
Master Member

I see Star Wars, every day, in so many things. I hear it everywhere, even when the birds make R2D2 sounds. Just for giggles, show the things that aren't Star Wars but you thought they were or should be. Share the noises you capture that remind you of specific moments or that you think would make for a wonderful addition. This will likely be a dup of previous threads but unless there is a live one, here I stand. If there is, let me know and I will wander over there.

My first offering, my pool cue. I grabbed a new cue recently and was told it has some possible extensions. After purchasing these, I noted how very saber-like this was.


I play mostly trick shots, not real hip on tournament play. I play one handed, like sword fighting, either hand, behind the back, one foot, blabla, so I often use the shorty cues. I reached for the carbon fiber to see if it would.... yep.


This new set is veeeery light and difficult to control so I am going to modify it to add some weight but will keep the saber look. If I use it as intended, for lengthening the already full length cue, I will likely make a belt for the base portion and give it a nice lightsaber hanger hook.

Do you have anything you have used as a makeshift saber? Backyard sticks? Pots and pans that double as helmets? Table cloth capes that made you say the lines and then crack up before going about your day? How many temporary blasters have you used that were just tools in the garage? And yes, even the pew-pew-pew fruits and vegetables are welcome here. Anything that reminded you of Star Wars and possibly made you smile.
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View attachment 1876325

I see Star Wars, everday, in so many things. I hear it everywhere, even when the birds make R2D2 sounds. Just for giggles, show the things that aren't Star Wars but you thought they were or should be. Share the noises you capture that remind you of specific moments or that you think would make for a wonderful addition. This will likely be a dup of previous threads but unless there is a live one, here I stand. If there is, let me know and I will wander over there.

My first offering, my pool cue. I grabbed a new cue recently and was told it has some possible extensions. After purchasing these, I noted how very saber-like this was.

View attachment 1876327View attachment 1876326

I play mostly trick shots, not real hip on tournament play. I play one handed, like sword fighting, either hand, behind the back, one foot, blabla, so I often use the shorty cues. I reached for the carbon fiber to see if it would.... yep.

View attachment 1876328

This new set is veeeery light and difficult to control so I am going to modify it to add some weight but will keep the saber look. If I use it as intended, for lengthening the already full length cue, I will likely make a belt for the base portion and give it a nice lightsaber hanger hook.

Do you have anything you have used as a makeshift saber? Backyard sticks? Pots and pans that double as helmets? Table cloth capes that made you say the lines and then crack up before going about your day? How many temporary blasters have you used that were just tools in the garage? And yes, even the pew-pew-pew fruits and vegetables are welcome here. Anything that reminded you of Star Wars and possibly made you smile.
Nope, but my experience is not what most kids experienced during their childhood. Having an graphic artist/film maker/prop/model maker as a father made me spoiled among my friends and neighbours.:p:p
There was no "makeshift" anything!!
On that topic, few people realize that, due to child labor laws, the part of Grogu is played by twins Howie and Mandy.


The twins are named in honor of Howie Mandel, who did the voice over work for their grandfather in Gremlins, as the voice of Gizmo.


Gizmo only spoke an ancient dialect from the Jade Valley area of the Himalayas and was relatively a newcomer in Hollywood during his time filming Gremlins and its sequels. Due to a severe case of typecasting, he appeared only in guest appearances as Gizmo for the remainder of his career.

His grandchildren will not be playing Mogwai, however. The children have a form of Alopecia universalis (AU), also known as alopecia areata universalis, a medical condition involving the loss of all body hair, including eyebrows and eyelashes. They are painted green using natural hypoallergenic pigments. Upon seeing their coloring for the role, their grandfather remarked that they "were returning to their roots", which was roughly translated from his native tongue and is suspected to be a comedic reference to the Jade Valley. In an ironic twist, the twins seem to be already tightly associated to the Grogu character which may, as typecasting does, spell the end of their acting careers due to the seeming prerequisite that their onscreen character does not survive into prewritten portions of the current storyline's future (odd but true). Their only hope is for the current staff writers to completely deviate from canon and thereby REBOOT the series through some form of amnesiac wormhole or similar device. Beyond that, its Cons, photo-ops and autographs from here on out for these adorable twins.
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As a child those Death star doors that opened/closed at the speed of light seemed crazy stupid... I was surprised there weren't any squishy deaths.
0r were there?

Death Star contractors couldn't even be bothered to put in railings, so I am not surprised.

Rabbit trail: When Obi-Wan leaves the DS control room and tells Luke to stay behind and look after the droids, they had "issues" with the system on the door opening and closing too SLOWLY. So Hamill and Guinness had to "freeze frame" for the door opening as it SLOWLY opened, then the film was cranked up to make it "zip" open. You can see the error when Guinness "blinks" during the cut.
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Death Star contractors couldn't even be bothered to put in railings, so I am not surprised.

