Star Wars 3D theatrical

Jeez, what marketing wizard thought that PM was the one to do first?

Oh wait that would be Lucas. Nevermind.
Now this is podracing!
Im there!
I hope they make special Star Wars versions of the 3D glasses that come free when you get a Whopper combo large sized. I will collect all six.
Jeez, what marketing wizard thought that PM was the one to do first?

Just a hunch, but I suspect the fact that it's Episode I may have had something to do with with the decision to release it first.

No doubt embittered fanboys will enraged over Lucas' intention to release the saga in linear order. The sadistic old fiend!

I'd like to not spend the money, but I'll be there (probably not on opening night, but I'll go).
I'd rather jam ground glass into my eyes.
I think some of you guys are nuts!

Do you really want to see Jar Jar getting farted on in 3D?
I'd like to not spend the money, but I'll be there (probably not on opening night, but I'll go).

I got to be there opening night for all six! Some of my best Star Wars memories involve midnight screenings of the re-releases and prequel trilogy.
Unless they do some SERIOUS re-editing. And/or changes to the movie. AND advertise that it is a NEW IMPROVED version...

This might be Lucas's biggest box office flop since Howard the duck.

I seriously see this as a VERY bad idea for LFL.

They should release the OT before the PT if they are gonna do the PT at all.

Lucas still doesn't get that the seats were filled because we had to see what it was. Sometimes going multiple times just to be sure.

Now we know. And a HUGE ammount of SW fans that went to see the PT multiple times are totally ANTI-PT now.

This is gonna be bad.
Well, it is a lot easier to tweak something that is already mostly CG than to go back and fix the OT. I'll be there.
This might be Lucas's biggest box office flop since Howard the duck.

I'll take that bet.

I'm no PT fan, but anyone who thinks the 3D theatrical release of the Star Wars saga is going to "bomb" is absolutely delusional.

Parents are going to take their kids to see these things in record-shattering numbers.

From a marketing/ distribution standpoint, Lucas knows exactly what he's doing. And what he's doing is making A LOT of money.
I do NOT think the theatrical release of THE star wars saga (OT) will bomb.

I think TPM will. I'm not saying NO ONE will go see it. I'm saying it won't make NEAR what it did when it opened originally.

(OK the Howard the duck comment is probably WAY off I will give you that! :p LOL!!! )

I'll take that bet.

I'm no PT fan, but anyone who thinks the 3D theatrical release of the Star Wars saga is going to "bomb" is absolutely delusional.

Parents are going to take their kids to see these things in record-shattering numbers.

From a marketing/ distribution standpoint, Lucas knows exactly what he's doing. And what he's doing is making A LOT of money.
I've got 2 nephews born after the last prequel. This is my chance to take them to see it on the big screen. PERFECT timing, too. They'll be turning 6 and 4 when E1 is re-released in 2010.

Not to mention i'm sure they'll push it out there as 'limited release' and 'for a limited time only'.

The SE's only were onscreen for what? 3-4 weeks?
Of course it won't "make near what it did when it opened originally." No one expects it to. It doesn't have to. It's still going to do huge numbers. The only question is how huge.
I don't know... I'm not sure 3D is going to make TPM any more watchable for me. I'm sure people will go see it... I just wish they were releasing them the way they did the SE's. Waiting a year for each release is a bit long.
I wish that they would fix the first 2 dimensions of not having a coherent story and allowing a space bunny to annoy the hell out of me before we add a 3rd dimension.
Don't bother with a 3D version, LucasFilm...
It's as big a waste of money as the Prequels and Special Editions were.

If you're going to do more new Star Wars, turn direction over to people who can tell good stories AND don't surround themselves with an entourage of yes-men that agree with everything you do just because you want them to. It's telling that the first two Star Wars film made had people who told Lucas what could be improved significantly and what to change to avoid being laughed out of the theater or sued. Sometimes a Gary Kurtz and Irvin Kirshner can be a good thing!

Good chance there'll be no reason for a 3D home release any way. 3D TV's aren't selling that well and a recent poll of market watchers predicted based on trends that a pullout of 3D hardware can be expected. Blu ray's here to stay but 3D not so much...

The rabid 3D-lovers do NOT represent the majority of the home video market... and the lack of quality 3D films on both cable and Blu ray tends to nip mass-adoption of home 3D in the bud, too.

TPM 3D might do okay, but I'd predict that each consecutive release afterwards will do significantly worse than the one before it. Oh, they'll make enough to pay for the 3D processes and be profitable, but it's not as if the Star Wars films HAVEN'T paid for themselves several times over already! The difference will be that the 3D grosses won't match the optimistic expectations of industry enthusiasts....

Case in point --
The only SE Edition of the OT that made significant money was Star Wars. It made enough to boost Star Wars above ET in grosses and just behind Titanic. (Gone With The Wind really is the highest grossing motion picture history if we go back ticket sales and home video sales...) People got more annoyed with the SE changes over time and there were huge drop-offs for the theatrical SE's of both Empire and Jedi.
LOL I can't wait to see the results after all 6 movies are released in 3D. I can practically guarantee the OT films (even if they are the special editions) will make more money than the 3d prequels.
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Oh, man... one of these types o' posts.

Don't bother with a 3D version, LucasFilm...
It's as big a waste of money as the Prequels and Special Editions were.

If you're going to do more new Star Wars, turn direction over to people who can tell good stories AND don't surround themselves with an entourage of yes-men that agree with everything you do just because you want them to. It's telling that the first two Star Wars film made had people who told Lucas what could be improved significantly and what to change to avoid being laughed out of the theater or sued. Sometimes a Gary Kurtz and Irvin Kirshner can be a good thing!

Good chance there'll be no reason for a 3D home release any way. 3D TV's aren't selling that well and a recent poll of market watchers predicted based on trends that a pullout of 3D hardware can be expected. Blu ray's here to stay but 3D not so much...

The rabid 3D-lovers do NOT represent the majority of the home video market... and the lack of quality 3D films on both cable and Blu ray tends to nip mass-adoption of home 3D in the bud, too.

TPM 3D might do okay, but I'd predict that each consecutive release afterwards will do significantly worse than the one before it. Oh, they'll make enough to pay for the 3D processes and be profitable, but it's not as if the Star Wars films HAVEN'T paid for themselves several times over already! The difference will be that the 3D grosses won't match the optimistic expectations of industry enthusiasts....

Case in point --
The only SE Edition of the OT that made significant money was Star Wars. It made enough to boost Star Wars above ET in grosses and just behind Titanic. (Gone With The Wind really is the highest grossing motion picture history if we go back ticket sales and home video sales...) People got more annoyed with the SE changes over time and there were huge drop-offs for the theatrical SE's of both Empire and Jedi.