screen-used prop? :confused

Anyway, first batch available in Japan only = Teh Suxor!!! (n)angry

Anyone figured out how much these cost in US dollars yet? :confused

EDIT: Nevermind, I went to XE.Com and did the conversion... roughly $1,000 US = WAY too rich for my blood! I'll never be able to justify spending the money for one of these. And even if I could, for that amount of money, I'd expect it to be 100% accurate to the filming prop, even down to having Harrison Ford's fingerprints and sweat on the grip! :p
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In my comparison shot the top is Tomenosuke PRO and the bottom is the screenused prop from the Profiles auction.

EDIT: Nevermind, I went to XE.Com and did the conversion... roughly $1,000 US = WAY too rich for my blood! I'll never be able to justify spending the money for one of these. And even if I could, for that amount of money, I'd expect it to be 100% accurate to the filming prop, even down to having Harrison Ford's fingerprints and sweat on the grip! :p

That one sold for over a quarter million dollars ;) After they washed his fingerprints and sweat off of it though :(
