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I think they tried to build some sort of sympathy form the audience by lingering on the characters for so long, until the point where it was basically a case of

" show us the damn predators "

As for killing off Cuchillo, the dude only spoke like 5 times, he must have some good dirt on RR to be in every film hehe.

Personally the good outweighed the bad, and its a summer popcorn flick, but hey it would be boring if we all thought the same about it.

Hopefully the wide open door for a sequel is not ignored.

and Dan, boooooooooo for liking AVP more :p
It's all about the guy in the suit and a great costume I tell ya...

Amen. I mean afterall, it's a movie about a savage, biped lizard with rasta dreads that can turn invisible and has a nuke the size of a reader's digest on his arm. You can't get too nitpicky about the details of the films/story because that just takes away from the fun and reasons we like the Predator in the first place. It's all about the guy in the suit.
On that note, it also must be said that everyone is going to have different opinions on anything, including movies. We don't hate you because you were dissapointed :p
i actually went back to the cinema today to watch the film again because i wanted to watch it again without the weight of expectation on my shoulders and ...i enjoyed it!...i took what had been said and bloked the things that bothered me first off...(predators to short,yakuza falconer fight scene made the predator look like a lumbering yeti, predators again killed off to quickly, etc etc), and i enjoyed it! it's in my opinion a much better film than either AVP films, not as good as P1 or P2 but i dont think anything would ever be able to match those films especially the first.
hopefully a sequal will remedy the problems? remember it's antal's and rodrigues's first attempt at making predator films.
maybe someone should point them in the direction of the lair to pick up a few tips :p
Dan, I am extremely disappointed in your opinion of the film.

I think you need to take those tunneled, critical, angry eyes and look at the first film with them - One predator. The pacing is really slow. It's all about the humans. About a violent humanity. The same things you found wrong with this movie are in the first one - suggesting you give P1 a 1 out of 10.

Such as - Royce's tactic of the ring of fire. Works great. Hides your thermal scent. Just like....arnold putting mud on for P1. Actually, mud doesn't cover an IR trail but we won't go into this GIANT loophole.

What about the fact that you can't even CARRY an M134 minigun? It's impossible to shoot unless it's mounted on something. Hmmm...

Another problem of yours was human-predator time. C'mon, really? It's a monster movie. THe comics are for the guys that wanna delve into the Predator world. The films are for the intelligent themes, morals, and motifs that are derived from the story.

In fact, everything you slammed about PREDATORS is actually in the first film.

EDIT: Also, as for Laurence Fishburne being overweight... Depending on how long he's been there, he wouldn't be thin as a rail like everyone thinks. When the body goes into starvation mode, it hoards every piece of fat it can find. So if you can find food (ala the dogs or hunted alien spieces, predator table scraps) then you'll gain weight and not drastically lose it.

And as for everyone going (OMG 10 SEASONS THATS SO LONG) apeshit about how long he's been there, don't. The timescale was given in the film. As soon as the day that Royce and gang were inserted was over, the second season began. So it's a season a day. Then why is he so crazy? Imagine being stuck on an ALIEN ******* PLANET for 10 days, each day starting the race to survive again and again trying to outhink every creature you can imagine. Plus, he hoarded stuff... You think he just threw human bodies away? Nut uh. He'd eat them. C'mon.

I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin....
i actually went back to the cinema today to watch the film again because i wanted to watch it again without the weight of expectation on my shoulders and ...i enjoyed it!...

I would have to agree. I liked it much better the 2nd time around. There are layers to this film (especially the human predator aspect) that grow a bit more rich. I'm expecting the 3rd go 'round to be even better.

I gave it a 7/10 first viewing. After the 2nd time.... it jumped a point. Great film, IMO. What is important to all of us is not what the media or our peers say, but whether we were entertained and liked it ourselves. I loved it.
I've gotta wonder if some of you re-watched the original Predator with the same hyper-critical attitude how well it would fare. I mean, it was half awesome, half 80's beefcake one-liner cheese. I mean, parts of P1 are really, really not good.

Please don't ban me. :p
I've gotta wonder if some of you re-watched the original Predator with the same hyper-critical attitude how well it would fare. I mean, it was half awesome, half 80's beefcake one-liner cheese. I mean, parts of P1 are really, really not good.

Please don't ban me. :p

I agree. not meaning to be sacrilegious, but ***** would not be allowed in most Christian churches today.

Most of the same people criticizing this movie, will still watch it over and over again as one of their favs. It is human nature to want to put something down in order to be in control. Some are good critiques. Some are just people being people. However many people there are in this world, there are that many opinions. But the polls are out there, and most enthusiasts rate it either 7 or 8 out of 10. ...not bad ;)
The major problem with this movie is that they "rebooted" the original Predator movie, and I think a lot of people forget that. Rebooting means they are remaking the movie in the image of the original one. Not the same, but rather an updated, re-invented version. The idea wasn't to come up with a BRAND new movie, but to pay homage to the 1st while making it fresh and new.

Thats the problem with reboots...no one is every completely happy with them. Either there are too many things that are repetitious, or too little. Requiem and Predators BOTH pay homage to P1 and P2 and I think therein lies the problem...we need new material!!! We need new Predators that move like Predators, that we can see, that have new hunting weapons, that still remain the Predator creature. THAT is what I'd like to see in the next (if there ever is one) movie.

Personally I don't think it will ever happen, but I'm a pessimist. I think P1 and P2 were the **** and won't ever be topped. Try as they might, I'd prefer to see another fan-film like Batman Dead End, but with Terminator, or some other worthy opponent from the sci-fi genre.
Well in comparison we didn't see much of the P1 in the first movie until near the end. But when we DID see him it was fanfreakingtastic! Honestly...the Predators in the first and second movies (and Wolf in a brighter environment) will NEVER be seen until someone makes a point of recreating it.

