Mad Max: Fury Road

There seems to be two kinds of shots from the film. Ones with the blockbuster orange-steel colors and ones with bleach-bypass. Wonder why they went with the bleach look for the publicity photos?

MAX NONBLEACHED.jpg vs mad-max-fury-road-tom-hardy-3.jpg
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The bleached look is what's used for all of the Walking Dead's promo materials. My guess is they're using it to unconsciously tap into the post-apocalyptic vibe of that show.
I thought the orange was maybe just the treatment for the trailers exclusively. Either way, looking forward to this one!
Speculation and doubt aside, I'm just excited to have another addition to the max saga. I'm almost 30 and I've never had the opportunity to see any of the trilogy in theatres.
Just showed my kids (12 and 13) the original for the first time, at their request. They'd previously only seen Thunderdome, as I'm a little overprotective about them watching R material and MM3 is fairly kid friendly. Neither of them "liked" it per se, but I was able to get them into the zany, exploitive spirit of the thing sufficiently that one of them went around saying " the NIGHT RIDER!" for the next few hours :lol I hope it got under their skin enough that they ask to watch Road Warrior. I've had a poster up in my kitchen for that movie for almost as long as they've been alive, so I assume they're at least mildly curious.
I think the issue with the first one is that it's really a slow-burn of a movie. But it's necessary for the payoff at the end. You need to see the gradual dissolution of society, Max's home life and his desire for normalcy, and how that's all ultimately shattered by Toecutter's gang, all of which leads him to go on a murderous and merciless rampage.
I think the issue with the first one is that it's really a slow-burn of a movie. But it's necessary for the payoff at the end. You need to see the gradual dissolution of society, Max's home life and his desire for normalcy, and how that's all ultimately shattered by Toecutter's gang, all of which leads him to go on a murderous and merciless rampage.

I guess by today's standards it's a "slow burn" but not excessively so. The whole thing is suffused with dread and tension, and there's PLENTY of car action (my oldest said "I think the writer really needed a plot to string together some cool car chases." He said this with some admiration). Both my kids did great with ALIEN, and that's a MUCH slower burn than Mad Max.

I think they were "meh" partly because of the lack of eye catching design, and partly because they couldn't understand a lot of the dialogue (the youngest admitted to being lost whenever people spoke most of the time).

Long story short, I don't think they've ever seen a foreign film, and certainly not a low budget 70s flick (they've seen bigger budget fare like Star Wars--the ORIGINAL OT, thank you very much-- and ALIEN), and having started them on Thunderdome, they were looking for something more overdesigned and grandiose.

Whatever...I enjoyed taking my Max blu-ray for a spin :D And they definitely appreciated the practical stunts. My youngest is decidedly "retro" in his aesthetics and is very taken with old school effects. So they had a lot of praise for the car/motorcycle mayhem the crazy stuntmen pulled off.
I guess by today's standards it's a "slow burn" but not excessively so. The whole thing is suffused with dread and tension, and there's PLENTY of car action (my oldest said "I think the writer really needed a plot to string together some cool car chases." He said this with some admiration). Both my kids did great with ALIEN, and that's a MUCH slower burn than Mad Max.

I think they were "meh" partly because of the lack of eye catching design, and partly because they couldn't understand a lot of the dialogue (the youngest admitted to being lost whenever people spoke most of the time).

Long story short, I don't think they've ever seen a foreign film, and certainly not a low budget 70s flick (they've seen bigger budget fare like Star Wars--the ORIGINAL OT, thank you very much-- and ALIEN), and having started them on Thunderdome, they were looking for something more overdesigned and grandiose.

Whatever...I enjoyed taking my Max blu-ray for a spin :D And they definitely appreciated the practical stunts. My youngest is decidedly "retro" in his aesthetics and is very taken with old school effects. So they had a lot of praise for the car/motorcycle mayhem the crazy stuntmen pulled off.

Actually, that makes sense, and I hadn't even thought about the stark difference in production design. I think I saw Thunderdome first, too, but it was so long ago that I forgot how jarringly different MM1 is from MM2/MM3. And even MM3 is different in tone from MM2.

It's a relatively short, fast film, but I find the middle part when Max quits the force and goes on holiday with Jessie and Sprog to be the really slow part. The leadup to that has one awesome car chase, but otherwise, not a ton of action. But you're right, the low-budget quality of it and the relatively sedate production design have a lot to do with it, too.
The first minute and a half of that trailer were amazing! Unfortunately, like the Star Wars "legacy" style trailers, it really just highlighted how different the new one looks. Definitely made me want to watch my MM blu-rays though!
This is probably the only movie I'm really looking forward to this year but I'm a little worried it's going to degenerated into an over choreographed CG effect spectacle.
For sure going to get it on dvd, I don't do movie theaters, and i preordered the game for my PS4. It'll share the shelf with my NES version.
First there was Mad Max on the NES. Then there was Outlander, which started off as an official licensed Mad Max game, but the license fell through. What followed was the tons of downloadable game mods for Max's Interceptor for various games, from Need for Speed 3 to the GTA series... Now, it looks like we're about to dive into Max's world once again in the video game format.

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This is probably the only movie I'm really looking forward to this year but I'm a little worried it's going to degenerated into an over choreographed CG effect spectacle.

Im pretty sure this movie is filled with practical stunts and actual car chases. Of course it will feature cgi but I don't think you'll be disappointed on a practical side of things. I'm so eager to see this and then play the game.

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