Let's Talk All Things Star Wars (Again)


Master Member
Since we are heading into a New Year, it is a reminder to all of us that no matter where we've been or what we've done in the past, we have a choice to start afresh and to not continue to be defined by our past. We can have a clean slate again. As my final act on the RPF, i'd like to re-start one of the best threads we had on here by our own Joek3rr . Star Wars brought me on the RPF. I met friends as close as brothers. My hope is that you all will continue to discuss Star Wars passionately, sincerely and honestly and that long lasting friendships can continue to be formed in the future. Something that i constantly have to remind myself is that on the other side of my words are valuable, precious people and Star Wars was something that brought all of us together in a very optimistic way. I believe that all of us have the capacity to prove this to be true once again. Happy New Year to you all and MTFBWYA.

Who do you think the main character is? There's a fair argument to be made for C3PO imo, but I'm curious to hear other thoughts.
The main character of Star Wars?

OT - Luke
PT - Anakin

It's a boring answer but I think it's accurate.

With the OT it's pretty clear. Luke is the one going on the Joseph Campbell hero's journey. George was ready to ditch Han Solo in ESB if Harrison didn't renew for another movie. After they escape from the Death Star in ANH, Leia had just seen her whole home planet blown up and yet the focus was on Luke's grief over an old man he barely knew.

For the PT you could make a case for Obi-Wan being the main character. But that trilogy is a tragic downfall story and Obi-Wan is not the tragic character.

The droids are the audience's companions. But I don't think they fit the bill as star protagonists. The story does not really center on their character growth or achievements or failures. They are appliances to serve the storytelling just like they are appliances in-universe.
The main character of Star Wars?

OT - Luke
PT - Anakin

It's a boring answer but I think it's accurate.

With the OT it's pretty clear. Luke is the one going on the Joseph Campbell hero's journey. George was ready to ditch Han Solo in ESB if Harrison didn't renew for another movie. After they escape from the Death Star in ANH, Leia had just seen her whole home planet blown up and yet the focus was on Luke's grief over an old man he barely knew.

For the PT you could make a case for Obi-Wan being the main character. But that trilogy is a tragic downfall story and Obi-Wan is not the tragic character.

The droids are the audience's companions. But I don't think they fit the bill as star protagonists. The story does not really center on their character growth or achievements or failures. They are appliances to serve the storytelling just like they are appliances in-universe.
The OT essentially centers on anakin's character growth as well
I haven’t seen or heard from copper in awhile… anyone know if he’s ok?

We usually exchange a message every day.. I haven’t seen him around

This behavior is not like him..
And that gives us a good boundary list for this thread. Keep it neutral at worst but strive for just plain sharing. Hopefully that will stop the usual flow of complaints to the mods. I know he had to reign me in several times when I ranted and with the warning that it was going to close specific threads.... and they closed. The downside is when the complaints flow from the same folks just due to a difference in style opinions. I can only monitor my own attitude but I can't stop from having a different opinion than the entire group. I hope for this thread that control via mod complaints just doesn't happen.

What I know is the threads were always better with copperrevan input and ridiculously funny so would put in my request that his break be short lived.

As for Star Wars, my new hopeful project (yes there is an echo...) is the Jude Law character from Skeleton Crew so if anyone else is doing that cosplay, let me know the threads. I have the gun on hold for my coming paycheck and will be starting the belt buckle sculpt this week. Once I get my first physical item started, I will open a build thread.
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Aka: “This movie will suck.”
Ya, I typed it, then deleted it, just to honor the intention of the thread. So, here, but far less aggressively.....

Agree, I do. Suck it will, be not enough, words of truth to display my angst of loss, of despair that the Sith yet live on, in this stage of life and yet also on this very stage. For yet another, of little love, has proclaimed, in false bravado, the intention to wear the likeness but only as one dead, as a corpse is dressed upon the skinwalker, the ghoul, the succubus tempting us with our own dreams and hopes of fulfillment but instead sucking the very joy and light from...... ya it's gonna suck.
Of course that led to a review of his previous work on Indy 5 where he makes excuses and lays blame. He had the balls to say the audience didn't like Harrison Ford because he was old. He literally pulled the bigot blame card already and in so doing, he laid bare his feelings about Ford while making the film. He didn't get the praise he wanted and felt it was because Ford was too old. He mentioned that the audience would have been happier with a replacement that was younger or with a reboot using someone else.

What an ass. He blames the audience and Ford. And completely separates himself from the rest of the planet by saying ANYONE ELSE COULD EVER FILL THAT ROLE, while Ford yet lived..... no, you insane moron, no one in the fanbase was thinking Ford was too old. We all expected him to be a slightly more adventurous copy of Henry Jones Sr. with plenty of Jokes about becoming just like his father.

Harrison Ford is the epitomy of professional. If you can't run enough takes to get what you want from a seasoned pro, you have no right directing.

Anyway, I just wish they had found a way to make up with Shia, regardless of whatever went down before. The next thing I saw him in was Peanut Butter Falcon and that was easily the best new genre film I had seen in decades. Shia didn't need to be new Indy, he just needed to be his character from Peanut Butter Falcon. Speaking of, the lead character, Zack Gottsagen was stellar as was the majority of the supporting cast.
Disagree about Shia. I don't think he's right for the franchise. Or at least not for the character.

I think Shia squeaked by in that role in 2008 because he could pass for not fully grown up yet. But IMO he's wrong for Indy & Marion's son at 30+ years old.

Side note - In his 20s I think Shia's face kind of resembled young Steven Speilberg. I wonder if the self-insert factor helped get him the role in 2008. The whole Mutt character seemed like a fond memory of the cool kids from Spielberg & Lucas's youth.
Disagree about Shia. I don't think he's right for the franchise. Or at least not for the character.

I think Shia squeaked by in that role in 2008 because he could pass for not fully grown up yet. But IMO he's wrong for Indy & Marion's son at 30+ years old.

Side note - In his 20s I think Shia's face kind of resembled young Steven Speilberg. I wonder if the self-insert factor helped get him the role in 2008. The whole Mutt character seemed like a fond memory of the cool kids from Spielberg & Lucas's youth.
Ya, I thought the overall mutt character was Not my favorite rebel genre. I thought his Peanut Butter Falcon character was a far better fit for the mutt role.

I wasn't sure on age at the time the show was made so wouldn't have noticed the incongruity.