Rabbit trail: When Obi-Wan leaves the DS control room and tells Luke to stay behind and look after the droids, they had "issues" with the pulley system on the doo opening and closing too SLOWLY./ So Hamill and Guinness had to "freeze frame" for the door opening as it SLOWLY opened, then the film was cranked up to make it "zip" open. You can see the error when Guinness "blinks" during the cut.

So that finally clears up that cranky question about why the scene looked cgi/photoshopped well before either existed.
Credit to Metalalien for this idea from the funny/cool thread: The actual scribbled over and altered Lando/Vader deal, infamously "not altered further".

So I am definitely making the meme base for this as I imagine it would have a gojillion uses in the real world.

A somewhat formal but still rushed base template, like those random bill-of-sale that everyone uses when they sell a car.

Then space for the deal and its obvious crossouts and alterations. Will need to work on that to make it easier to "alter" obviously.

Then the "my name" and "your name" lines with the blank line but then handwritten signatures preloaded for Lando and Vader.

My list will include:

1) Lando gets Han frozen in carbonite.

with Lando crossed out and Boba written in

2) Cloud city remains Lando's.

Changed with circled areas and arrows showing it now means Lando's remains (in) cloud city.

3) Implement free Taco Tuesday

This is unchanged

4) Falcon goes to Lando

5) Lando gets a Holiday named after him

Changed from "him" to "Vader" then to "palpatine"

6) Lando gets new cape

"new" changed to "rid of" and then changed by lando to "to es-"

If you had the deal to make, what does Lando get promised and then "Altered"?
The Death Star door trick -

That's true except for the detail of the filming speed. Actually, slowing down the camera speed (on the set, while it's recording) is what produces fast-forward motion.

The downside is that the results are baked in. Later in the editing room you cannot change your mind and start tweaking the speeds around. Whatever got recorded on the set (from the camera man adjusting the speed knob) is what you have to work with. If you want to give the editor two different speeds of the same shot then you have to do two takes. Either that or else have two different cameras recording it.

For slow-motion footage the concept runs the other way. They run the camera faster (beyond 24 fps) when it's recording.
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The Death Star door trick -

That's true except for the detail of the filming speed. Actually, slowing down the camera speed (on the set, while it's recording) is what produces fast-forward motion.

The downside is that the results are baked in. Later in the editing room you cannot change your mind and start tweaking the speeds around. Whatever got recorded on the set (from the camera man adjusting the speed knob) is what you have to work with. If you want to give the editor two different speeds of the same shot then you have to do two takes. Either that or else have two different cameras recording it.

For slow-motion footage the concept runs the other way. They run the camera faster (beyond 24 fps) when it's recording.

This is why they look shopped. Even if the door were ridiculous fast those waiting for it have some very natural "I am waiting but also getting ready" posturing, which neither actor did. They were frozen, unmoving. That does not happen in the real world. Watch people at an electric door and they are prepping, with one shoulder forward, to take that first step into the gap already available before the door finishes its sweep. No one freezes and then starts to move. I ran into the door at lowes when it didn't keep going. The two doors parted and I stepped forward but the doors stopped. Luckily, I knew the pull apart trick or would have bounced.
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This is why they look shopped. Even if the door were ridiculous fast those waiting for it have some very natural "I am waiting but also getting ready" posturing, which neither actor did. They were frozen, unmoving. That does not happen in the real world. Watch people at an electric door and they are prepping, with one shoulder forward, to take that first step into the gap already available before the door finishes its sweep. No one freezes and then starts to move. I ran into the door at lowes when it didn't keep going. The two doors parted and I stepped forward but the doors stopped. Luckily, I knew the pull apart trick or would have bounced.

I don't think those ANH door shots have any signs of optical printing work.

The actors were probably told to stand totally still & quiet while the doors were in motion. If they tried to "act natural" then they would have risked moving in some way that was fast enough to give away the film speed. And the degree of fast-forwarding was pretty dramatic in those shots. At least 2-3x real speed, maybe more.
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Was just remembering how at my last job, which dealt with concrete supplies, how so many of the items there looked like light saber handles. I once even took pictures of a bunch and posted them buried deep within some topic.
Things like this, which was the handle that attached to the part to smooth out the concrete.
Was just remembering how at my last job, which dealt with concrete supplies, how so many of the items there looked like light saber handles. I once even took pictures of a bunch and posted them buried deep within some topic.
Things like this, which was the handle that attached to the part to smooth out the concrete.
View attachment 1880772

This one reminded me of the vacuum cleaner nozzle extensions. When we were still too young to care, my brother and I would take the extensions from the vacuum cleaner accessory holder and dual. Once those were lost we would dig out all the flashlights. Mom could never figure out why the vacuum parts would be in the yard and dad was pretty sure his kids were somewhat defective because they could not figure out that you turn the flashlight off when you put it down. Every flashlight he found laying around had batteries that were irretrievably dead.

Surpisingly, it was easy to find the before and after examples online. This is what my mom's Electrolux Caddy looked like before and after we saw Star Wars:

