'Timelord Emergency Messaging System' Doctor Who Season 6: 'The Doctor's Wife'

Maybe I'll have to buy a case to get them cheap enough.

Any that I don't use as TLEMs I'll spray paint black and use as Power of 3 cubes... Same size.
Hey guys. Just wanted to pass this along.
I ordered one of the toys from ThinkGeek last week and was sent the Time Lord variant instead. Since I'm working on a sorta-corsair costume, I emailed them and they are sending the Corsair version for free. They said they'd make sure it's the right design this time. This leads me to believe they can give detailed instructions to the pickers at the warehouse. So there MAY be a chance they will dig through their inventory and find a Time Lord version if you ask.

Also, a while back I found a graphic for the Ouroboros used on the cube. I DID NOT make this and I'm sorry I didn't keep track of the creator to give proper credit.
(the second graphic is the snake in white with an invisible background. it just looks blank on the forums)

And for anyone who is doing a Corsair / Uncle costume or the Corsair's tattoo... the tattoo design is slightly different and is actually colored purple and green.
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Thanks for the graphics! Should be very useful if anyone gets hold of the picture frame :)

I just ran into the same issue with thinkgeek, btw. Ordered a cube two weeks ago and got the variant, so I ordered a second one figuring the likelihood of another variant to be low... Nope! :lol

So yeah, I've got a Timelord variant to trade for the Ouroboros/Corsair version if anyone wants it :angel
Yeah I just got my free replacement today from ThinkGeek. It's the Time Lord variant again.
I'm starting to think the "variant" is the new standard version since the episode with the Corsair is a few years old.
I wish you all had these Time Lord Variant versions a couple weeks ago, BEFORE I ordered one from the only Amazon.Co.UK Marketplace Vendor that had one guaranteed to be that version. I had to pay £19 for shipping to the US, which was MORE than what I paid for the item (only paid about £12.50 for it.)

My recommendation: List them up in the Junkyard for others that are trying to find it! There's plenty of Whovians here that I'm sure are trying to find one! :thumbsup;)
Yeah if ThinkGeek doesn't take mine back or send me the correct one, I'll trade. Here's the picture I snapped today to send to ThinkGeek before I left for work:

These things are really cool and great for cosplay. All you have to do it tap the side and it comes on. You don't have to fiddle with switches or buttons while people are waiting for pictures. And while it doesn't look a lot like the one from the show, it does still look good. It's sturdy and bright and serves its purpose well.
ThinkGeek wants me to return the unopened one I have and is sending a gift card in its place.
The email said there's a problem with the way the warehouse has the item categorized so they can't tell the difference between the variant and the standard. They can't guarantee which one I will get. So instead of sending another they're just going to credit me "until they get it fixed." I doubt they will be able to get it fixed.
I'm going to try to order on Amazon. With the free shipping added, it's the same price as ThinkGeek.
I do strongly suspect the "variant" is the new standard edition for this toy.
has anyone been able to find the original photo cube in the US? I've searched ebay about every other day for a few weeks and no success.
I noticed that the exchange rate has become a bit more favorable, and that Paperchase added a free international shipping for orders over £40, so...

I'll just lead with this photo:


A few more:

Same size as the toy:

I think the little clear cones that suspend the white cube on the interior are just stuck onto the inner face of the acrylic cube walls. They don't seem to be drilled through as the outer surface seems smooth in the closeup (. Maybe they are conical clear rubber feet? 3M doesn't quite make the right shape in their Bump-on line but maybe another company does?

You can also see a seam on the inner cube in the photo above, along the right vertical edge. I'm not sure the color change cube linked previously in this thread is exactly right (but would work in a pinch... that's what is in my first photo). The prop is rotated in the actors' hands a few times and you never see the circular module that contains the electronics- just a dark spot:

Note also an extra pair of dark circles on the dark face in the right two shots. Screws to hold a panel on?

So perhaps they fabricated their own inner cube, or at least modified an existing cube? The inner cube of the photo frame is thin acrylic, and could conceivably be cut down, but you don't see any magnet holes in the closeup (they would be apparent). It transmits light but seems like not enough for the bright glow the prop has.
I could never get my hands on the Corsair version. So I'm making my own :lol

I'm thinking a way to assemble the outer faces into a cube with no visible fasteners would be to bond 3 panels into a "U" shape. Then the two "U" shapes would slot together, as with how a golf ball display cube works:

Friction between the mating edges of the two halves, as well as between the clear cones and the inner cube, would keep the halves together with no additional fasteners.

For the clear cones, we're looking for something that is approximately 1/2" diameter or less at the base, and 1/4" tall. Possibly acrylic that could be directly bonded to the inner clear face, or perhaps a clear rubber adhesive bumper? Any other guesses?
Mine is still in transit (hopefully it will be here by Wednesday).
How exactly are these put together? I assume there is a 3x3 cube inside with magnets on each face. The outer acrylic pieces also have magnets and just kind of stick on, right?
If this is the case... the 3" white cubes are too big? We'd be looking for a light cube that's 2.5"x2.5", and 6 rubber bumpers that are .25" tall.
I believe these are self adhesive rubber bumpers commonly used for glass cabinets. Here are some, but I think they're too big. Either that or the Cubico cubes are too small.
Duraco Bumpers Cone | Essentra Specialty Tapes
Mine is still in transit (hopefully it will be here by Wednesday).
How exactly are these put together? I assume there is a 3x3 cube inside with magnets on each face. The outer acrylic pieces also have magnets and just kind of stick on, right?
If this is the case... the 3" white cubes are too big? We'd be looking for a light cube that's 2.5"x2.5", and 6 rubber bumpers that are .25" tall.
I believe these are self adhesive rubber bumpers commonly used for glass cabinets. Here are some, but I think they're too big. Either that or the Cubico cubes are too small.
Duraco Bumpers Cone | Essentra Specialty Tapes

Yes, exactly, there's a 3" cube inside with magnets that attract the magnets embedded in the clear acrylic cube faces. I was leaning towards conical rubber bumpers/feet as well but couldn't locate any of the proper shape/thickness. Maybe with more people looking we will have better luck. We are looking for approximately 1/2" diameter (and about 1/4" tall as you say) but otherwise the shape in your link is close.

Those light up cubes are somewhat soft (vinyl?) so a bumper that's a little taller than the width of the gap between the white cube and clear faces could still work as the white cube will deform slightly inwards. I found both 2.5" and 2.75" light up cubes. Note that the white inner cube on the screen used prop may simply be assembled from sheet acrylic rather than one of the LED cubes we are talking about using - there appears to be a visible seam from this construction method in the screencap of Amy holding the cube (see page 3).
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