It's all about the guy in the suit and a great costume I tell ya...

True dat - btw I just downloaded a cam torrent of the film, and you're right, it was one single blade. :p
PS - It's almost 5:00...you know what that means, right? Its dress up, and bitch raping time! LMAO!!!!

Best line in the movie XD

along with:

"You'r ass is awesome" and "No this is my winter residence, at summer I camp up at the reviera, the schools are so much nicer, and the boys - oh la la"
did anyone notice the pimple of the fleas ass in scene 24?. and how his character development did really give me the sense of being on a distant planet with no character arch
..no really?...wow i'm surprised no one has written about it for me it ties the movie together :p

i'm totally glad that it's getting positive reviews..this just means more in store for the future.

long live the predator!!!

Spoiler alert for a sequal???

"When Robert Rodriguez sat down in the mid-'90s to script the next installment in the 'Predator' franchise, he ended up laying out far more than just one movie. But with international box-office sales factored in, the movie has already earned back that production budget, so now the question is whether a second "Predators" film is in the cards. Antal is similarly open to returning to the "Predators" director's chair, though he's got another project lined up to write and direct at the moment. "I had a great time on this film," he said. "Robert gave me a chance to play with my childhood favorites, so it was a big deal and I'm really proud of the outcome. I'm really proud of this film. If 'Predators 2' was to come around, or 'Predators-es,' I'd jump at the opportunity."


How it ranks to the other movies, $ wise:

Predator: Overall: Production budget: $15 million; Opening weekend: $12 million; Overall: $98 million
Predator 2: Production budget: NA; $57 million; Overall: $57 million
AVP: Production budget: $60 million; opening weekend: $ 38.5 million; Overall: $172 million
AVPR: Production budget: NA; opening day: $9.5 million; Overall: $157 million
Predators: Production budget: $40 million; opening weekend: $23.5 million

A sequel...I can only hope!
i just feel that i have to add something to this discussion.

I agree with Moviescolin, a lot of what people are bashing in this (pacing, predator screen time etc) is what made the first movie. Obviously replicating the novelty and originality of the 1st is impossible, as we already know so much about the creature. But i really think that RR and Nimrod did a great job of trying to recapture this. I loved that we didn't see the preds until the big "reveal" scene after the camp fight. That was totally badassed to me.

I thought it was a hell of a lot better than any of the AVP movies and from a production standpoint was the best of any predator movie. P1 will always rule supreme for reasons mentioned above and will always be the bar for future predator movies.

And i also see several on here referring to these new predators as "bad-bloods". Can we please stop, we were directly told that they aren't some rogue band of psychopath predators. They are a different clan entirely, hence the different physical build. If they were a group of bad blood rogue types then who the hell dropped off the new guys at the end of the movie? And Nolan said that they always return in 3s with new weapons, tactics, armour etc and that some have been killed. There is obviously a clan backing this little hunting experiment and they aren't friendly towards the P1 style pred, lol.
They could very well be "Bad Blood" since they meet the criteria and are ******* bad ass. I'll keep calling them Bad Blood because it suits them
You know what a lot of it boils down to for me? It felt real. Everything felt real to me. There were very few moments (the UAV, some of the bugs) that rang false from a technical standpoint. But it felt REAL that they were there. The Preds track with technology. This world has roaches. Yeah. And like I said, the classic Pred, I really felt him. And don't even start me on the acting: I BELIEVED these guys.

So...that's why this movie rules for me. As a whole, it just came across as very authentic. In this world of Star Wars prequels, with CG sets and wooden acting, that's a pretty awesome treat.
Saw it yesterday and overall I though it was good. I loved the soundtrack and it took me back quite a bit. Wished the preds would have had more screen time though. As for the new predator desings, I liked them. I like to see characters re-invented,. I'm gonna try to see it again (I WANT TO GET A GOOD LOOK AT THAT CREATURE THAT WAS RUNNING BEHIND Topher (Edwin). I want to get a better look at it. Does any one have any pics.
Anyways, I recommend it and I' glad they took this route wih the film.

I've gotta wonder if some of you re-watched the original Predator with the same hyper-critical attitude how well it would fare. I mean, it was half awesome, half 80's beefcake one-liner cheese. I mean, parts of P1 are really, really not good.

Please don't ban me. :p

AMEN BROTHA!!! For all those who complain about casting... Arnie, Jessie and Apollo Creed... P2... Murtough and Busey... Why not just throw Riggs and there too. I'll always love P1, but I can't agree more... If I'd watched it back then with such a critcal attitude, it would be a one and done.

The upside is that at least we'll get another Pred movie... the audience at my theater (about 50/50 male/female) actually applauded, so it certainly appeals to the masses... so... more Pred movies, more chances to get it right (or at least maybe "right" by our standards).
The major problem with this movie is that they "rebooted" the original Predator movie, and I think a lot of people forget that. Rebooting means they are remaking the movie in the image of the original one. Not the same, but rather an updated, re-invented version. The idea wasn't to come up with a BRAND new movie, but to pay homage to the 1st while making it fresh and new.

I don't remember RR and Nimrod ever mentioning that it was a reboot. A reboot to the franchise maybe. I'm pretty sure they mentioned it as being a "true" sequel to the first movie, not a reboot. More in the vein of Aliens. So that doesn't mean we should forgive the fact that it was a bit of a retread.

I think it would have been brilliant if they hadn't spent so much time trying to remind us what was cool about the first movie and actually come up with something a bit different, at least int he first half of the flick.
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