SD Studios - What does Steve Dymszo owe you?

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Steve IS selling on another forum right now. As stated he's selling replacement handles for the new phasers. I'll paste his response here:

"And in response to Kevin's post, I sent him an e-mail stating that:

1) I completely understand his concerns and I appreciate that he needs to protect the members here. ok. Got it. But- (see points #2, 3, 4, and 5)
2) I have refunded (or traded out) 98% of the people on the neuro list; if you are post a warning about me, please post ALL of the info. Not just the dramatic stuff.
3) I don't believe that I am someone that people have to be "warned" about.
4) SD Studios has built and shipped HUNDREDS of products to customers worldwide in the last few years
5) Artifactory has shipped thousands...

No returns or complaints. (ok, well, maybe 2 or 3 returns at Artifactory.)

Guys. The neuro project was a fiasco for a bunch of reasons (defective parts, several vendors going out of business, me starting a new company, etc) and I did not handle it well. I just didn't. No excuses. Mea Culpa. But I think my reputation over 25 years creating great products shows my intentions going forward. As always, if you do not trust me, please do NOT buy my products. "

So, have about 98% of the people actually received either a refund or trade?

What *********. 'starting another company' was another excuse for the Ns not working out? Wow. ANd 2-3 returns from Artifactory, so to him that's a really small ratio? Meaning his sales numbers were good? I repeat. What a *********.
That would mean the following list is "taken care of" except for one or two people?

Steve IS selling on another forum right now. As stated he's selling replacement handles for the new phasers. I'll paste his response here:

"And in response to Kevin's post, I sent him an e-mail stating that:

1) I completely understand his concerns and I appreciate that he needs to protect the members here. ok. Got it. But- (see points #2, 3, 4, and 5)
2) I have refunded (or traded out) 98% of the people on the neuro list; if you are post a warning about me, please post ALL of the info. Not just the dramatic stuff.
3) I don't believe that I am someone that people have to be "warned" about.
4) SD Studios has built and shipped HUNDREDS of products to customers worldwide in the last few years
5) Artifactory has shipped thousands...

No returns or complaints. (ok, well, maybe 2 or 3 returns at Artifactory.)

Guys. The neuro project was a fiasco for a bunch of reasons (defective parts, several vendors going out of business, me starting a new company, etc) and I did not handle it well. I just didn't. No excuses. Mea Culpa. But I think my reputation over 25 years creating great products shows my intentions going forward. As always, if you do not trust me, please do NOT buy my products. "

So, have about 98% of the people actually received either a refund or trade?

This guy doesn't owe me a dime, but I have heard of him, and his reputation I heard about was not good.....based on what's in here, sounds like a real dirtbag to me...I would never start a new business until a setted all issues from my old business..
Well its been over a month since Steve has given me money so I have reactivated my SD Studios - What does Steve Dymszo owe you? Facebook page till I get paid off!!! Please everyone come on facebook and let the world know how you feel!!!

Can you provide a link to the Facebook page, please (I can't find it either)
I was looking for Falcon pics for my Hasbro conversion and came across this:

I hope the guy, who probably paid a fortune for this, got it.

I had dealt with SD studious on several occasions and thought he was a stand up guy and huge member here. So sad to see this.
and just to **** everybody off some more, he is selling converted wand company tos phaser remotes to season 1 black/white phaser on evilbay, looks like he is doing just fine selling there, so he is getting money from sales on the bay.........................
Really sad to hear about how poorly SD has handled the situation that he caused. I'd never heard of the guy until I started reading about the Deagostini Falcon subscription kit. I got real excited for a few minutes until I came across this thread of woe.

I hope he doesn't have anything more to do with the Falcon kit project that would derail it's success. I'm patiently waiting for that Falcon subscription kit to make it to the US. Good luck to all you guys who he still owes money. What a pain in the neck, and a black eye to our fine community of builders and collectors. Shame, SD.
Unbelievable that this guy can just continue with business... I don't believe 98% on the neuralyzer list is refunded. I guess about 98% is still waiting for a refund. I've been refunded completely, only because I contacted as many people as I could that had contact with Stephen (professionaly speaking, that is) and he felt this in his business.

I suggest everybody that still is waiting for a refund, to really "attack" Stephen on every other forum he is active on. Install a TOR browser, create a face eBay account and start bidding on all his auctions. Just make his life on the internet as miserable as possible and make sure other people know that this guy is not to be trusted at all!
Unbelievable that this guy can just continue with business... I don't believe 98% on the neuralyzer list is refunded. I guess about 98% is still waiting for a refund. I've been refunded completely, only because I contacted as many people as I could that had contact with Stephen (professionaly speaking, that is) and he felt this in his business.

I suggest everybody that still is waiting for a refund, to really "attack" Stephen on every other forum he is active on. Install a TOR browser, create a face eBay account and start bidding on all his auctions. Just make his life on the internet as miserable as possible and make sure other people know that this guy is not to be trusted at all!
That is how it usually works. Those who make the most noise and draw as much attention as they can, get refunded and hushed up fast. So start rocking the boat in as many ways as possible to get his attention.
Just for my own peace of mind, is this the same guy that is doing the Falcon model that you get parts for in a magazine every week? I know it's supposed to be coming to the US in March, but if it's this guy, I'll pass.
Yes, this is the same guy who's updated MR falcon is supposedly the donor sample that the kit might be based upon. Don't quote me. I don't know how much he is actually involved with the production of the new kit. Hopefully, none.

Just for my own peace of mind, is this the same guy that is doing the Falcon model that you get parts for in a magazine every week? I know it's supposed to be coming to the US in March, but if it's this guy, I'll pass.
These neuralizers are never gonna happen. Try to get your money back, or you're left with nothing...
It is a shame knowing that all of those parts are sitting in a box somewhere. As mentioned much earlier in this thread (IIRC), it'd be great to at least get the components to someone to try and finish these, with the money of that sale going directly to help repay all of the customers left high and dry. I'm not holding my breath for this, but one can always hope.
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