Star Wars Chapters 7-8-9


Sr Member
I was listening to a Podcast with Jim Hill from Jim Hill Media recently and he had mentioned a rumor that on the "Lucas Campus" the word was out that Uncle George was talking to Fisher, Ford, and Hamill regarding their former character roles. The topic came up regarding productions no longer needing to go "on location" because of the current status of CGI backgrounds and green screens.

Anyone else hear of these rumors regarding SW 7-8-9? Is Uncle George getting ready to complete his legacy? :confused
Unless they plan on utilizing the same type of effects that were used to make Jeff Bridges look younger in "Tron Legacy", I doubt that it'll work. It's safe to say that if he's going to do another set of trilogy, he's going to have to not involve Han, Luke and Leia. Now, if he can get Billy Dee Williams to come back as Lando, that'd be something (j/k).
He needs to hand it off to others to write and direct and it would be awesome to see them set movies in the old republic time.
I was listening to a Podcast with Jim Hill from Jim Hill Media recently and he had mentioned a rumor that on the "Lucas Campus" the word was out that Uncle George was talking to Fisher, Ford, and Hamill regarding their former character roles. The topic came up regarding productions no longer needing to go "on location" because of the current status of CGI backgrounds and green screens.

Anyone else hear of these rumors regarding SW 7-8-9? Is Uncle George getting ready to complete his legacy? :confused
Jim Hill and his website can be a very questionable source, IMHO, for anything other than Disney rumors/history... I personally wouldn't put much stock in it...
As long as Lucas writes the outline, has a good writer fix the script and lets somebody else do the directing, it could be great.

I have a bad feeling about this.
Actually very old news...and my original hope that George's death would stop all of this madness is dashed too. His daughter is a writer for Clone Wars...I need an astroid to hit Skywalker Ranch.

Take it from someone who knows... This is total BS. Ford has stated time and time again it would take an act of God for him to strap on a blaster again. Hell, he wants Indiana Jones to die in the next one.

Not going to happen.
Take it from someone who knows... This is total BS. Ford has stated time and time again it would take an act of God for him to strap on a blaster again. Hell, he wants Indiana Jones to die in the next one.

Not going to happen.

Money talks! ;)
The first movie I ever saw in a theater was STAR 1977 at the age of six. My (1st) major in school was anthropology with a focus in archaeology because at ten I saw Raiders and it changed my life.

I grew up with real Star Wars and real Indy...and the last twelve years have filled me with NOTHING but hatred for that vile piece of human filth named George Lucas.

No one but Mark is involved...

Man, if they have the twins go after Uncle Luke who has finally succumbed to the Dark Side and is rampaging around the galaxy, blowing open ships and stepping over the bodies of his dead troopers, I WILL WATCH THE HELL OUT OF 7, 8, AND 9.