Tron Legacy Costume

If using reflective tape, I have a tip to help keep it from cracking and peeling like it does after movements and stretching.

It's pretty easy. Unroll the reflective tape flat out of the packaging and then use some crystal clear heavy duty packaging tape lined up with the reflective tape to cover the reflective tape. This will help hold it together, simple yet effective.
Sounds like the Deluxe Discs are getting hard to get, any idea what a white Kevin Flynn is worth these days (I have one still in packaging I'm sitting on the see what happens to value)
Sounds like the Deluxe Discs are getting hard to get, any idea what a white Kevin Flynn is worth these days (I have one still in packaging I'm sitting on the see what happens to value)

no kidding on that ive seen the flynn discs go for 150 to 200+

speaking of discs my friend ordered the $44 dollar disc and hasnt heard a single thing about it since. he got it from ebay. im kinda super bummed about it and he is pretty ticked too.
Ooo! That sounds exciting. What are your plans for this character? 8D

I remember getting my discs as soon as the movie was over. Back then they were only $15. They're so expensive now.

OMG petite i just had like the epiphany moment. black mask that only covers half of my face attach el wire or a small amount of el tape to it considering i only want to do it on one part of my face and then use latex to hold the mask in place to make it look like i have a black hole in my face. i think i white bob wig from airily or's wig store would look awesome with this especially if i go with green contacts.

if that doesnt work then i will do something similar with latex pieces making it look like theres a black hole in my face and use some green glitter.
If using reflective tape, I have a tip to help keep it from cracking and peeling like it does after movements and stretching.

It's pretty easy. Unroll the reflective tape flat out of the packaging and then use some crystal clear heavy duty packaging tape lined up with the reflective tape to cover the reflective tape. This will help hold it together, simple yet effective.

Ooo! Thanks for posting this! If I go with reflective tape with my next project I will definitely remember this. Very helpful! C:

@rinzle: That will definitely make things easier on you. To hold the mask in place I would just use spirit gum or a see through type string. Unless you're wanting it to look like part of your skin/face, then I would use latex.
Well, considering the first light-up disc was a success in making it, I also personally modified it to be INTERCHANGABLE for other LED color strips to be placed inside, therefore making it MULTI-CHANGABLE in colors!:love My first attempt of color(with working out some unique ideas for the suit) will be PURPLE(I spotted a color LEDS strips online). Looking forward to see how that turns out. :thumbsup

Ooo! That sounds exciting. What are your plans for this character? 8D

I remember getting my discs as soon as the movie was over. Back then they were only $15. They're so expensive now.
I've gotten mine off Ebay myself. I had went for the "Make an Offer' option for one auction and the seller counteroffered a deal for me. I was NO FOOL with what he offered and I went for it! I think I made a best deal of $45 considering the lowest I seen just a SAM FLYNN's DISC go for at least $50+ Good Luck on your friend trying to get his(hoping they made the deal with PAYPAL option so at least can file a complaint-case of it)?

no kidding on that ive seen the flynn discs go for 150 to 200+

speaking of discs my friend ordered the $44 dollar disc and hasnt heard a single thing about it since. he got it from ebay. im kinda super bummed about it and he is pretty ticked too.
Update on that disc my friend ordered it for me. He got a response back from the seller she just got a lil busy with the holidays which is understandable. It is on its way YAY
I've been lurking and watching this thread for months while slowly putting together my own Tron inspired costume using LED strips. Here are some WIP photos. I may start an actual WIP thread if I ever decide on a specific costume.
Forgive the blurriness. I don't know if it was because the picture taker wasn't steady enough or if the camera just could not handle the how bright the LEDs were. The lens flares are where the LED strip slipped out of my homemade diffuser.
Details about the lights and diffuser can be found here:
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well my friend that was going with me had to back out due to losing her job i might have to save this costume for a different convention. I did get my disc though so i will be working on it. but budget wise im a lil afraid of how much the costume is going to cost i may just stick to a red color instead of the green and switch it out later on in the future for the virus. anywho awesome job pendragyn21, did you use shower curtain to diffuse your leds?
Rinzle, so it was you (or your friend) that won that ID disc. No I didn't use a shower curtain. Part of the diffuser is made of jacket lining. I wanted something more breathable. I took a bunch of photos of my diffuser experiments. I'm also experimenting to see if I can make a scratch built identity disc so I'll probably start a WIP thread tomorrow for that and the diffuser then link it here.
Rinzle, so it was you (or your friend) that won that ID disc. No I didn't use a shower curtain. Part of the diffuser is made of jacket lining. I wanted something more breathable. I took a bunch of photos of my diffuser experiments. I'm also experimenting to see if I can make a scratch built identity disc so I'll probably start a WIP thread tomorrow for that and the diffuser then link it here.

i found the disc but didnt have the money for it at the time and so he ordered it for me.

im definetly looking forward to those threads.
PenDragyn21, that looks fantastic!

How is the movement in it? Easy for you to do poses and such?

I have to say that the ladies are taking these TRON costumes to a new level!
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