Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire costumes


New Member
I was inspired with the C6 announcement, since I'll just be coming home from a yr long deployment I want to attend C6. Trying/wanting to do something a little different and being older I prefer the original movies then I got thinking about Shadows of the Empire. Doing research I keep coming across the CCG photos for the Shadows Characters. Does anyone know who did these photos (besides Decipher)?, is there any sites with breakdown of these costumes like other SW costumes? Does anyone know of any good SotE costume resources?
I was thinking about Snoova. Even though it is over a year out with mydeployment I don't have the time for trial and error my 1st instincts/idea have to work.
I'm comfortable with the Wookie costume, its Snoova's gear that I'm concerned about. Any ideas there?
That's a tough one, he's got some interesting gear going for him. Football pad style shoulders with bandoliers attached. Then there's the weird eye patch, plus his backpack with the antennae on it. Also his leg holster is a neat little project in itself.

Heck I dunno, I'm new to all this, lol
There are a lot of costumers who sell wookie bandoleers on E-Bay, check them out. Holsters are easy to craft if you have a leather store in your area who sells plenty of reject leather pieces. Gorilla glue is your friend.
The difference woth Snoove is the bandoleers are more amror then leather work, and the item they are calling a holster is actually another piece or armor on his thigh. there is detail worked into the armor plates as well.

The real question is, how to give a wookie mask the flat top haircut lol.
Yeah I'm thinking of trying to do football style shoulder pads and the traditional buckles to attach them :love. Then have the silver bandoleer would attach to the belt and the armorer pounch on the thigh would work like a drop down holster.
The difference woth Snoove is the bandoleers are more amror then leather work, and the item they are calling a holster is actually another piece or armor on his thigh. there is detail worked into the armor plates as well.

The real question is, how to give a wookie mask the flat top haircut lol.

I thought it was an armored holster lol

lol I agree... the whole wookiee flat top is quite the conundrum.... Do they have Wookiee strength hairspray?