Lando (Disney+ series)

I think he did an awesome job as a young Lando, so I'd be willing to give it a watch. I also heard a rumor that supposedly Billy Dee Williams might be playing old Lando and introduce each episode like he's retelling the story. That would actually be pretty cool.

Sounds familliar, they going to call it "The Young Lando Calrissian Chronicles"?
Lando is not someone whose story I'm dying to have another iteration of although he was great in the OT. I did enjoy the accuracy of Glover's impression of Billy Dee Williams in Solo and that was fine. It seems like another case of Disenyitis where the execs says "why leave legacy OT characters on a good note when we can ruin them?" Also I don't know who told them that this would be a good move as no one buys Lando merch anymore.
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Now not a series, but a movie

Lando, Mando, Endor, Andor


“It’s now a movie!” Ouch…

Something tells me that this project just received the official “kiss of death” from LFL right behind the long list of other announced and never made Star Wars films.
I've always thought the 'Solo' movie should have been a Lando movie with a side-character appearance from Han Solo at most. Glover was a better recasting than Alden. And trying to cover Han's backstory was always liable to do more harm than good.

The fact that most of us aren't really enthused about seeing Lando's history is a feature, not a bug. The stuff that stirs the most public interest is the stuff they shouldn't be messing with, more often than not. Han Solo's whole history. What Obi-Wan was doing on Tatooine before ANH. What happened to the OT heroes after ROTJ. Etc.

I want them to explore characters/subjects that are farther off the beaten path like this. The expectations & demands will be lower, there is less damage to Lucas's SW if they screw it up, and it's more pleasantly surprising & better for the franchise if they do it well.
As many YouTubers say, George made Star Wars pulling inspiration from Westerns, Flash Gordon, Errol Flynn Swashbuckler films & Kurosawa
Disney pulls inspiration from previous Star Wars

Which is in the same vein as the originals...there's still a western/Flash Gordon/Swashbuckling/Japanese feel to it all:p;)
As many YouTubers say, George made Star Wars pulling inspiration from Westerns, Flash Gordon, Errol Flynn Swashbuckler films & Kurosawa
Disney pulls inspiration from previous Star Wars

Genuine question though is, what should they be drawing inspiration from now? And how would they do it without a vocal part of the fandom, criticising them for doing so?
Genuine question though is, what should they be drawing inspiration from now? And how would they do it without a vocal part of the fandom, criticising them for doing so?
The universe has been created, really what would make me happy would be to jump to another part of the Star Wars universe & start again, with a brand new cast & a brand new enemy, not empire & rebels, & jump forward a couple of hundred years, really just like Star Trek next Gen did, mentioning the legends before, but moving forward & outward

But I know what they’d do,…they’d bring in Grogu & Chewie etc, creatures that live for hundreds of years

They need to stop focussing on what has been done before, no need for us to find out more about younger Han, Luke, Leia & Lando or what Ben did when he was exiled on Tattooine watching over young Luke

They rely too much on rememberberries

I thought that Solo was a great movie. Just outright fun. I‘ve watched it more times than the others.

I never understood the distaste for the movie itself; despite the difficulties with production I really enjoyed the final product and felt it was closer to the OT than the ST was in any way. Plus I love the look of the Patrol Trooper!

As many YouTubers say, George made Star Wars pulling inspiration from Westerns, Flash Gordon, Errol Flynn Swashbuckler films & Kurosawa
Disney pulls inspiration from previous Star Wars

I agree in part. But I see the influence of other types of films in some of the new Star Wars. Solo kept switching genres - car chase movie, war picture, western train heist, etc. Mandalorian's a spaghetti western (at least it started that way).
You could say that they're just drawing from those styles of films just because that's what Lucas drew from, and maybe that's true. But how do you stay true to the Star Wars esthetic without drawing on Star Wars? Fans get mad at anything that goes to far away from they think of as Star Wars. Yet if they draw too much from "nostalgia," stay too close to what Lucas created, people hate those too. Maybe it's not as fine a line as that, but it's a difficult line to straddle.
I never understood the distaste for the movie itself; despite the difficulties with production I really enjoyed the final product and felt it was closer to the OT than the ST was in any way. Plus I love the look of the Patrol Trooper!

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I liked it. I thought it was the only movie, along with Rogue One, that got SW (story, design, etc.). I think it really only appealed to diehard fans and they were PO'd aftere TLJ so it hurt its performance.