'Timelord Emergency Messaging System' Doctor Who Season 6: 'The Doctor's Wife'

Well the feet that were listed had an option to get a couple samples. It limits you to two, but that should be enough to figure out if that's at least the right track or not. It could be that the cones were also custom-made; it would be trivial to lathe down a clear acrylic dowel for them.

As for the inner cube, mine will be a good stand-in until we figure out how to make the actual one.
My thought is to build my own inner cube and have about 4 white LEDS in it, pointing in the Top, Front, Side, Side directions. I don't see much need to point one at the back or bottom as it will be held/displayed not seeing those areas. That should help light the thing up nicely.

That acrylic glue is pretty expensive. I don't know that I want to schell out that much cash for one project! I may look into alternative adheisives. I may play around with some acrylic and PVC glue.....
hi, you guys are right , it was a photo cube from habitat in the uk, the inner cube was discarded, each clear face was squared up and a true 45 mitre was cut as there was no chance of getting a seamless joint other wise ,they were pretty wonky, the points in the centre of each face were turned up out of 10mm acrylic rod and uv glued into a milled hole into the middle of each face .the mitre faces were sanded to help the capillary action,the cube was dry assembled with masking tape pulling all the faces tight together, they were then uved together leaving one face unglued ,this was held on with sticky tape wrapped around the edge and folded over , it was the perfect width and was almost invisible ,the pattern was laser etched on to the surface only to a depth of around 1/4mm. the inner cube was made from semi-white acrylic 3mm thick, cant remember how big it was, same sticky tape method was used on the 6th face so the standbys could switch batteries quickly with little fuss , hope this helps, keep up the good work! sorry I cant be more help with the inner I made the originals along time ago and in a bit of a hurry, my best guess would be about 24mm smaller than the size of the inside of the outer cube , ie the acrylic points were give ir take 12mm long. good luck ! Alan H
Risu, thanks for the link.

Propsguy....very interesting, thanks for sharing. I was thinking of double sided tape for the bottom, but figured it would be a pain to keep pulling it part to turn lights on and off. I may try to use the magnets to hold it in place (I have thought about how I may be able to pull it off.)

The taped in place was something I had not considered, but makes perfect sense! Thanks for that.
And now we've got the accurate info.

I will say, though, that for anyone who wants to go an easier route, my sample feet came in today, and they're very nearly perfect. Too big, but they produce the exact same look when you look at them from the bottom. If we can find smaller ones that look the same, those and an inexpensive LED cube would be a great way to get a very similar look without the cost.

I will say, though, the cube that I got is good, but for those who want an even lighting look, it won't satisfy you. The way it was cast leaves it with some unevenness on the inside, which results in a slightly mottled look to the lighting. I like it, though, and think I'll go ahead and use this cube, at least until someone offers a more accurate kit or conversion process or something.
Thank you very much for the info, propguy!

So it looks like the cones are roughly a half inch instead of quarter inch. That will make it easier to find for those of us who can't make our own (I was thinking of finding some acrylic cone shaped beads to see how those work) but it looks like our glow cubes are too large. 2" cubes seem so small to me.
2" sounds about right for the inner cube, now that I look at some more pics. Luckily, making a kit for these parts shouldn't be too difficult; the hard part will just be getting the cones, and I'm sure someone could produce them pretty easily.
This is very dirty. Literally dirty. It's nowhere near done. You can see the double sided tape around the edges and everything is covered in fingerprints and plastic dust from sanding the cones.


This is the 3" Cubico cube with a 2" golf ball display from Hobby Lobby. I was going to spray the 2" cube with white primer and add a simple LED inside.
The .5" cones are from clear ink pens cut and sanded to size. There are striations inside that I'm going to sand down. The cones are hot glued on and their placement isn't anywhere near exact. It's just a little test to see how everything fits and to get an idea how it might look. And... it doesn't look good.
I think the 2" cube is entirely too small for this. It looks like 2.25" would be closer. With the larger cube the cones will be shorter and look better because right now they look like ink pens.

The double sided tape works very well but it picks up fuzz, finger prints and dust very easily so be careful..
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I agree the 2" looks bad.

Maybe instead of tape for a better looking result we could just have like a white nylon screw threaded through the outer layer, the cone, and into the white cube? It wouldn't stand out as much as a metal screw and it would hold well without any need to ever replace the tape.

I'm still waiting on my cubico cube to arrive from Amazon. Taking quite some time.
Mine took about 20 long, long days to arrive.

The double sided tape would be alright if it's cut to size. I believe they make some with a smaller width that would probably be perfect (but I couldn't find any this time). As long as it's trimmed and you're careful with it, it would look fine.
I'm going to have the removable face on the top of my cube so I may not need tape at all.

The golf ball holder I have is just a shade smaller than its advertised 2" size. The 2.5" light up cube I have is too big. Amazon sells 2.25" golf ball holders, so I'm going to order one of those and try it out.
Hobby Lobby has them too. Plus you can get a 40% off coupon everyday on line. Don't get it from Amazon and pay shipping too.

Mine took about 20 long, long days to arrive.

The double sided tape would be alright if it's cut to size. I believe they make some with a smaller width that would probably be perfect (but I couldn't find any this time). As long as it's trimmed and you're careful with it, it would look fine.
I'm going to have the removable face on the top of my cube so I may not need tape at all.

The golf ball holder I have is just a shade smaller than its advertised 2" size. The 2.5" light up cube I have is too big. Amazon sells 2.25" golf ball holders, so I'm going to order one of those and try it out.

Here's a better shot of things so far.
Thus is a cruddy 2.25" mockup made of printer paper, tape and hot glue.
Looks to me like 2.25" is a much better fit.
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Amazon had a few more of the cubico cubes in stock as of this morning. I ordered another.
I've contacted someone who is going to build up the center cube with and without the Corsair symbol.
It will be at the 2.25" size. If anyone is interested, shoot me a PM. There will also be electronics inside.
This guy has just started up and he makes some high quality (but very affordable) Holocrons.
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Isn't the corsair symbol engraved on the outer cube?

Mine just came in today, looks great. Now I just need to find my 1/8" translucent white acrylic to laser cut the inner box.
I'm pretty sure it's engraved on the inner cube. You can see it better in motion. It's also slightly off center due to the way the cube is assembled.
Did Amazon already sell out of them again, or is it a different link? Mine has a chipped corner, I'd like to buy another one.
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