Star Trek: Picard

I know one thing about this new show, Starfleet Command will have moved down from SF to Anaheim.

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I’m going to take this opportunity to spit in the punch bowl...


I went back and watched a few episodes of “Discovery” and reminded myself of who is creating the “Picard” series.

It doesn’t matter if Data, or 7, or Riker, etc. cameo. What matters is the material that they are given to perform within those cameos.

Give Picard, Data, 7, or Riker the season 2 “Discovery” finale to perform and it still would have been a disastrous mess.

Dangling a shiny object, like well-known actors and “nostalgia-feels”, in front on my face does not remove my lack of optimism. It will take an entire season of solid quality for the “Picard” series to change my attitude.

Like Red from “The Shawshank Redemption”, I want to hope...
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Different generation of writers. Different influences. It must really hard though given the competition of everything on television. So much over-saturation of everything. Where once there was a vacuum, now there's a mess.
...It must really hard though given the competition of everything on television. So much over-saturation of everything. Where once there was a vacuum, now there's a mess.

But quality programming still easily cuts through the noise.

It is a gift to be given a successful franchise with a built-in audience as the platform for a new show—an advantage that most shows do not have. All they have to do is deliver quality and the audience numbers (and money) will roll in. Given that task, I am at a loss as to why we don’t see the embarrassment of riches that is the prior quality Trek writers and show runners at the helm of this show. How hard would it be to bring in Ira Behr or Ronald Moore?
How hard would it be to bring in Ira Behr or Ronald Moore?

That was nice to hear. I agree completely. CBS can justify any answer saying they wanted a fresh start to a Star Trek series, and to do that they decided best to bring in new writers. However Alex Kurtzman brokered his titanic-deal to produce 4 new series and a film is impressive. I'd hate to think it was 100% due to JJ Abrams, but that's very likely.

Also, somewhat sickens me that according to IMDB, that Lower Decks series already has 2 seasons planned.

Like I said, there was a total vacuum and now it's being churned out in abundance and mediocrity.

One truth I believe, about all these new SciFi/Fantasy/Marvel movies, there's no coincidence they all look and feel like video games. They don't want cynical old-farts over 40 watching. They want to attract as many younger viewers as possible. The video game industry earned $130 Billion in 2018. New customers. That's what saddens me the most. I was looking through my collection of old Star Trek movie insignia pins and I began to tear up, as if thinking about an old mentor who passed away.
As much as I want to see these characters return, like many others here, I've been burned too many times to believe that they will save the franchise. It's actually much more likely that a diseased franchise will infect and ruin beloved characters.

I'll be very happy to be proven wrong, and VERY surprised. Until then my prediction is: just one more thing an UNcreative creative team can destroy in the search for more money.

Brent Spiner confirms he is not B4 and is, in fact, Data (sounds like he slipped in divulging that it is B4 that you see stored in the drawer). I assume that he is either a holodeck simulation, or a figment of Picard’s imagination due to suffering from Irumatic Syndrome, as some have speculated:

He also makes it sound like his role is fairly limited to a few appearances.
I know Brent is bored but I have to wonder how much money they threw at him for this.

Dorn has been wanting to glue that turtle head back on.

I hope he gets the chance

May as well throw him a bone and get involved in this........ :rolleyes:
Dorn has been wanting to glue that turtle head back on.

I hope he gets the chance

May as well throw him a bone and get involved in this........ :rolleyes:

Keeping his collection of planes up in the air is expensive so I assume that Dorn could use the work (jet fuel ain’t cheap, people), but, would they make Dorn glue on the “Kling-Orc” make-up vs. the classic Klingon make-up?

Could this be what the “STP” version of Worf will look like?

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I wish it all the best. I've accepted that I've 'grown so inflexible' that I just don't understand how Star Trek post-2009 is perceived by young audiences these days. I watch the new trailers and it all looks the same; well-shot with great CG, yet so average and indistinguishable from any other sci-fi production. I really hope the kids are watching the new stuff thinking 'wow, that's awesome'. I think about how obsessed I was with Star Trek as an 11 year old kid and I wonder if kids would still 'feel' it the same way me and my other 39 year old buddies did.
If kids are watching the new movies and Discovery and loving it, than I suppose that's a positive. Younger audiences aren't necessarily concerned with studio politics and who ripped who off. At least we know Star Trek isn't going to be forgotten.
Knowing Michael I don’t think he would go for that look!

The “Donna Reed hairstyle” would be as far as he would go.

Keeping his collection of planes up in the air is expensive so I assume that Dorn could use the work (jet fuel ain’t cheap, people), but, would they make Dorn glue on the “Kling-Ork” make-up vs. the classic Klingon make-up?

Could this be what the “STP” version of Worf will look like?

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