Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Well I guess I am not the only one who found this sight from, thanks guys, I am a geek and work in IT, I build props when I am inspired, I tend to make more Doctor Who and Babylon 5 things as its something that my son loves. Well he has a love of firefly now (at last) and from the posts around here I will be picking some brains
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

hey all , im from london uk
I dont have any prop making experience but i do have an obsession with carbon fiber and cnc machines (and a few years experience using both)
Ive recently ordered a 130w laser cutter to help make molds and templates for my carbon projects and realised that i should probably try making some props.. just waiting for the right idea to hit me in the face :)
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Greetings all. My name is Michael and I am the proud owner of a Firefly/Serenity themed nerd retail store in Saint Petersburg, Florida.

I am here because I am interested in networking with the cosplay community and eventually obtaining the means to pull off Winter Soldier and Daredevil. I look forward to a rewarding experience here!
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello all! Just found this website tonight while surfing the interweb for stuff. I have always been a fan of cosplay and have decided to take the leap into creating my own outfits for cons. I have some experience working with 3d programs but I'm still getting used to pepakura. Made my first pepakura file tonight for a Phoenix Force Cyclops costume that I want to make. Mainly the chest piece. Am planning on making it out of worbla which I have never worked with! lol. So a lot of firsts for me but I am feeling really psyched about it.

Live in the NW Indiana area if there is anyone else around the area that would like to chat sometime let me know!

Thanks for reading! :D
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi everyone! I've been lurking for a while, but have really been enjoying following a lot of the builds. I live in south central Pennsylvania, and love props and costuming. :) Currently, I'm helping my friend make a Steampunk Ursula the Sea Witch costume for a Hallowe'en Ball.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi everyone,
I am SuperNarcoGB01 (Super comes from me being a Superman fan, the Narco is from the condition I have, Narcolepsy and GB well Ghostbusters)
I am a new member on here :) I am a fan of the MMPR , Superman fan, Ghostbusters fan. I am a costume geek/nerd :) and proud. I am 28 yrs old live on the East Coast, just starting to get my costume collection off the ground :) I don't sew so I look for sites and places that can, plus I am not the kind of person that can put things together I am talented but not when it comes to making props so I look for outside help to get the props that go with what I want to dress up as, and I am kind of picky too who isn't when it comes to props and costumes lol it has to be accurate it whatever the costume or prop lol has to look the way it did on the screen :) someone told me to join this site :) and said it is right with what I am into :)
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello all :). I am completely new to the experience of making props, but have been fascinated with top class costumes since someone's mother made a wonderful Batman and Robin (the old series) costume many years back in the late 60s. I *wanted* them then and I still do now. I love the original series still, as far as I am concerned, it is by far the best. In other worlds, I have been a Buffy fan since that started; I am a huge Thunderbirds fan, too, and always wanted to build Scott Tracey's ride to TB1, since seeing one episode where a couple of freckly kids did just that. Anyway, sorry for having bored you all to death! hehehe I am English, but living in Scotland. Thank you for having me! Jo
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **


I'm Ezra, I'm pretty much as new to this as you can be. I've been interested in making replicas and props for a few years, but just couldn't really get to trying it.. Until now! I've seen quite a few things others have made and really want to get into it. I just don't know where to start; haha. If any of you have anytime to offer a few tips to a newbie like me I'd really appreciate it... Anything from molding/shaping to painting and final touches. Lets see... First prop/replica that got me into wanting to do this was a pokeball. (Yeah, I know, I'm a nerd XD. But aren't we all?) So first project I want to do.. would have to be a pokeball. I don't want to do anything too complex as a first project. Something small.. Yet takes a bit of work to sort of get my feet wet. Anyways.. Thanks for the welcoming guys!

Oh! Forgot to mention I'm a big Marvel and Star Wars fan, and honestly would love to be able to make my own projects based on them.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello everyone,

I found out about this site by searchingfor Iron man stuff for making the armor and OMG this site is the best thing I could find!!

About me,

I am at the moment a sixteen years old canadian and I love building all sort of stuff! It's my passion. My other passion is mouintain biking but that's not important on this forum :) I am born in Québec, the french province of Canada so my real language is french and that is why you may have noticed some mistakes in my english ;) but at least I think you can all understand me and that is what matters the most.

I am now starting do build the Iron Man armor and I joined this forum to get help and tips during my project. I hope I will also gain some experience and abilities to be able to help some others in the future!

There are some amazing and talented poeple on this site and I am happy to be able to look at their work and use their knowlegde to help others and also myself!

I think I will have a lot of fun with you poeple on this forum and we will accomplish some great stuff together!

See you soon :)
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Greetings from Kansas, the home of Superman! I found this site after being introduced to foam armor props by a friend and checking out Stealth's tutorials on YouTube. I'm working on my first armor slowly and learning as much as I can.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **


Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi! The creativity in this place is so fun, I feel right at home.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello everyone. I am new to prop making, but have been browsing these forums for a bit. I was so inspired by the creativity here I decided to jump in and start making my own prop replicas. I currently have a LOT on my workbench as there are quite a few props that I want to own. I live in the US, Georgia to be exact and am a long time movie/video game buff.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Greetings! I have been making the trek from Tampa to Atlanta for Dragon*Con since 2010. I found this place searching for pepakura files for this year's project (Cobra Commander) and found not only that, but a treasure trove of how-to's and inspiring works-in-progress. Here are a few of my past costumes:


Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hiya! I've been lurking for a bit, and joined a couple of weeks ago, and am amazed nearly every time I browse the forums. I find yet another inspirational build or new tip/technique. It's quite awesome.

I found the forums originally because I want to build a Judge Dredd (2012) costume for Halloween this year. Progress is still a bit slow, but should be ramping up in the next week or 2. Halloween's my favorite holiday and every year I have all these lofty ideas of a yard haunt, costume, etc that never manifest or are rush jobs in the 3rd week of October. When I told my wife my plan of being a Judge this year (almost immediately after seeing the movie), she said "Well, you better get started now!" So that's what I'm doing!


Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello from London, England!

Just got into cosplaying after going to SDCC and cosplayed as a few. Looking to get into a bit more and work on my Browncoat costume a tad more :)
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi from the deepest wilds of Yorkshire, England :D

I am utterly new to not only prop making but most of the skills involved as well. I stumbled across the board whilst researching cosplay which I've finally decided to get into at the grand old age of 30, spurred on by a potential visit to SDCC with the husband next year.

I was absolutely floored by some of the amazing stuff members have made so naturally, I want to have a go!!

I've a huge amount to learn but it looks like I've come to the right place and I can't wait to get started on something :D
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hey guys!
Another new addition lead here by I'm from Minnesota, but now live in New York City. I'm totally new to prop-making, but have a Masters in Landscape Architecture, which means I did my fair share of late night cardboard model making (and loads of photoshop). Looking to step my game up, make some good props, maybe costumes, and have a great creative outlet while also learning some skills.
I hope to find some good projects to learn from, and to be able to contribute using the skills I do know.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hey everyone - I'm Eric, love the work on this site! Into comic related props, Star Wars Horror, and Sci-Fi! I'm very interested in low budget projects - taking something crappy and making it awesome with a little elbow grease.

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