Star Wars back stories between '77 and '80. What do you remember?


Master Member
For those of us who remember the three year between ANH and ESB, what do you remember about any back stories?

The main one I remember is Darth Vader betrayed and murdered "Luke's Father" on the volcano planet Jedi students went to get their Lightsaber crystal. That is where, like it was played out in ROTS, Vader was gravely injured and needed the iron lung suit.

I for the life of me can't remember where I read it but at the time, any tidbit of lore was given to us in various magazines as there was no expanded universe. Of course these memories are nearly 50 years old and subject to The Mandella Effect, but still curious to hear from others.
It was stated in one of the Rolling Stone articles. I think I still have it in my scrapbook.

I guess I wasn't too far off!


Considering the RS article was published in August of '77, it was probably one of the first with any sort of backstory. I didn't read RS back then so I'm going to assume anything I read on the volcano story came from this article.
I remember a big fold-out magazine that had several bits of concept art, but the main article I remember was on the background of the Stormtroopers.

I just remember that book being like a SW document that I'd always weigh stuff against, just to see if it gee-ha'd with what George said in there. Didn't know them how much hadn't been nailed down & was subject to change on a whim.
Yeah, Vader falling into a volcano and being “well-done” was pretty much common knowledge, when I was a kid.

If only I had known the part that “the high ground” would play in that epic confrontation…

If only I knew…
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Here's another interesting tidbit. According to George, Prowse knew his voice was not going to be used and Prowse was rich from owning Gyms. He did movies for fun lol.

I remember a big fold-out magazine that had several bits of concept art, but the main article I remember was on the background of the Stormtroopers.

I just remember that book being like a SW document that I'd always weigh stuff against, just to see if it gee-ha'd with what George said in there. Didn't know them how much hadn't been nailed down & was subject to change on a whim.
I still have that one, too. Somewhere.
If I remember correctly, it referred to the Stormtroopers as drones.
I guess I wasn't too far off!

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Considering the RS article was published in August of '77, it was probably one of the first with any sort of backstory. I didn't read RS back then so I'm going to assume anything I read on the volcano story came from this article.
Incredible! I have never seen this before!
I wasn’t alive back than.. and when I was a kid in the late 80s none of my friends were into Star Wars..

So I never really heard these stories on the play ground or lunch..

What this thread does remind me of is all the rumors/stories when the prequels were coming out
Here is the cover for the Rolling Stone. It is a fairly famous issue. It was one of the very first in depth articles on the movie.

And this is an ebay ad to buy it.
I remember I just cut out all the Star Wars stuff and put it in my scrapbook. The rest of the mag went into the trash.
I remember the rumor that Kenobi was a clone of the emperor, and his name actually was Obi-One because he was the first. How silly is that!

I remember the "rumor" that Obi-Wan was in fact Obi-1 (or Obi-One), indicating that he was a clone. But not of the emperor.
I would have to dig back through all my old Starlog magazines, but I remember there was one issue that contained all the rumors, heresay, and speculations on what TESB was going to be about. Some of them were close, some where way off, and some were just completely out of this world crazy.
I remember the "rumor" that Obi-Wan was in fact Obi-1 (or Obi-One), indicating that he was a clone. But not of the emperor.
Granted it was a hell of a long time ago, but I absolutely remember the emperor part. Probably was a case of "Telephone," where every time someone repeated it it was changed.
Here's another one: Uncle Owen and Kenobi were brothers. I met Phil Brown at a con decades ago, and he said it always was his impression that they were family.