Rumors of Firefly reboot on Disney +


Master Member
Looks like there are rumors/talk of Disney + doing a reboot of Firefly. At first, it didn't make much sense, how could Disney be doing a reboot of Firefly, they don't the rights to it, but then I remembered, while Firefly was originally a FOX production, Disney now owns FOX which means they now own Firefly.

Personally, as much as I loved Firefly and would love to see more be made, I don't think that a reboot will work. Firefly is one of those shows that was basically lightning in a bottle and everything went right, except for its timing. The cast was perfect, the writers were really on fire, and Joss was at his creative best. I don't think that a reboot could do everything that made Firefly what it was and knowing Disney, they'll try to change a lot of what made Firefly what is, including gender/race swapping characters and including divisive social commentary.

I've been surprised, both good & bad, with some reboot directions, but I think the biggest problem with a reboot of FIREFLY would be the inevitable distancing from Joss. To me, there's no separating the two, no matter what you think of the man, I wouldn't want to see the concept of FIREFLY through the mental lens of another creator.

Let me change that...I would watch J Michael Straczynski's FIREFLY.
Given a Netflix Cowboy Bebop is coming... i say let Firefly be done.
And look how well received the promotional images of the cast have been going over with the fans of the anime. The same with comments by the actress they cast as Faye and as well as comments from the producers all indicate that this isn't going to be well received by the fans. IF Disney takes the same approach to the rumored reboot of Firefly, you really think that the Browncoats are going any more accepting than the Cowboy Bebop fans have been so far?
And look how well received the promotional images of the cast have been going over with the fans of the anime. The same with comments by the actress they cast as Faye and as well as comments from the producers all indicate that this isn't going to be well received by the fans. IF Disney takes the same approach to the rumored reboot of Firefly, you really think that the Browncoats are going any more accepting than the Cowboy Bebop fans have been so far?

I dont really care how fans receive things, fans & the internet, as a whole, tend to always find something to get upset about.

Either way, given the scenerio you laid out, it lines up with my ultimate statement. Let Firefly be done.
Firefly was truly one of the best shows ever. I can understand why many would want more or a continuation of something that amazing. Out of all of the reboots this is one that I hope is created with the talent, heart and spirit of the original...if it must be done. I would argue to leave well enough alone though.
I’m really torn. Part of me wants it to be left alone but the other part is like MORE FIREFLY!

Not torn here, I'd love to see it happen. If it's bad, oh well, I'll ignore it and enjoy the original series. Can't take that sky from me, and even if I don't like it, others will. My opinion is to not take a stance where I might take something away from someone else. I prefer choice, and letting others choose.

Also, like it or not, the fact that crappy Star Wars movies exist keeps this place buzzing with Star Wars props. Firefly props on the RPF are all but dead, because the series has dried up. A crappy reboot might be crappy, but if it breathes some life into the original series prop collecting, that's a win.

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