Star Wars Misconceptions


Sr Member
I saw Star Wars in the theater when I was six years old. At the time, I recall having several misconceptions about the movie that didn't get corrected for years. Here is a list of what I can remembering being wrong about:

1. Stormtroopers were robots.
2. Lightsabers made people disappear.
3. Darth Vader was in charge of the Empire.
4. Tatooine was really cold (C-3PO's joints were freezing!).
5. C-3PO was cut in half when he fell during the Tusken attack. When Luke and Ben lifted him up, they had the transition sweep at C-3PO's torso, indicating this.

I'm sure there were more, but that's what I remember at the moment.

I totally had the same misconceptions, well at least 1-3 of your list.

I had always thought C3PO was "broken and couldn't figure out why no one would fix him. His innards were exposed!

Oh, and that Han was dressed entirely in black with a white shirt. But that was probably pretty much Kenner's fault.
It was the force that powered a lightsaber, hence the flickering out of Ben's towards the end of the fight.
I actually thought #3 as well.

I also thought Ewoks were awesome. I was wrong about that. LOL cute, but not awesome.
#3 for sure! I think every kid just assumed that the big guy in the black suit was in charge.

I don't recall having any of the others on that list though. I had many I'm sure! Most involved making Han & Vader more awesome/important than they really were. They were my favourite characters.
I thought, at 8, that when Vader took his helmet off, his face was made of fire. I must have fallen asleep and woken during the cremation?!

I thought Vader ran the show after SW as well.
It was the force that powered a lightsaber, hence the flickering out of Ben's towards the end of the fight.

I believe in one of the early novels, SOTME or the Brian Daley Han Solo books, IF you were a Jedi, the lightsabers and blasters were powered by the Force. Luke didn't have to charge his blaster but Han did.
Another one from my youth I just remembered.

For the longest time I thought one of the movies ended about the same as Space Balls with a holo message from Yoda to Luke who was piloting the Falcon.

I blame this on my parents for turning on the TV one night at the very end of the Space Balls, asking them what it was and they replying one of the Star Wars.
I remember believing for years, convinced that I saw and remembered it, a scene in ESB where Yoda tosses a bar in front of Luke, who slices it into many pieces. I think the incident only actually occurs in the storybook (which I adored).
I called lightsabers "life savers" when I was young. I also for some reason assumed that Yoda was once a human, and had been transformed into the little green creature by the emperor.
Okay I TOTALLY thought that the Stormtroopers and even Vader were robots.

I also thought that Luke was going to win Leia in the Han/Luke/Leia love triangle (boy... talk about not seeing THAT one coming! :lol).

I also walked out of ESB convinced that Vader lied about being Luke's father.

I first sawStar Wars at age 4.
I thought Tarkin was in charge until the Death Star blew up.
I thought that Luke was going to marry Leia at the end.
I cried because they did'nt give the poor Wookie a medal too.
I wondered why Ben melted when no one had thrown water on him.

As far as Empire and ROTJ goes, really did'nt have any...other than feeling really po'd to learn that Luke and Leia were brother and sister...ewwwwww.
I thought that lightsaber buttons had to be held down for the saber to work. It explains why Ben's went out when he was struck down
This isn't my misconception, but my uncle and I (me being 6) made my grandmother believe we knew exactly what the jawas were saying :) They came on screen and started talking and she immediately started asking us what they were saying, my uncle said he could understand and looked over at me and said can't you understand? I guess i was PITA early, because i knew what he meant and said sure. I don't know if we ever told her the truth to be honest :) I know she believed she just couldn't figure it out for a while.

As for me,
I did believe vader was in charge...
...thought ben was pulling as fast one on vader and was just hiding, hene the 'run luke, run'
...thought troopers were robots
...Luke and Leia would be the eventual couple
...thought the rebels were kinda dumb for putting their 'secret base' in pyramids tons taller than everything around them. I mean, if the empire comes across the planet/moon? What are they gonna check first?
...thought the rebel troopers were cops (kinda looked like CHP cops from chips).
...Wondered why the skywalkers didn't live where the water was :)
I thort Darth Vader was Darf Fader , light sabers were life savers and fett was a robot ,
The emperour was and alien , I also remeber being reqally worried about what happend o vader after he spun of in to the distance (were on telling my dad my concerns, he said hell be back, I was very exieted, at this prospect