Movies that you stopped watching because of inaccuracies

Sluis Van Shipyards

Legendary Member
Unrealistic things in movies just ruin them and there's a handful where I just stopped watching. The latest was that I tried to watch Die Hard: A Good Day to Die Hard. I got maybe 15mins in and they had a Reaper drone over Moscow and then McClane interrupts a CIA plot involving his son. So you're telling me that when he tried to leave the country the State Dept. didn't flag him to keep him from screwing up their operation?

Another would be Where Eagles Dare where I got about 3 mins in and they had a helicopter that wasn't around in WW2. :lol: I did go back and watch it recently because, well Clint Eastwood.

I never understood why that one got so much flak.

The story isn't real (it was Brits, not Americans) but, I mean, the movie openly declared that during the credits. 'Das Boot' was a fictional story too. Half the good war movies out there are fictional.

I can see why people were pissed about the Germans gunning down survivors in the water. But on the other hand the Germans weren't portrayed as being happy about it. I think the point of that scene wasn't so much to bash the Germans, but to show the kinds of ugly things that war forces people to do. In 'Private Ryan' the Tom Hanks character deals with the same issue.
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I never understood why that one got so much flak.

The story isn't real (it was Brits, not Americans) but, I mean, the movie openly declared that during the credits. 'Das Boot' was a fictional story too. Half the good war movies out there are fictional.

I can see why people were pissed about the Germans gunning down survivors in the water. But on the other hand the Germans weren't portrayed as being happy about it. I think the point of that scene wasn't so much to bash the Germans, but to show the kinds of ugly things that war forces people to do. In 'Private Ryan' the Tom Hanks character deals with the same issue.
I didn't mention the plot.
I never understood why that one got so much flak.

The story isn't real (it was Brits, not Americans) but, I mean, the movie openly declared that during the credits. 'Das Boot' was a fictional story too. Half the good war movies out there are fictional.

I can see why people were pissed about the Germans gunning down survivors in the water. But on the other hand the Germans weren't portrayed as being happy about it. I think the point of that scene wasn't so much to bash the Germans, but to show the kinds of ugly things that war forces people to do. In 'Private Ryan' the Tom Hanks character deals with the same issue.

Even Glory is full of a ton inaccuracies.
The story isn't real (it was Brits, not Americans) but, I mean, the movie openly declared that during the credits.
From what I have read on IMDB, the declaration was added after the film had already got very harsh criticism, from veterans, historians and some influential British people.

It is one thing to make something up. Another to misrepresent actual events, especially about things that happened in a war, that people still remember first- or second-hand.
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If you are going to stop watching movies because of inaccuracies you might as well never watch another movie again.

Yeah, but I'm just talking things that personally bug you so much you shut it off. There's things I can live with that I know were probably done for Hollywood reasons and then there's things too stupid to be real (like the Reaper drone in my OP).