SD Studios - What does Steve Dymszo owe you?

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As far as I know, Stephen never got all the parts he needed to make the neuralyzers. He does have the majority of the parts, however. Indeed it would be a step in the right direction if he handed over all these parts to a talented prop-maker here on the RPF, who can then do another run, make some profit of it for all the trouble, but donate the rest of the money to the people that are still waiting for a refund... But don't think this will happen either.

Best advice I can give to people that are still waiting for a refund: go after Artifactory Replicas! Share the link to this articale as much as you can: Go after all the resalers of their products, contact them to tell them about Stephens Business-ethics, etc... Only people that are a real pain in the *ss for Stephen or Artifactory, will be repaid. Posting messages here on the RPF won't make the slightest difference. SD Studios is banned, so he will never read this.
As far as I know, Stephen never got all the parts he needed to make the neuralyzers. He does have the majority of the parts, however. Indeed it would be a step in the right direction if he handed over all these parts to a talented prop-maker here on the RPF, who can then do another run, make some profit of it for all the trouble, but donate the rest of the money to the people that are still waiting for a refund... But don't think this will happen...
He has all the parts.
Last mail I got from him, he said he had defective parts he didn't found a supplier for to replace them. Didn't keep all my mail conversation with him, since for me this has been solved (got all my money back after a lot of trouble).
He got all of the electronics delivered. But yes, I appreciate what you're saying. Tom, you escaped!!! :) My point is, The guy who made the circuits already chimed in, and he delivered the electronics. So there they sit. I'd like to think there is a light at the end of the tunnel. :)
In that case someone should try to contact him and put pressure on him. Since Stephen has been banned here, talking about it on the RPF won't do any good if no real action is taken... I'm really surprised that almost no action is taken towards Stephen or Artifactory replicas. I did, and I got my money back... So why don't more people make Stephens life a living hell? Do they really don't care loosing hundreds of dollars? Strange...
I think his e-mail is quite sincere.
Steve did have to put the funds into the materials to make the project, which he has pictured here in the past. So he has not just stuffed the money away or spent it all on other things.
Multiple people have noted here that he is paying them back, slowly, as noted in the e-mail so I think he is being up front on that as well. $ 16,000 is quite a bit of money outstanding, I doubt most anyone here jut has that as pocket money sitting around for an emergency, so yes, he is going to have a hard time paying it back quickly.

Yes, the squeaky wheel usually gets a reaction first. a good quote that applies here.

Did he screw up on this project, absolutely. His point that he is trying to make amends also should be taken to point. While I absolutely understand the frustration here, I also see him trying, albeit slowly, to get this fixed which is much better than other past problems with members here who HAVE just decided to disappear and ignore the issue.

As noted in the past, try to work with him, you might be pleasantly surprised at the outcome. Don't be afraid to become that squeaky wheel either. Persistence pays off for situations like this.

Every one here needs to realize there is a chance still at a win win scenario. Both sides can still settle this and I would push for such, by the means you feel are needed.
But I would suggest still working at settling it out.
The other options are a win/loose in which one side may get something/nothing and the other one or both gets burned. Frankly, i always recommend going for a win/win with mediation.

Cool story, bro. So you can write the check straight to me, $495. Or....
I am offering a suggestion for you to take on, since your other tactics seems to be working so well...
Tell you what Laelee, using your logic, you write me a check for the $ 4,000 I lost with Icons through James Latta, a member here, I will go ahead and write you a check for that $ 495.

I know, I was just goofy to offer a rational suggestion and yours is soooo much more logical...
So Jimmy boy did'nt make good on his promise to see what he could do to make you whole again before he skulked back into the shadows!

Big surprise there! :unsure

I feel for ya though!!

write me a check for the $ 4,000 I lost with Icons through James Latta, a member here,
I just stumbled upon this thread. I just want to say I keep getting SD Studios newsletters every couple of months which lists plenty of things for sale. So, I should probably use tons of caution if I ever decide to buy from him, right?!

If anyone wants to see what's on offer in order to make a deal, I might be able to help.
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I just stumbled upon this thread. I just want to say I keep getting SD Studios newsletters every couple of months which lists plenty of things for sale. So, I should probably use tons of caution if I ever decide to buy from him, right?!

If anyone wants to see what's on offer in order to make a deal, I might be able to help.
Heu... SD Studios doesn't exist anymore??? How can he sell stuff if he stopped with that company?
It was his company he can pretty much do anything he wants with it
Yeah, that's not my point. He clearly does what he wants in general: ripping people off! Py point was: he claims by low and by far that SD Studios doesn't exist anymore so he has no funds there what-so-ever to refund people. And now we hear he still sells stuff from SD Studios. Seems to me funds should not be a problem then, no?
To be clear: the only things I see as SD Studios product in the mailer aren't runs. There's one item that has parts left over to make a prop replica or two. It appears that it exists to sell things for other people and sell off other items from his collection. If you want more info, please pm me.
Seems like SD Studios bit off more than they could chew. A shame so many others had to needlessly suffer for it.
You are preaching to the choir here, you asked how he can sell stuff if he stopped with that company .

I am sure you realize that Sd Studios is alive and well and still doing runs even, ie the wand co. replacement phaser handle.

Hopefully some of the cash he takes in will go to people owed money

Yeah, that's not my point. He clearly does what he wants in general: ripping people off! Py point was: he claims by low and by far that SD Studios doesn't exist anymore so he has no funds there what-so-ever to refund people. And now we hear he still sells stuff from SD Studios. Seems to me funds should not be a problem then, no?
I'm very late to the party here, but I ordered a Pulse Rifle from Steve in 2001, signed a contract for delivery, paid $4,300 and thats been the last of it. Since I live in the UK, I have not had a lot of leverage to resolve the matter. The Statute of Limitations probably means I don't have a leg to stand on any more, so it was a fair chunk of money by which to realise that caveat emptor should be practiced at all times. If only the RPF had been around in 2001, eh?

I ping him email once a year, and he promises he will resolve the issue...
I'm from Belgium, and managed to get my money back. Wasn't as much as your amount, but still... Mailing him once a year won't resolve anything. Start going after Artifactory (contacting his resellers, posting warnings in reviews of Artifactory items on Amazon, etc...) and you might have some results. Being nice to Stephen doesn't help at all. Making his life miserable, does help...
But according to Steve, he has taken care of 98% of the refunds or trades. So nobody should need to be going after him :lol
I suggest do as stated above.... Do not sit and wait, hit him every chance you can get through feedbavk, contact customers on Artfactory, social media.... Make as much noise as you can and he will then try to silence you by paying you.
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