Coollekotten's Art

Thank you Canalien! :D

Has it really been almost a month since I last updated? Days seem to fly by somehow... :(

I posted earlier on my DA an updated picture of NeoKazama/Chris's drawing, but I didnt end up posting it here - I always post on both places otherwise. But anyway, when I posted it there I asked if the legs were too short - they were. So I have now changed that and like to hear if they look better now.
For the background we decided on an Alien hive/ship etc. and I think this would make a good background: http://1.bp.blogspot...ict_cockpit.jpg what do you fellows think? If you have any good pictures that I could use for this, dont be shy and send me a link. :)

Thank you guys! :love: :D

Munson, I like seeing in progress pics too. You can always image what will be added to the drawing by the artist and then be surprised to find something that fits even better then you thought of. Its fun to see the process of where a drawing, suit or sculpt can go and what happens during it. :)

Will be working on the legs this evening!
Thanks again!
I have not been my usually happy self lately and felt down and it affected alot of things, among them creativity. But things are looking better and I have an update for you guys on Chris's drawing. :)

I changed the texture a bit on the leg and hip armor - is it a keeper or not? I have also started tracing the background that will be Giger-inspired. Not too sure on the perspective so if you have any ideas, let me know!


As always, have a nice week and take care! :)
Oooh...what's wrong Nicole?

Keep your head up, love. You are an amazing artist and I am quite sure you the have the personality to match that talent.

As for the "background"... I like the idea, maybe if you have some sort of scenery behind him in the distance. Like silhouettes of other Predators doing something. That, in my opinion, would really make the picture say something.

Good luck girlfriend and keep on with your bad self, ;)
The detail is stunning...keep at it Nicole. Once you put 100% of your focus on the drawing, everything else fades away for that moment in time ;)
Wow, Nicole!!!! That's a phenomenal drawing!

I really like the subtlety of the torso muscles.

The perspective looks good to me. What is it that you're seeing that's off? I'll usually hold a drawing up to a mirror. Mirrors will usually show flaws or any other flaws in a drawing. Taking pictures helps a lot too.

I usually get into funks as well, and when I do I put aside all my drawings because I just don't have the motivation. But, with some time it goes away, and I'm able to focus on my drawings. Coincidentally, pushing through, and continuous drawing/sculpting usually helps with my funks. Depression and anxiety are vicious whores, but creativity usually punches them both right in the dick.
we all bow down to you oh master of the yautja drawings :p your artwork is AMAZING...ive got some work to do before i can even think of comparing them to mine :D
You guys always put the smile on my face that I need. :D Thank you very much for the kind words. I am feeling better and have already started working on the Giggles bio and it feels great doing something productive. I hate these funks.

PredatorX98, this drawing is A3, yes. :) I can fit more details in that, I have brought and A2 pad too and have some ideas for a drawing, although its so huge its quite intimidating, hah!

I have decided that I will have the background further away, so it doesnt look like he is standing so close to it. Might add an alien.. but it all depends on space. Dont want it to bee too cluttered and loose focus.

Have a nice weekend everyone, and thanks again for cheering me up! :D :love:
I have decided that I will have the background further away, so it doesnt look like he is standing so close to it. Might add an alien.. but it all depends on space. Dont want it to bee too cluttered and loose focus.

It would look really good to have some [background=rgb(24, 24, 24)] [/background][background=rgb(24, 24, 24)]silhouettes of other PRED's in the background, or even an ALIEN like you mentioned. Something to give it more depth and an environment. Other than that, love, it is another splendid illustration from one of the best illustrators on here. Keep at it and don't let the little things get you down. :D[/background]
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Nikki that is some awesome sauce there!Turn that energy into creativity if anyone can you can YOU GO HUNTRESS!!LOVE YOUR WORK!!!!
Again, thank you everyone for cheering me up!

I thought I would do another kind of update today, with a video instead of a photo. :) I have started with the Giger-inspired background and thought you might want to see how it is going. I really need to start with the right arm and spear, but I have been back and forth about the positioning of it - as well as his left hand.

Anyway, to view the video click the link (I recommend full view):

Have a nice weekend! :D
Haha, that was just the camera focusing, Jason. Nothing special what so ever. I want another one that I can twist around myself that doesnt sound antyhing, this one has an "auto-focus" when I press down the button. :)
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