Batsuit: Arkham Origins V2

Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Build - Version 2.0

Very impressive
thank you!

It will be tedious, but I strongly recommend using rubber cement/barge cement. It will hold that vinyl to the foam FOREVER and it will still allow flexibility. The look of the foam with the vinyl on top is fantastic, by the way.
I don't mind tedious. I just wish I could find some locally so I don't have to put my build on pause while I wait for it to ship to my home. Regardless I'm going to order some as I've heard nothing but good things about it. And thank you for the advice and compliment.
Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Build - Version 2.0

This is just foam with some fabric? Looks awesome! I take my hat off to you!
Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Build - Version 2.0

This is just foam with some fabric? Looks awesome! I take my hat off to you!
Thanks! I'm hoping by the time I'm done you won't be able to tell that I used foam for any of it.

- - - Updated - - -

Time to work on dat six pack!
Making some templates using the same method I used for the chest.

Untitled by Jerry Adams, on Flickr
Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Build - Version 2.0

Lol. Been getting a lot of compliments on the previous chestplate but I can't help but feel it needs more refinement. I went back to the drawing board again hoping to learn from my previous builds...
First was too rounded and looked moobish.
Second had good sharp angles but I think in my template I cut off too much from the original template resulting in a much more shallow chest.
My third is a combination of the two as I've attempted to round out portions of the chest to provide depth while maintaining the sharp aggressive angles that give it that tactile look. The result I think is pretty decent so far as it has the angles and I was able to give it enough material to round out and provide a little more outward bulk in the lower pectoral area. But I can't form a solid opinion until I've put together both sides of the chest. In the meantime I took a couple terrible pictures for you to look at. :D The chest emblem was just again digitally tacked on.

Untitled by Jerry Adams, on Flickr
Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Build - Version 2.0

Finished cutting and piecing together the rest of the chest tonight. Decided to check the sizing against myself as its been a while since I've sported my origins cowl. I gotta say, even though I haven't finished cleaning up and layering the vinyl, I really like this design. It makes all the previous fails feel like stepping stones instead of wasted time.

Untitled by Jerry Adams, on Flickr
Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Build - Version 2.0

Using one of my prototype chest builds as a test piece to practice my weathering and battle damage techniques... I've never liked the look of fresh armor as such I'm planning on adding quite a bit of battle damage to my finished suit. Not a bad first attempt if I do say so myself.

Untitled by Jerry Adams, on Flickr
Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Build - Version 2.0

Yesterday was abs day at my cosplay gym. Spent a couple hours working on the abdominal portion of my costume. Was halfway though wrapping a set of abs I made earlier and decided the abdominal template was all wrong and needed to go back to the drawing board... Also the way I was going about wrapping the vinyl was prone to error and misalignment... Frustrating? Yes. Started over, tried something different. Looks loads better and I'm really happy with how the vinyl wrapped around each ab piece. The sizing when transferred to foam however is off so I didn't bother color matching the vinyl yet. I'll need to redo it and make them a little smaller by shaving off about an inch on the width. But not a bad try.

Untitled by Jerry Adams, on Flickr

Later on tonight I plan on redoing the template...the way it stands now is the image on the left... The end result should look like the photoshopped image on the right. Which makes it much more proportionate to the size of the chest plate.

Untitled by Jerry Adams, on Flickr
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Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Build - Version 2.0

I disagree I think the way you have them now (the left picture) looks much more proportionate to the chest plate. Also if I hadn't been keeping up with this thread I would have sworn you'd vaccumformed the vinyl over the abs, looking good. Is there a reason you're using a different vinyl then the chest plate? The light and dark grey contrast looks funny.
Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Build - Version 2.0

I disagree I think the way you have them now (the left picture) looks much more proportionate to the chest plate. Also if I hadn't been keeping up with this thread I would have sworn you'd vaccumformed the vinyl over the abs, looking good. Is there a reason you're using a different vinyl then the chest plate? The light and dark grey contrast looks funny.

Thanks for the compliment man! The vinyl however is the same. I just haven't painted it yet. Using a spray on paint made for fabric and vinyl. Was not sure how well it would work as I have never painted or worked with fabrics before. The vinyl soaks it up immediately and the color seems to soak evenly as I don't get any discolorations or drippage. So far so good.
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Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Build - Version 2.0

You're painting the vinyl? In my experience paint scratches/flakes off vinyl pretty easily, even when it's a vinyl based paint like Vinyl Dye (which ironically works great on plastics). What are you painting it with?
Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Build - Version 2.0

You're painting the vinyl? In my experience paint scratches/flakes off vinyl pretty easily, even when it's a vinyl based paint like Vinyl Dye (which ironically works great on plastics). What are you painting it with?

im using duplicolor fabric and vinyl. So far I haven't had any issue. I sprayed a test piece and let it dry which it dried pretty fast actually. Afterwards I slapped it about and wrinkled and crunched it and the color stayed true. I'm guessing the vinyl is very pourous then? It soaks it up like a sponge. The only way I was able to take the color off was using the dremel when I was testing some weathering techniques. And it didn't even flake off. I think the dremel was actually just tearing up the vinyl a little.

im guessing a more dense vinyl that was more like leather would have more issue. But the textured one I'm using has a little bit of give to it so that's probably what's helping it bond with the paint.
Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Build - Version 2.0

I disagree I think the way you have them now (the left picture) looks much more proportionate to the chest plate.
As for the proportions of the abs to chest. As per all the in-game reference images i don't think the abs, width-wise, extend past the point in the lower portion of the chest where it begins to slope upward. In any case I'm going to build the smaller set and compare the two against my body to see which is a better fit.
Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Build - Version 2.0

This is looking really great! Keep up the good work! I am just amazed by this design. Very, very impressive.

How did you achieve the angle on the bottom edge of the chest piece? Did you simply cut the foam at an angle or did you make a separate, small piece that attaches from the bottom of the chest piece and slants backwards?
Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Build - Version 2.0

This is looking really great! Keep up the good work! I am just amazed by this design. Very, very impressive.

How did you achieve the angle on the bottom edge of the chest piece? Did you simply cut the foam at an angle or did you make a separate, small piece that attaches from the bottom of the chest piece and slants backwards?

Thanks for the kind words. The angle at the bottom edge can be achieved using different techniques. Like you said I cut a separate small piece at the bottom of each pectoral. Where I needed the pec to curl in is where I made my cut making sure to cut that edge at 45 degree angle. If you look at tutorials on YouTube you can dine what I'm talking about. Or I can point some out if you require.

I also experimented with the undercutting technique where you cut rowed sections of the foam on the underside where you want the bend/angles to occur and fill these cavities with hot glue and hold the shape into place. It worked but was messy and unpredictable as I haven't yet mastered this particular method. Either method will work if you know what your doing.
Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Build - Version 2.0

Took about an inch off the total width of the abdominals. Doesn't make a huge difference but to me it's enough of a difference not to off-set the chest... Now that I have the scaling right I'll start wrapping these ones in vinyl. FYI the belt is from my old costume. I'll be making a larger one for this build.

Untitled by Jerry Adams, on Flickr
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Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Build - Version 2.0

Ugh. Here we go again. The process of wrapping the vinyl into such tight crevices can be tedious and time consuming but it's worth it to get it done right.
Untitled by Jerry Adams, on Flickr

And success. Abs cut, wrapped, colored and sizing is on point. Can't wait to add weathering and battle damage to the whole ensemble. Still a long way to go but Im seeing the light.

Untitled by Jerry Adams, on Flickr