Coollekotten's Art

really nice :D i posted some of my drawings in other thread,i whould be honored if you check them out and post your oppinion, maybe some tip on what i need to improve etc :p
Feels a bit dusty in here, better do something about it.  :)


It was hard to photograph this one so not satisfied with the quality of the photo at all. When I have a better pic I will update it.

So this is Sick Raven (predator), a very new character of mine, and very different from I usually create. Why? Because this one is turning Bad Blood. He is keeping himself on the line between what is considered right by his clan and what is NOT right. In short - he enjoys the hunting more then the trophy. 
Playing with your prey is not considered honorable by his clan and they are getting reluctant to bring him with on a hunt. BUT when there is an ambush or someone needs help, he will be there in a split second. He is very skilled with swords so that is his preferred weapon. 

So he is a bit complicated in character, with a sickening mind but still prepared to do everything he can for his clan.

I really like that bio.  :)
Have a nice upcoming week everyone!
You keep getting better and better Nicole!  You continue to add more and more detail in to your drawings, and its a true joy to look at.  There's so much eye candy here that it all takes a few minutes to soak it in.  
-love the Bio...simple yet effective
-I enjoy the integration of the straps and armor
-spots look perfect
-I like the way the left gauntlet has the little flares on the back - nice touch
-cool looking belt buckle with Pred glyphs on it
-LOVE the thigh armor - reminds me of the Borg!
-great perspective on the sword, and amazing detail on the guard!
Wonderful work Nicole...just incredible.  
Ooooh... I am really , REALLY liking this one. I have to agree, the armor and the spots are very much an eye catcher. Plus, you do excellent work with the "fur/hide". So much detail and subtle shapes go a long way and you seem to bring out the best in each. 

Keep them coming.

zanruos said:
nice art work dude
...I hate to point this out, but Nicole isn't a guy. 
J Sauto said:
Beautiful Art!
Thank you!

I want people to know, that at the moment I have been quite absent from the lair, but I'm lurking around still so no worries of me leaving or anything. I just have alot of stuff on my table at the moment and to get inspiration on predator stuff has been difficult. I have some art that I will post up later on but it might take awhile. It's too fun to draw the predator to stop.  :)

Thank you for all the kind comments, people! 
Seeing as I have been far too quiet here for too long, I decided to let you in on two predatordrawings that I am working on at the moment. 
I have been very tired and in a low mood for a long time now and loosing my job didn't help. But I am slowly getting up from the pit of indifference and am trying to draw at least one hour every day. 

The top one is a size A4, my newest version of my Viking predator. The bio is very inspired by the P2 but with some differences. The lowest one, size A3, I am a bit hush hush about and might not post any more progress pics of. But I have probably said that before so... take it with a grain of salt.


Anyway, I've missed you guys. Hope you are all doing well.  :)
Take care!
Python, I am posting this little image to show you the steps I do to get that effect on the bio.


It's not that hard. I begin with a light pencil and sketch out the shape, I made circles for this one but you can make whatever you want. It also depends on the shape of what you are drawing, if the shape is supposed to be round then the lines need to work with it as to not look flat. I then took a bit darker pencil and just darkened some areas and then filled a bit of the circles with the H2 pen. I then darkened it some more and smudged it with the stomp (do you call it that?). At this stage it is starting to look like rocks, so take a kneeded eraser and take away some lines and brighten the circles a bit, making it irregular. Darken areas that you feel could add more to the effect. 
All these stages are probably not needed for everything, but try different ways and find the one you like.  :)

I also have an update on the Viking predator: 


Have not figured out what armour she should have on her right side, with the netting. Still working on the armour on the left side and her necklace. 

Thank you very much, people, I'm feeling better then before. Still looking for a job though.  :)
Have a nice weekend! 
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