A New Star Wars Trilogy Announced

Im Not No Way GIF
I wonder if this really comes true… there’s so many thing “a go” and then 3 days later it’s canceled..

Curious if this really is going to happen

I know Igor says he wants more movies in theater and less streaming
Maybe no one else wants to work on star wars and their choices are limited?

I find this theory plausible. You know, neither Abrams or Johnson have directed a theatrical movie since their Star Wars films. Probably a personal choice, but still funny to think about.

edit: forgot Knives Out had a theatrical release, not just Netflix.
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This is the third trilogy they've announced. Will be the third to be cancelled as well?

Here's a radical idea: Announce A movie. Then make and release it. If it's well received and makes money, announce the next one. Repeat. In time, you'll have a trilogy and likely look far less foolish.
I think the issue is reliability. Studios want someone who knows how to handle a multi-film project. Kinberg has a proven track record. It may not be stellar, but he has a track record.

It comes down to a balance sheet, Kinberg costs $X and the movies he's made have grossed $10X, so there's a tangible value there. You could argue that the person should be $20X, but if that person doesn't want to do it, then you're stuck.

I think there's also the larger issue of finding someone willing to make that commitment, to spend the next 10 years of your life on just this one thing. I remember reading Kurt Sutter (Sons of Anarchy) talk about how TV shows rarely last past 5 or 6 seasons because at a certain point, it just costs too much money to retain the cast and/or crew for that length of time. Particularly, the actors want to move on and do something new.

I find this theory plausible. You know, neither Abrams or Johnson have directed a theatrical movie since their Star Wars films. Probably a personal choice, but still funny to think about.

Rian Johnson directed Knives Out after Last Jedi, which was in theaters. Also, Glass Onion was supposed to be released theatrically, but Netflix pulled some shenanigans. There was a story circulating about how Daniel Craig got into a verbal altercation with Ted Sarandos at the premiere of Glass Onion over the lack of theatrical release.

As far as Abrams goes, I wouldn't put too much stock into his lack of recent director credits. He had to be persuaded to even direct TFA. I'd wager LFL parked a Brinks truck in front of his house to get him back for ROTS. It seems like he just doesn't want to direct anymore. And that seems like it's for the best. It sounds like he's more of an 'idea' guy anyways.
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Hey, why not announce a new 'Blues Brothers' trilogy, too?

SW has been reduced to the rank of a regular old franchise. It has to earn its keep every time now. I don't see any big baseline demand for another trilogy just because it's SW.
I have it on what I believe is good authority that the Kinberg trilogy is fake, and that no such thing has been authorized by Lucasfilm. Instead, they're working on Thrawn movies.

So why did the trades report it? Because someone leaked it to them. Someone who has something to gain by disrupting Jon Favreau's efforts.

Don't believe it, it's not gonna happen.
The new story is not meant to be a continuation of the Skywalker Saga, the name of the overall arc of the popular and pop culture-dominating Star Wars movies known as Episodes 1 through 9. The intent here is to have brand new characters and a new story, and not have it be a continuation
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Lucasfilm topper Kathleen Kennedy will also produce the new trilogy.
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New Trilogy for Lucasfilm
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"Kinberg already has strong Star Wars ties. He co-created the animated series Star Wars: Rebels with Dave Filoni as well as Carrie Beck. The Emmy-nominated ran for four seasons, from 2014-18."

ugh. hopefully not space whales and grey Jedi again

although this is promising, but not sure if good enough

"...being one of the producers of Logan and the first two Deadpool movies, among many other creative duties.."
As a Star Wars fan, I will always be optimistic that this will actually happen and be great. But I’ll also wait until filming actually starts to believe it.

I do believe Kinberg has the chops to do this and make it something wonderful, and having one person oversee a 3 movie story should ensure a cohesive story arc across the trilogy and not suffer the story inconsistencies of EP7-9.
I have it on what I believe is good authority that the Kinberg trilogy is fake, and that no such thing has been authorized by Lucasfilm. Instead, they're working on Thrawn movies.

So why did the trades report it? Because someone leaked it to them. Someone who has something to gain by disrupting Jon Favreau's efforts.

Don't believe it, it's not gonna happen.

Just a gut instinct but I'm inclined to believe you. A big new trilogy doesn't really fit with Disney & LFL's last few years. This announcement doesn't smell right IMO.